Frequently Asked Questions
How can I submit my research data?
As the implementation of the submission workflow for RDC datasets in the PsychArchives Submission Assistant (PASA) is currently still under development, please note the following instructions for submitting your research data to the RDC at ZPID. If you would like to know whether your data is suitable for publication in the RDC at ZPID, please… Read more
Which data management costs are funded?
Research data management is a very time-consuming and thus also cost-intensive task. In order to meet the increasing demands of funders and publishers for a transparent and comprehensible presentation of the entire research data process, researchers should therefore already consider the costs of research data management in the cost calculation of a project proposal. But… Read more
How to write a codebook?
Codebooks are an inevitable component of data documentation and data sharing in the social sciences. In general, they describe the contents, structure, and layout of a data collection. Core Components Variable name. The name of a variable should only consist of letters, integers and underscores. Note that programs differ on allowed length, symbols that are… Read more
Which information should be included in a data documentation?
Planning the documentation of research data generally means to decide about the metadata, i.e. data which help to give meaning to a data object, that need to be documented with regards to a given data collection process. Information about which metadata should be created can be received from different sources. On the one hand the… Read more
How to create a data management plan?
Writing a data management plan (DMP) can be a useful way to outline and document the intended research data management process. A DMP generally includes all information that adequately describes and documents the collection, processing, storage, archiving, and publication of research data as part of a research project.Typical sections of a data management plan, which… Read more