Bibliographic Information Creator: Hötting, Kirsten Contributor: Hötting, Kirsten; Rösler, Frank; Röder, Brigitte Funding: German Research Foundation; number Ro 1226/4-1, 4-2,…
Category: Cognitive Psychology
Voges et al. (2015). Effects of different visual environmental conditions on long term motor memory consolidation. Research data of an experiment following the saccadic adaptation paradigm.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Sprenger, Andreas Contributor: Voges, Caroline; Helmchen, Christoph; Heide, Wolfgang; Sprenger, Andreas Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) (SFB…
SanMiguel et al. (2014). Human Auditory Processing Relies on Preactivation of Sound-Specific Brain Activity Patterns. Research data from an EEG study.
Bibliographic Information Creator: SanMiguel, Iria; Widman, Andreas; Bendixen, Alexandra; Trujillo-Barreto, Nelson; Schröger, Erich Contributor: SanMiguel, Iria; Widman, Andreas; Bendixen, Alexandra;…
Weigand et al.(2021). Primary data on the study “Chronic pain is associated with reduced savoring of aesthetic experiences”.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Weigand, Rosalie; Moosmayer, Annika Nora; Jacobsen, Thomas Contributor: Weigand, Rosalie; Moosmayer, Annika Nora; Jacobsen, Thomas Funding: Title:…
Weigand et al. (2021). Primary data on “Looking at Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses: Dispositional Positive Affect is Related to the Intensity of Aesthetic Experiences”.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Weigand, Rosalie; Prüßing-Peters, Jan; Jacobsen, Thomas Contributor: Weigand, Rosalie; Prüßing-Peters, Jan; Jacobsen, Thomas Funding: Title: Primary data…
Petzold & Haubensak (2004). A comparison of magnitude estimations and category judgments. Primary data.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Petzold, Peter Contributor: Petzold, Peter; Haubensak, Gert Funding: German Research Foundation Title: A comparison of magnitude estimations…
Wolf et al. (2018). A mass-density model can account for the size-weight illusion. Research data of three experiments.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Wolf, Christian; Drewing, Knut Contributor: Wolf, Christian; Bergmann Tiest, Wouter M.; Drewing, Knut Funding: German Research Foundation…