Grund, Fries, & Senker (2022). Primary data from an experience-sampling study on the relationship between self-regulation and the everyday experience of students.

Bibliographic Information

Creator: Grund, A.; Fries, S.; Senker, K.

Contributor: Grund, A.; Fries, S.; Senker, K.

Funding: German Research Foundation

Title: Primary data from an experience-sampling study on the relationship between self-regulation and the everyday experience of students

Year of Publication: 2022

Citation: Grund, A., Fries, S., & Senker, K. (2022). Primärdaten einer Experience-Sampling Studie zu dem Zusammenhang von Selbstregulation und dem Alltagserleben Studierender [Files auf CD-ROM]. Trier: Psychologisches Datenarchiv PsychData des Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie ZPID. DOI: 10.5160/psychdata.gdal18pr18


This study is a continuation of the pre-study “Primary data Pre-Study Experience-Sampling 2017”. The aim of both studies was to relate various aspects of self-regulation to the everyday experience of students. The focus was on the construct complexes of mindfulness, self-control, affect and motivation. The special feature of both studies is that these constructs were operationalised at both trait and state level.

In contrast to the previous study, the present study includes a larger convenient sample of students (N = 109) from Bielefeld University who participated in a specific lecture (“Psychology for School” in Educational Sciences). In addition to experience sampling (ES) in the students’ everyday lives over a period of eight days, there was also event sampling within two lecture sessions at the beginning and end of the ES phase. In addition, there was an end-of-day questionnaire every evening during this phase in retrospect of the respective day.

The study structure was as follows: first, students were familiarised with the study procedure in small groups. In addition, the trait measurement of the different constructs (e.g. trait mindfulness and self-control) was done via self-report questionnaire and the study participants loaded an experience sampling (ES) software (LifeData) onto their private smartphones. They then provided information about their current experience and behaviour at five random times throughout the day over eight days (up to 40 measurements per person in total). Central constructs in the ES were momentary affect, mindfulness and motivational conflict experience.

Every evening (over eight days), they answered an end-of-day questionnaire by providing information on their current stress experience, achievement emotions and the amount of time spent studying and leisure time, among other things.

Within two lecture sessions, they also provided information on their experience and behaviour within these lectures at 3 measurement points each (beginning, middle and end of the respective session).

Subsequently, the study participants received monetary compensation of up to 40 Euros depending on their compliance with the ES and answered some of the trait questionnaires again to determine possible changes over time.

Initial publications showed, among other things, that mindfulness seems to positively influence the cognitive-emotional effects of motivational conflicts (Grund et al., 2021) and that mindfulness is associated with emotions that promote learning (Senker et al., 2021).

Due to the high expense of ES studies, additional constructs beyond the central constructs were measured at both trait and state level (e.g. trait well-being, achievement motive, study interest and motivational regulation levels).


1PARTICIPANTVP-CodeString "individual VP-Code"9999 "missing value: not specified"
2KF_ZAEHLERCounts up number of experience sampling questionnaires completed1-40 "number of completed experience sampling questionnaires"-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: variable was not asked at that time"
3VL_ZAEHLERCounts up number of completed lecture questionnaires1-6 "number of completed lecture questionnaires"-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: variable was not asked at that time"
4AF_ZAEHLERCounts up number of completed evening questionnaires1-8 "number of completed evening questionnaires"-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: variable was not asked at that time"
5DATEDate, Format MM/DD/YYYYString "Survey date"9999 "missing value: not specified"
6DAYWeekdayString "Weekday of the survey"9999 "missing value: not specified"
7TIMETime of the signalString "Time of the signal"9999 "missing value: not specified"
8SESSION_NAMEName of the questionnaireString "Experience-Sampling-Quastionnaire"9999 "missing value: not specified"
9RESPONDEDProcessing started1 "started"
0 "not started"
9 "missing value: not specified"
10COMPLETED_SESSIONQuestionnaire completed1 "completed"
0 "not completed"
9 "missing value: not specified"
11SESSION_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_LAPSEDelay until processingString "delay until questionnaires are processed in hh:mm:ss format"9999 "missing value: not specified"
12REMINDERS_DELIVEREDNumber of reminders sent (max. 1)0-1 "number of reminders sent"9 "missing value: not specified"
13KF_P01_VAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 011 "(very) satisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) dissatisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
14KF_P01_VA_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 01 reversed1 "(very) dissatisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) satisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
15KF_P02_PAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 021 "(very) energetic"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) low energy"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
16KF_P02_PA_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 02 reversed1 "(very) low energy"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) energetic"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
17KF_P03_NAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 031 "(very) stressed"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) relaxed"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
18KF_P03_NA_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 03 reversed1 "(very) relaxed"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) stressed"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
19KF_P04_PAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 041 "(very) tired"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) wide awake"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
20KF_P05_NAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 051 "(very) peaceful"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) upset"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
21KF_P06_VAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 061 "(very) unhappy"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) happy"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
22KF_P07_PAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 071 "(very) listless"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) highly motivated"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
23KF_P08_NAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 081 "(very) calm"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) nervous"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
24KF_P09_PAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 091 "(very) enthusiastic"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) bored"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
25KF_P09_PA_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 09 reversed1 "(very) bored"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) enthusiastic"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
26KF_P10_NAExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 101 "(very) concerned"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) carefree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
27KF_P10_NA_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 10 reversed1 "(very) carefree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "undecided"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) concerned"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
28KF_AKTIVITAET_1Experience sampling questionnaire Activity1 "Leisure time"
2 "Study"
3 "Work/part-time job/internship"
4 "Everyday routines and obligations"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
29KF_FREIZEIT_2Experience sampling questionnaire leisure time more precise1 "Social contacts (chatting, friends, family)"
2 "Media (watching TV, reading, listening to music, cell phone, computer)"
3 "Resting, 'doing nothing'"
4 "Sports, exercise"
5 "Hobbies and interests"
6 "Activities, celebrations"
7 "Other"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
30KF_STUDIUM_2Experience sampling questionnaire study more precise1 "Preparation/review, work on exercises/assignments, prepare presentation"
2 "Read texts"
3 "Write something (e.g. final paper/homework, report)"
4 "Attending an event"
5 "Studying (for an exam)"
6 "Other"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
31KF_ROUTINEN_2Experience sampling questionnaire Routines more precise1 "Housework, household"
2 "Personal hygiene"
3 "Eating, drinking"
4 "Sleeping"
5 "Errands, authorities, doctor"
6 "Getting around (e.g., train travel)"
7 "Other"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
32KF_SDT_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Motivational Regulation Levels Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
33KF_SDT_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Motivational Regulation Levels Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
34KF_SDT_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Motivational Regulation Levels Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
35KF_SDT_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Motivational Regulation Levels Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
36KF_PRESENCE_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
37KF_PRESENCE_1_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 1 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
38KF_PRESENCE_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
39KF_PRESENCE_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
40KF_PRESENCE_3_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 3 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
41KF_PRESENCE_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
42KF_EQUI_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
43KF_EQUI_1_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 1 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
44KF_EQUI_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
45KF_EQUI_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
46KF_EQUI_3_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 3 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
47KF_EQUI_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
48KF_SK_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
49KF_SK_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
50KF_SK_2_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 2 reversed1 "Strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
51KF_SK_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
52KF_SK_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
53KF_SK_4_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 4 reversed1 "Strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
54KF_SK_5Experience Sampling Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition Item 51 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
55KF_WOLLENExperience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict experience Item Want1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strongly"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
56KF_SOLLENExperience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict experience Item Shall1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strongly"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
57KF_FILLER_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
58KF_FILLER_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
59KF_FILLER_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
60KF_FILLER_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
61KF_FILLER_5Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 51 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
62KF_FILLER_6Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 61 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
63KF_FILLER_7Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 71 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
64KF_FILLER_8Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 81 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
65KF_FILLER_9Experience Sampling Questionnaire Filler-Item 91 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
66KF_KONFLIKT_1Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
67KF_KONFLIKT_2Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
68KF_KONFLIKT_3Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
69KF_KONFLIKT_4Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
70KF_KONFLIKT_5Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 51 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
71KF_KONFLIKT_5_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 5 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
72KF_KONFLIKT_6Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 61 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
73KF_KONFLIKT_7Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 71 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
74KF_KONFLIKT_7_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 7 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
75KF_KONFLIKT_8Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 81 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
76KF_KONFLIKT_9Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 91 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
77KF_KONFLIKT_9_RExperience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict reactivity Item 9 reversed1 "strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
78VL_CODELecture Questionnaire Code for Attendance Check161117 "Attendance check code for a particular lecture"
250779 "Attendance check code for a particular lecture"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
79VL_ABWESEND_1Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 10 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
80VL_ABWESEND_2Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 20 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
81VL_ABWESEND_3Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 30 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
82VL_ABWESEND_4Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 40 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
83VL_ABWESEND_5Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 50 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
84VL_ABWESEND_6Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 60 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
85VL_ABWESEND_7Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 70 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
86VL_ABWESEND_8Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 80 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
87VL_ABWESEND_9Lecture questionnaire Reasons for possible absence from the lecture Item 90 "not selected"
1 "selected"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
88VL_ANWESENDLecture Questionnaire Attendance1 "Present"
2 "Absent"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
89VL_PA_1Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 11 "(very) satisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) dissatisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
90VL_PA_1_RLecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 1 reversed1 "(very) dissatisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) satisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
91VL_PA_2Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 21 "(very) energetic"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) low energy"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
92VL_PA_2_RLecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 2 reversed1 "(very) low energy"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) energetic"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
93VL_PA_3Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 31 "(very) stressed"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) relaxed"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
94VL_PA_3_RLecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 3 reversed1 "(very) relaxed"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) stressed"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
95VL_PA_4Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 41 "(very) tired"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "wide awake (very)"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
96VL_PA_5Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 51 "(very) peaceful"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) upset"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
97VL_PA_6Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 61 "(very) unhappy"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) happy"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
98VL_PA_7Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 71 "(very) listless"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "highly motivated (very)"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
99VL_PA_8Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 81 "(very) calm"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) nervous"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
100VL_PA_9Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 91 "(very) enthusiastic"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) bored"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
101VL_PA_9_RLecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 9 reversed1 "(very) bored"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) enthusiastic"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
102VL_PA_10Lecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 101 "(very) worried"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) carefree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
103VL_PA_10_RLecture Questionnaire Affect in the lecture (PANAVA) Item 10 reversed1 "(very) worried"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "(very) carefree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
104VL_MND_1Lecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
105VL_MND_2Lecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
106VL_MND_2_RLecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 2 reversed1 "Strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
107VL_MND_3Lecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
108VL_MND_3_RLecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 3 reversed1 "Strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
109VL_MND_4Lecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
110VL_MND_5Lecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 51 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
111VL_MND_5_RLecture Questionnaire Mindfulness in the lecture (own construction, cf. Senker et al., 2021) Item 5 reversed1 "Strongly agree"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
112VL_SK_1Lecture Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition in the lecture (vgl. Grund & Carstens, 2019) Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
113VL_SK_2Lecture Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition in the lecture (vgl. Grund & Carstens, 2019) Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
114VL_SK_3Lecture Questionnaire Self-control as inhibition in the lecture (vgl. Grund & Carstens, 2019) Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
115VL_ERL_1Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
116VL_ERL_2Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
117VL_ERL_3Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
118VL_ERL_4Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 41 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
119VL_ERL_5Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 51 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
120VL_ERL_6Lecture Questionnaire Learning experience in the lecture (self-construction) Item 61 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
121VL_WOLLENLecture Questionnaire Motivational conflict experience in the lecture (cf. Grund et al., 2015)Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
122VL_SOLLENLecture Questionnaire Motivational conflict experience in the lecture (cf. Grund et al., 2015)Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
123VL_AKT_1Lecture Questionnaire Current exhaustion and prospective performance emotions (self-construction) Item 11 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
124VL_AKT_2Lecture Questionnaire Current exhaustion and prospective performance emotions (self-construction) Item 21 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
125VL_AKT_3Lecture Questionnaire Current exhaustion and prospective performance emotions (self-construction) Item 31 "Does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
126AF_ZEIT_STUDIEvening Questionnaire Learning time0-13 "Number of hours used for study"-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
127AF_ZEIT_S_ANGEvening Questionnaire Satisfaction with learning time1 "much to little time"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "just the right amount of time"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "far too much time"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
128AF_ZEIT_PROKREvening Questionnaire Academic goal attainment1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 "completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
129AF_ZEIT_FREIZEvening questionnaire Leisure time0-15 "Number of hours spent on leisure activities"-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
130AF_ZEIT_F_ANGEvening questionnaire Satisfaction with leisure time1 "much to little time"
2 ""
3 ""
4 "just the right amount of time"
5 ""
6 ""
7 "far too much time"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
131AF_ZEIT_ZUFRIEEvening questionnaire Satisfaction time management1 "very dissatisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very satisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
132AF_EMO_ZUFRIEEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Satisfaction.1 "very dissatisfied"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very satisfied"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
133AF_EMO_GLUECKEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Happiness.1 "very unhappy"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very happy"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
134AF_EMO_STOLZEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Pride.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
135AF_EMO_BESCHAEMEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Shame.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
136AF_EMO_SCHULDEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Guilt.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
137AF_EMO_VERAERGEvening questionnaire emotional experience anger1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
138AF_EMO_BESORGEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Worry.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
139AF_EMO_ZUVERSEvening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Confidence.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing design"
140AF_STRESS_1Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 01.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
141AF_STRESS_2Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
142AF_STRESS_2_REvening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02 reversed polarity.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
143AF_STRESS_3Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
144AF_STRESS_3_REvening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03 reversed polarity.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
145AF_STRESS_4Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 04.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
146AF_CONGR_1Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
147AF_CONGR_1_REvening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1 reversed polarity.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
148AF_CONGR_2Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
149AF_CONGR_2_REvening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2 reversed polarity.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
150AF_CONGR_3Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 3.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
151AF_STUDBEL1Evening Questionnaire Study Load Item SZ: RAN02.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "fully"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
152AF_STUDBEL2Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG11.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "fully"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
153AF_STUDBEL3Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG01.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "fully"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
154AF_SC_ABEND1Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 1.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
155AF_SC_ABEND2Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 2.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
156AF_SC_ABEND2_REvening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 2 reversed polarity.1 "very strong"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "not at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
157AF_SC_ABEND3Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 3.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
158AF_SC_ABEND3_REvening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 3 reversed polarity.1 "very strong"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "not at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
159AF_SC_ABEND4Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 4.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
160AF_SC_ABEND4_REvening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 4 reversed polarity.1 "very strong"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "not at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
161AF_SC_ABEND5Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 5.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
162AF_SC_ABEND6Evening Questionnaire Self-compassion Item 6.1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
163AF_SC_ABENDAbendfragebogen Self-compassion scale mean1 "not at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "very strong"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at that time"
-99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design"
164AF_AKTUELL_ERSCHOEPFTEvening questionnaire current condition exhausted1 "does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer was missing due to design"
165AF_AKTUELL_LEISTUNGSFAEHIGEvening questionnaire current condition efficient1 "does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
166AF_AKTUELL_OPTIMISTISCHEvening questionnaire current state of optimism1 "does not apply at all"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 "strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
167AF_VORHABENEvening questionnaire Inquiry intentions in the evening Item 1.1 "yes"
2 "no"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
168AF_VORHABEN_GENAUEREvening questionnaire Inquiry project in the evening Item 2.1 "Leisure time"
2 "Study"
3 "Work/part-time job/internship"
4 "Everyday routines and obligations"
5 "other"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
-88 "missing value: was not asked at the time"
-99 "missing value: answer missing due to design"
169C_GESCHLECHTPre-trait questionnaires gender1 "male"
2 "female"
9 "missing value: unspecified"
170C_ALTERPre-trait questionnaires age19-38 "age in years"999 "missing value: unspecified"
171C_STUDIENFACHPre-trait questionnaires subject of studystring "field of study"9999 "missing value: not specified"
172C_SEMESTERANZAHLPre-trait questionnaires total number of semesters2-14 "total semester count"9999 "missing value: unspecified"
173C_ABSCHLUSSPre-trait questionnaires degree sought.1 "Bachelor's"
2 "Master"
3 "State Examination"
4 "diploma"
9 "missing value: not specified"
174C_LERNEMO1Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
175C_LERNEMO2Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related enjoyment Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
176C_LERNEMO3Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
177C_LERNEMO4Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
178C_LERNEMO5Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
179C_LERNEMO6Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
180C_LERNEMO7Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 04.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
181C_LERNEMO8Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
182C_LERNEMO9Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hopelessness Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
183C_MAAS01Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
184C_MAAS02Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 02.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
185C_MAAS03Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
186C_MAAS04Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
187C_MAAS05Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 05.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
188C_MAAS06Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 06.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
189C_MAAS07Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
190C_MAAS08Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
191C_MAAS09Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 09.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
192C_MAAS10Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
193C_MAAS11Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
194C_MAAS12Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
195C_MAAS13Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
196C_MAAS14Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
197C_MAAS15Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
198C_MAAS01_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 01 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
199C_MAAS02_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 02 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
200C_MAAS03_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
201C_MAAS04_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 04 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
202C_MAAS05_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
203C_MAAS06_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
204C_MAAS07_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
205C_MAAS08_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
206C_MAAS09_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 09 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
207C_MAAS10_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
208C_MAAS11_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
209C_MAAS12_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
210C_MAAS13_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
211C_MAAS14_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
212C_MAAS15_RPre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
213C_KIMS01Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
214C_KIMS02Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
215C_KIMS03Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
216C_KIMS04Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
217C_KIMS05Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
218C_KIMS06Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
219C_KIMS07Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
220C_KIMS08Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
221C_KIMS09Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
222C_KIMS01_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
223C_KIMS02_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
224C_KIMS03_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
225C_KIMS04_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 04 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
226C_KIMS05_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 05 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
227C_KIMS06_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
228C_KIMS07_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 07 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
229C_KIMS08_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 08 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
230C_KIMS09_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 09 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
231C_KIMS11Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 11 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
232C_KIMS11_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 1 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
233C_KIMS12Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 21 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
234C_KIMS13Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 31 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
235C_KIMS13_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 3 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
236C_KIMS14Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 41 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
237C_KIMS15Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 51 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
238C_KIMS16Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 61 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
239C_KIMS16_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 6 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
240C_KIMS17Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 71 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
241C_KIMS17_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 7 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
242C_KIMS18Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 81 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
243C_KIMS18_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 8 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
244C_KIMS19Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 91 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
245C_KIMS19_RPre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 9 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
246C_KIMS20Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 101 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
247C_SC01Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 011 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
248C_SC02Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 021 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
249C_SC03Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 031 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
250C_SC04Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 041 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
251C_SC05Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 051 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
252C_SC06Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 061 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
253C_SC07Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 071 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
254C_SC08Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 081 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
255C_SC09Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 091 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
256C_SC10Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 101 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
257C_SC11Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 111 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
258C_SC12Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 121 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
259C_SC13Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 131 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
260C_SC14Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 141 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
261C_SC15Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 151 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
262C_SC16Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 161 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
263C_SC17Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 171 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
264C_SC18Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 181 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
265C_SC19Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 191 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
266C_SC20Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 201 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
267C_SC21Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 211 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
268C_SC22Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 221 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
269C_SC23Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 231 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
270C_SC24Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 241 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
271C_SC25Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 251 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
272C_SC26Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 261 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
273C_SK01Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
274C_SK02Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
275C_SK02_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 02 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
276C_SK03Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 031 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
277C_SK03_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 03 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
278C_SK04Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 041 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
279C_SK04_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 04 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
280C_SK05Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 051 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
281C_SK05_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 05 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
282C_SK06Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 061 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
283C_SK06_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 06 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
284C_SK07Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 071 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
285C_SK07_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 07 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
286C_SK08Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 081 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
287C_SK08_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 08 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
288C_SK09Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 091 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
289C_SK10Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 101 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
290C_SK10_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 10 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
291C_SK11Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
292C_SK11_RPre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 11 reversed1 "applies completely"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "rather does not apply"
5 "largely does not apply"
6 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
293C_SK12Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 121 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
294C_SK13Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
295C_AMS01Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 051 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
296C_AMS02Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 031 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
297C_AMS03Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 081 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
298C_AMS04Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 101 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
299C_AMS05Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 141 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
300C_AMS06Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 171 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
301C_AMS07Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 211 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
302C_AMS08Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 221 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
303C_AMS09Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 261 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
304C_AMS10Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 281 "strongly disagree"
2 "rather disagree"
3 "rather agree"
4 "completely agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
305C_LZ_AKTUELL1Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
306C_LZ_AKTUELL2Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
307C_LZ_AKTUELL3Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 031 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
308C_LZ_AKTUELL4Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 041 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
309C_PANAS01Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 011 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
310C_PANAS02Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 031 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
311C_PANAS03Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 041 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
312C_PANAS04Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 061 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
313C_PANAS05Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 101 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
314C_PANAS06Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 111 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
315C_PANAS07Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 131 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
316C_PANAS08Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 151 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
317C_PANAS09Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 171 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
318C_PANAS10Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 181 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
319C_PANAS11Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 021 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
320C_PANAS12Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 051 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
321C_PANAS13Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 071 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
322C_PANAS14Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 081 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
323C_PANAS15Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 091 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
324C_PANAS16Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 121 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
325C_PANAS17Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 141 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
326C_PANAS18Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 161 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
327C_PANAS19Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 191 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
328C_PANAS20Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 201 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
329C_STUDZU01Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item INH051 "Does not apply at all"
2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu"
3 "trifft eher nicht zu"
4 "weder noch"
5 "trifft eher zu"
6 "trifft weitgehend zu"
7 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
330C_STUDBEL01Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
331C_STUDZU02Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
332C_STUDBEL02Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
333C_STUDZU03Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item LVG101 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
334C_STUDBEL03Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
335C_STUDZU04Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG071 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
336C_STUDMOTEXT01Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
337C_STUDMOTEXT02Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
338C_STUDMOTEXT03Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
339C_STUDMOTEXT04Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely not true"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
340C_PR_SI_01Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 121 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
341C_PR_SI_02Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 31 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
342C_PR_SI_03Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 161 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
343C_PR_SI_03_RPre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 16 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
344C_PR_SI_04Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 51 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
345C_PR_SI_04_RPre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 5 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
346C_PR_SI_05Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 181 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
347C_PR_SI_05_RPre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 18 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
348C_PR_SI_06Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 61 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
349C_PR_SI_07Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 81 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
350C_PR_SI_08Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
351C_PR_SI_08_RPre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 11 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
352C_PR_SI_09Pre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
353C_PR_SI_09_RPre-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 13 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
354C_LEISTUNGPre-trait questionnaires Query self-assessed study performance1 "below average"
2 ""
3 "average"
4 ""
5 "above average"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
355C_ABINOTEPre-trait questionnaires Query self-assessed final grade1,3-3,4 "self-assessed final grade"-77 "missing value: not specified"
356C_SOZERW1Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
357C_SOZERW2Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
358C_SOZERW2_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 02 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
359C_SOZERW3Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 031 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
360C_SOZERW4Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 031 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
361C_SOZERW4_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 04 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
362C_SOZERW5Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 051 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
363C_SOZERW5_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 05 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
364C_SOZERW6Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 061 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
365C_SOZERW7Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 071 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
366C_SOZERW7_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 07 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
367C_SOZERW8Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 081 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
368C_SOZERW9Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 091 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
369C_SOZERW9_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 09 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
370C_SOZERW10Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 101 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
371C_SOZERW10_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 10 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
372C_SOZERW11Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
373C_SOZERW11_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 11 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
374C_SOZERW12Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 121 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
375C_SOZERW12_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 12 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
376C_SOZERW13Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
377C_SOZERW14Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 141 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
378C_SOZERW14_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 14 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
379C_SOZERW15Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 151 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
380C_SOZERW15_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 15 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
381C_SOZERW16Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 161 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
382C_SOZERW17Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 171 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
383C_SOZERW17_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 17 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
384C_SOZERW18Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 181 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
385C_SOZERW18_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 18 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
386C_SOZERW19Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 191 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
387C_SOZERW20Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 201 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
388C_SOZERW20_RPre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 20 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: not specified"
389C_DATETIMEPre-trait-questionnaires Datetime of survey startString "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"9999 "missing value: not specified"
390D_LERNEMO1Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
391D_LERNEMO2Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related enjoyment Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
392D_LERNEMO3Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
393D_LERNEMO4Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
394D_LERNEMO5Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
395D_LERNEMO6Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
396D_LERNEMO7Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 04.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
397D_LERNEMO8Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
398D_LERNEMO9Post-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hopelessness Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "rather applies"
5 "largely applies"
6 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
399D_MAAS01Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
400D_MAAS02Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 02.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
401D_MAAS03Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
402D_MAAS04Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
403D_MAAS05Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 05.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
404D_MAAS06Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 06.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
405D_MAAS07Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
406D_MAAS08Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
407D_MAAS09Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 09.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
408D_MAAS10Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
409D_MAAS11Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
410D_MAAS12Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
411D_MAAS13Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
412D_MAAS14Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
413D_MAAS15Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
414D_MAAS01_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 01 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
415D_MAAS02_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 02 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
416D_MAAS03_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
417D_MAAS04_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 04 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
418D_MAAS05_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
419D_MAAS06_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
420D_MAAS07_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
421D_MAAS08_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
422D_MAAS09_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 09 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
423D_MAAS10_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
424D_MAAS11_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
425D_MAAS12_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
426D_MAAS13_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
427D_MAAS14_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
428D_MAAS15_RPost-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather oftem"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
429D_KIMS01Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
430D_KIMS02Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
431D_KIMS03Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
432D_KIMS04Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
433D_KIMS05Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
434D_KIMS06Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
435D_KIMS07Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
436D_KIMS08Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
437D_KIMS09Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09.1 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
438D_KIMS01_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
439D_KIMS02_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
440D_KIMS03_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
441D_KIMS04_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 04 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
442D_KIMS05_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 05 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
443D_KIMS06_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
444D_KIMS07_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 07 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
445D_KIMS08_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 08 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
446D_KIMS09_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 09 reversed polarity.1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
447D_KIMS11Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 11 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
448D_KIMS11_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 1 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
449D_KIMS12Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 21 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
450D_KIMS13Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 31 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
451D_KIMS13_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 3 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
452D_KIMS14Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 41 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
453D_KIMS15Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 51 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
454D_KIMS16Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 61 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
455D_KIMS16_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 6 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
456D_KIMS17Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 71 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
457D_KIMS17_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 7 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
458D_KIMS18Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 81 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
459D_KIMS18_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 8 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
460D_KIMS19Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 91 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
461D_KIMS19_RPost-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 9 reversed1 "(almost) always"
2 "frequently"
3 "rather often"
4 "rather seldom"
5 "rarely"
6 "(almost) never"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
462D_KIMS20Post-trait questionnaires KIMS ('Acting with awareness') Present orientation Item 101 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
463D_SC01Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 011 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
464D_SC02Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 021 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
465D_SC03Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 031 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
466D_SC04Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 041 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
467D_SC05Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 051 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
468D_SC06Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 061 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
469D_SC07Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 071 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
470D_SC08Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 081 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
471D_SC09Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 091 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
472D_SC10Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 101 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
473D_SC11Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 111 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
474D_SC12Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 121 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
475D_SC13Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 131 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
476D_SC14Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 141 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
477D_SC15Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 151 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
478D_SC16Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 161 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
479D_SC17Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 171 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
480D_SC18Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 181 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
481D_SC19Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 191 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
482D_SC20Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 201 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
483D_SC21Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 211 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
484D_SC22Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 221 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
485D_SC23Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 231 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
486D_SC24Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 241 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
487D_SC25Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 251 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
488D_SC26Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 261 "(almost) never"
2 "rarely"
3 "rather seldom"
4 "rather often"
5 "frequently"
6 "(almost) always"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
489D_LZ_AKTUELL1Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
490D_LZ_AKTUELL2Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
491D_LZ_AKTUELL3Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 031 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
492D_LZ_AKTUELL4Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 041 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither/nor"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "applies completely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
493D_PANAS01Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 011 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
494D_PANAS02Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 031 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
495D_PANAS03Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 041 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
496D_PANAS04Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 061 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
497D_PANAS05Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 101 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
498D_PANAS06Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 111 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
499D_PANAS07Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 131 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
500D_PANAS08Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 151 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
501D_PANAS09Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 171 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
502D_PANAS10Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 181 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
503D_PANAS11Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 021 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
504D_PANAS12Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 051 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
505D_PANAS13Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 071 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
506D_PANAS14Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 081 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
507D_PANAS15Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 091 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
508D_PANAS16Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 121 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
509D_PANAS17Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 141 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
510D_PANAS18Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 161 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
511D_PANAS19Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 191 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
512D_PANAS20Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 201 "not at all"
2 "a little"
3 "to some extent"
4 "considerably"
5 "extremely"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
513D_STUDZU01Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item INH051 "Does not apply at all"
2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu"
3 "trifft eher nicht zu"
4 "weder noch"
5 "trifft eher zu"
6 "trifft weitgehend zu"
7 "Strongly agree"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
514D_STUDBEL01Post-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN021 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
515D_STUDZU02Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
516D_STUDBEL02Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
517D_STUDZU03Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item LVG101 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
518D_STUDBEL03Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG011 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
519D_STUDZU04Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG071 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
520D_STUDMOTEXT01Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
521D_STUDMOTEXT02Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
522D_STUDMOTEXT03Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
523D_STUDMOTEXT04Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04.1 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely not true"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 "neither"
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
524D_PR_SI_01Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 121 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
525D_PR_SI_02Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 31 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
526D_PR_SI_03Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 161 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
527D_PR_SI_03_RPost-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 16 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
528D_PR_SI_04Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 51 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
529D_PR_SI_04_RPost-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 5 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
530D_PR_SI_05Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 181 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
531D_PR_SI_05_RPost-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 18 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
532D_PR_SI_06Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 61 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
533D_PR_SI_07Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 81 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
534D_PR_SI_08Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 111 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
535D_PR_SI_08_RPost-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 11 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
536D_PR_SI_09Post-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 131 "does not apply at all"
2 "largely does not apply"
3 "rather does not apply"
4 ""
5 "rather applies"
6 "largely applies"
7 "completely applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
537D_PR_SI_09_RPost-trait questionnaires Interest in studies (FSI, Krapp et al., 1993) FSI 13 reversed1 "completely applies"
2 "largely applies"
3 "rather applies"
4 ""
5 "rather does not apply"
6 "largely does not apply"
7 "does not apply at all"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
538D_REPRAESENTATIVPost-trait questionnaires Survey information Representativeness.1 "does not apply"
2 "somewhat disagrees"
3 "tends to agree"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
539D_GEWISSHAFTPost-trait questionnaires survey information conscientious processing.1 "does not apply"
2 "rather does not apply"
3 "tends to agree"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
540D_EINFL_GEDPost-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on thoughts.1 "does not apply"
2 "tends not to apply"
3 "tends to apply"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
541D_EINFL_VERHPost-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on behavior.1 "does not apply"
2 "tends not to apply"
3 "tends to agree"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
542D_NICHTBEANTWPost-trait questionnaires survey information complete response.1 "does not apply"
2 "rather does not apply"
3 "tends to apply"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
543D_MED_ERFAHRUNGPost-trait questionnaires Survey information Meditation experience.1 "does not apply"
2 "tends not to apply"
3 "tends to agree"
4 "applies"
-77 "missing value: missed / response or participation cancelled"
544DATETIMEPost-trait questionnaires implementation date.string "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"-77 "missing value: unspecified"

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses: Overall, we assumed that mindfulness, due to various mechanisms, shows beneficialeffects on both the experiential and behavioural level. This should be demonstrable both atthe “between-” and “within-person” level.

Research Design: Fully standardised survey instrument (provides question formulation and answeroptions); repeated measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

Where possible, we have used validated instruments for operationalisation. This appliesin particular to the trait measurements. For the state measurements of mindfulness, wedeveloped (Senker et al., 2020) and improved our own items on the basis of the relevantliterature, each with four statements covering two central aspects of mindfulness,present orientation or “presence” and acceptance without evaluation or “equanimity”,analogous to the trait level, whereby the content validity of both facets of statemindfulness was particularly important to us, as well as the possibility of calculatingvarious quality criteria of measurement accuracy. In this sense, the present study was acontinuation of the “pre-study” mentioned above.

Specifically, the subjects were asked to comment on statements such as “I was able toconcentrate fully on the present moment.” (KF_Presence_2) or “I wished I had otherthoughts/feelings.” (“KF_Equi_3”) with reference to their current experience andbehaviour (or their experience and behaviour before the ES signal reached them) (cf.Grund et al., 2021; Senker et al., 2020).

Data Collection Method:

Survey in the presence of an investigator

  • group setting
  • computer-based
  • special apparatus or measuring instruments, namely:
    Trait questionnaires: Unipark

Survey in the absence of an investigator

  • Other method, namely: Experience sampling: LifeData software (on the private
    smartphones of the study participants), i.e. online, without the presence of an

Population: Studierende der Vorlesung “Psychologie für die Schule” an der Universität Bielefeld

Survey Time Period:

Intensive longituidinal design (cf. Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013); up to 54 measurement
time points nested within individuals

Sample: Convenience Sample

Gender Distribution:

85,0% weibliche Probanden
15,0% männliche Probanden

Age Distribution: 19 bis 42 Jahre

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/East Westphalia/-

Subject Recruitment:

Potential test subjects were recruited at the beginning of the lecture “Psychology for
School” in the winter semester 2017/2018 at Bielefeld University.

The central criterion was to attend the specific lecture as actively as possible at the time
of the study, to speak German fluently and to complete as many measurement time
points as possible.

Sample Size: 105 – 107 participants

Return/DropOut: 109 people had registered for the study and completed the pre-measurements. Two
people had to be excluded due to technical problems with the experience sampling.
Two other people did not take part in the post-measurement (= complete postmeasurements
of 105 people).


Publications Directly Related to the Dataset
Publications Directly Related to the Dataset
Grund, A. Senker, K., Dietrich, J., Fries, S., & Galla, B. M. (2021). The comprehensive mindfulness experience: A typological approach to the potential benefits of mindfulness for dealing with motivational conflicts. Motivation Science. Online First Publication.
Senker, K., Fries, S., Dietrich, J., & Grund, A. (2021). Mindfulness and academic emotions: A field study during a lecture. Learning and Individual Differences, 92, 102079.
Utilized Test Methods
Utilized Test Methods
Allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit (TFSF): Trautwein, U. (2004). Die temporalen Facetten der Lebenszufriedenheit: Eine deutsche Adaptation der Skalavon Pavot, Dienerund Suh (1998). Diagnostica, 50, 182-192.
Leistungsmotive (AMS): Lang, J. & Fries, S. (2006). A Revised 10-Item Version of the Achievement Motives Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22(3), 216–224. DOI 10.1027/1015-5759.22.3.216.
Lernemotionen (AEQ): Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Frenzel, A. C., Barchfeld, P., & Perry, R. P. (2011). Measuring emotions in students' learning and performance: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36(1), 36–48.
Motivationales Konflikterleben: Grund, A., Grunschel, C., Bruhn, D. & Fries, S. (2015). Torn between want and should: An experience-sampling study on motivational conflict, well-being, self-control, and mindfulness. Motivation and Emotion, 39, 506–520. doi: 10.1007/s11031-015-9476-z
Positive und negative Aktivierung (PANAVA): Schallberger, U. (2005). Kurzskalen zur Erfassung der Positiven Aktivierung, Negativen
Aktivierung und Valenz in Experience Sampling Studien (PANAVA-KS). Research reports from the project "Quality of experience inwork and leisure", 6. Zürich: Psychologisches Institut der Universität Zürich.
Selbstkontrolle (SCS-K-D): Bertrams, A., & Dickhäuser, O. (2009). Messung dispositioneller Selbstkontroll-Kapazität. Diagnostica, 55(1), 2–10.
Selbstkontrolle als Inhibition: Grund, A., & Carstens, C. (2019). Self-control motivationally reconsidered: “Acting” self-controlled is different from “being good” at self-control. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 63–81. doi: 10.1007/s11031-018-9721-3
Selbstmitgefühl (SCS): Hupfeld, J., & Ruffieux, N. (2011). Validierung einer deutschen Version der Self-Compassion Scale (SCS-D). Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 40(2), 115–123.
Soziale Erwünschheit (BIDR): Musch, J., Brockhaus, R., & Bröder, A. (2002). Ein Inventar zur Erfassung von zwei Faktoren sozialer Erwünschtheit. Diagnostica, 48(3), 121–129.
Stress (PSS-4): Warttig, S. L., Forshaw, M. J., South, J., & White, A. K. (2013). New, normative, English-sample data for the Short Form Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4). Journal of Health Psychology, 18(12), 1617–1628.
Studieninteresse (PR_SI): FSI: Krapp, A., Schiefele, U., Wild, K. P., and Winteler, A. (1993). Der Fragebogen zum Studieninteresse (FSI) [Study Interest Questionnaire (FSI)]. Diagnostica 39, 335–351.
Affektives Wohlbefinden (PANAS:) Krohne, H. W., Egloff, B., Kohlmann, C.-W., & Tausch, A. (1996). Untersuchungen mit einer deutschen Version der „Positive and Negative Affect Schedule“ (PANAS). [Investigations with a German version of the PANAS]. Diagnostica, 42, 139–156.
Studienzufriedenheit & Studienbelastung (StuZu & StuBel): Westermann, R., Heise, E., Spies, K. & Trautwein, U. (1996). Identifikation und Erfassung von Komponenten der Studienzufriedenheit. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 43, 1–22.
Achtsamkeit (KIMS): Ströhle, G., Nachtigall, C., Michalak, J., & Heidenreich, T. (2010). Die Erfassung von Achtsamkeit als mehrdimensionales Konstrukt. Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 39(1), 1–12.
Achtsamkeit (MAAS): Michalak, J., Heidenreich, T., Ströhle, G., & Nachtigall, C. (2008). Die deutsche Version der Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) Psychometrische Befunde zu einem Achtsamkeitsfragebogen. Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 37(3), 200–208.
Achtsamkeit (State): Senker, K., Fries, S., & Grund, A. (2020). Mindfulness in everyday life: between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-020-00760-x
Further Reading
Further Reading
Senker, K., Fries, S., & Grund, A. (2020). Mindfulness in everyday life: between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-020-00760-x
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