How can I submit my research data

As the implementation of the submission workflow for RDC datasets in the PsychArchives Submission Assistant (PASA) is currently still under development, please note the following instructions for submitting your research data to the RDC at ZPID. If you would like to know whether your data is suitable for publication in the RDC at ZPID, please take a look at our selection scheme.
Publishing your research data in the RDC at ZPID in five steps
- Send an email to with the subject “contribute data” and provide a brief description of your data so that we can decide whether it is suitable for publication in the RDC at ZPID. In addition, please indicate whether the data should be made available according to release level 0 (public use file), release level 1 (scientific use file without further restrictions) or release level 2 (restricted scientific use file). When choosing the release level for your data, please always observe the following rule of thumb: “As open as possible and as restrictive as necessary”.
- If we have decided that your data is suitable for publication in our RDC, we will send you a data transfer contract. Once you have completed the contract, please return it to us for further processing. It will then usually take 2-5 working days for you to receive two copies of the contract signed by our Administrative Director. One copy is for your records, the second we ask you to sign and return to us.
- With the data transfer agreement, we will also send you a metadata form which you should fill in with all relevant information about your data.
- Once we have the signed contract and all relevant metadata for a comprehensive description of your data on our RDC website, we will start curating your research data. For this purpose, please send us now your dataset(s) and the corresponding codebook(s) (either as .csv or .sps files). The codebook should contain the following information for each variable: Name, Designation, Item text/statements (only if there are no copyright issues against publication), Value labels, Missings (also with value labels if different missing values have different meanings). For a general introduction to the creation of a codebook, see also the corresponding article in our knowledge base. Of course, you can also send us any other material that improves the comprehensibility and thus the reusability of your data.
- Publication of your research data on our website. Typically, the entire publication process for a single dataset takes between two and three weeks. If you want to publish longitudinal data that includes multiple datasets and codebooks, the curation process obviously takes more time.