The primary task of a research data centre (RDC) is to archive data and make them available to the scientific community in compliance with data protection laws. Access to research data in the RDC at ZPID is determined by the licenses associated with a particular research data object as well as the technical access restrictions. Both determinants are reflected in the concept of sharing levels, which extends the access category concept proposed by the DGPs (Gollwitzer et al., 2021) by corresponding licenses.
Researchers wishing to use the data from the RDC at ZPID can search the entire database using the various search functions (quick search or data comfort search). At the same time, it is possible to explore the metadata of all research data objects in the RDC at ZPID directly.
In addition, data can be contributed to or retrieved from community-augmented meta-analyses (PsychOpen CAMA).
Content and Structure: How do we describe the data included in the RDC at ZPID?
The RDC at ZPID aims to promote data sharing and reuse in psychology.
To this end, we pursue two strategic goals:
1. Providing professional support for researchers to prepare their research data for scientific and also public use
2. Providing highly reusable data objects for scientific and public use
Data Access
Find out more about data access and the sharing level concept applied at the RDC at ZPID
In the RDC at ZPID three different sharing levels are
- Sharing level 0 (“open for public use”)
- Sharing level 1 (“open for scientific use”)
- Sharing level 2 (“restricted scientific use”)
All Data
Browse all data of the RDC at ZPID via:
• Quick Search
• Thematic Comfort Search
• Explore the Entire Database
The PsychOpen CAMA – Platform
Contribute data to the Community-Augmented-Meta-Analyses (PsychOpen CAMA) Platform and browse data from existing CAMAs.