Data Selection

Selection Criteria
The RDC at ZPID documents all psychological research data related to a relevant publication in a peer-
reviewed journal or a research project supported by third-party funders relying on a rigorous peer-
review procedure (in Germany for example: DFG or BMBF). The publication language can be German
or English. Criteria considered when selecting research data for publication in the RDC at ZPID are:
Origin of the author, Subject of the publication/project proposal, and Comprehensibility of the data
Selection Scheme
The inclusion criteria for the RDC at ZPID are mapped using the following selection scheme.
The criteria are assigned point values, which are added together. If a publication achieves at least 4 points, it is eligible for inclusion in the RDC at ZPID.
Disciplinary affiliation of the contributor
2 points: Contributor is a scientist at a psychology institute or comparable Institution
1 point: Contributor is a psychologist
0 points: Contributor is a non-psychologist
Subject of the publication/project proposal
2 points: Investigation or application of concepts developed in psychological subdisciplines; justification of specifically psychological methods of investigation
1 point: investigation of psychological subjects not specifically addressed by psychological sub-disciplines (such as leadership behavior, social deviance, psychophysiology, stress, mental illness…); justification of research methods applicable in psychology
0 points: Investigation of non-psychological items with psychological sub-aspects.
Exclusion: no psychological content or relevance to psychology.
Comprehensibility of the data object
2 points: In addition to the primary data, the data object contains a codebook, a detailed study description, essential metadata that ensure the findability of the data object. In addition, all study materials – whose re-usability is not limited legally or due to other restrictions – are provided. Furthermore, all files should be provided in non-proprietary formats.
1 point: In addition to the primary data, the data object contains a codebook as well as essential metadata that ensures the findability of the data object. In addition, all study materials associated with the data object should be provided, the re-usability of which is not limited by law or other restrictions. Furthermore, all files should be provided in non-proprietary formats.
0 points: The data object contains only the primary data set and essential metadata that ensures the discoverability of the data object.