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Eschenbeck, H., Lohaus, A., Braig, J., El-Awad, U., Kerkhoff, D., Nilles, H., Rüth, J. & Schmees, P.
Background: The YOURGROWTH research study is part of the YOURHEALTH project “Stress, health and integration of young refugees: discovering interrelations and improving access to healthcare”. The longitudinal study examined the developmental trajectories of young refugees aged 8 to 18 years after arrival in Germany.
Objectives: The aim of the research project was to identify risk factors associated with negative developmental trajectories and resources associated with favorable developmental trajectories.
Methods: Self-report questionnaires on risk factors, resources, and well-being were completed by children and adolescents (n one participation = 286, n two participations = 171, n three participations = 97) at three study sites in Germany at a total of three measurement time points approximately one year apart. In order to reach the largest possible number of individuals, convenience sampling was used.
Implications: This knowledge can be used to provide support tailored to the specific needs of young refugees.
Kößler, F. J., Wesche, J. S. & Hoppe, A.
The corona crisis exacerbated social inequalities and hit precarious workers, who, as part of the ‘industrial reserve army’, often cover short-term or seasonal labor demands, particularly hard. While the corona crisis reduced many employment opportunities for precarious workers (e.g., in tourism), healthcare facilities, among others, needed additional labor power. However, the latter work activities were often associated with both increased infection risks and additional burdens due to corresponding protective requirements (e.g., working in protective clothing).
Due to few highly demanded employment alternatives, support staff in healthcare facilities faced the dilemma of having to choose between (continuing) employment and protecting their health (Kößler et al., 2023). We expected a particularly strong manifestation of this employment-health dilemma (E-H dilemma) among non-medical workers in healthcare facilities (e.g., cleaners), as the corona crisis simultaneously confronted them with an economic threat (few alternative employment options) and a health threat (a heightened infection risk).
Therefore, the project aimed to analyze under which circumstances the combination of an economic and a health threat led to an employment-health dilemma (Study 1). The aim was also to understand how employees coped with economic threats, health threats, and the employment-health dilemma (Study 2).
To explore the E-H dilemma, we conducted 42 qualitative interviews with 45 non-medical workers in healthcare facilities. The interviews were based on a semi-structured interview guideline that we developed in a participatory manner with works councils and workers of comparable facilities. Interviews were then transcribed and anonymized. During data cleansing, we removed 6 interviews for methodological reasons (e.g., due to poor audio quality or sampling interviewees outside healthcare facilities) and 9 other interviews for content-related reasons (i.e., interviewees did not report an economic and/or health threat). Then we analyzed the remaining 27 interviews using qualitative content analysis by Mayring (2015). For this purpose, two independent coders inductively formed categories based on interview excerpts that dealt with economic threats, health threats, the EH dilemma (Study 1), and potential coping strategies (Study 2).
The analysis of Study 1 showed that the antecedents of economic and health threats can be categorized at a societal, organizational, and personal level. For example, the loss of part-time jobs (societal level), internal organizational restructuring processes (organizational level), and formal training (individual level) contributed to the perception of an economic threat. The perception of a health threat was conditioned, among other things, by the availability of information (societal level), defective protective equipment (organizational level), and contact with people with pre-existing conditions (individual level). Some interviewees who felt the economic threat forced them to keep their employment despite a health threat reported an E-H dilemma.
The analysis of Study 2 highlighted that workers used various coping strategies that can be mapped on two axes: On the one hand, these strategies may be either problem-oriented (e.g., naming problems) or emotion-oriented (e.g., cognitively avoiding problems). On the other hand, the mode of coping strategies was either cognitive (e.g., planning work) or behavioral (e.g., reducing stress during leisure activities).
Kößler, F. J., Wesche, J. S., & Hoppe, A. (2023). In a no‐win situation: The employment–health dilemma. Applied Psychology, 72(1), 64–84.
Hetschko, C., Eid, M., Lawes, M., Schmidtke, J., Stephan, G. . & Schöb, R.
The aim of this research project was to gain a detailed understanding of the effects of unemployment on well-being and health. To this end, two cohorts of jobseekers - one before and one during the COVID-19 pandemic - were invited to take part in a monthly smartphone-based survey between 2017 and 2021. In a subsample, cortisol in the hair was also determined as a biomarker for chronic stress. Participants were surveyed monthly for up to two years using a smartphone app about their well-being, health and job status, among other things. If the respondents agreed to this, a link to the process data of the Federal Employment Agency is possible. Two methodological reports by Hetschko et al. (2022) and Schmidtke et al. (2023) describe the survey process and selection into the survey in detail. In total, almost 1,900 people initially took part in a first cohort and almost 1,000 people in a second cohort of the ‘German Job Search Panel’ (GJSP).
Holtmann, J., Bohn, J., Koch, T., Luhmann, M. & Eid, M.
The study underlying the data set aimed to capture changes in social relationships, attachment, life satisfaction, loneliness, and subjective well-being of emerging adults in the first year after high school graduation. Regarding attachment, the relationship with a parent, the relationship partner(s) (if any), and a maximum of 5 friends were considered. This is a multi-method longitudinal study in which the change of mentioned variables over time was recorded from different perspectives. In addition to the self-assessment of the different variables by the high school graduates (target person), also 1) the self-assessment of the attachment of relationship persons to the target person, as well as 2) the external assessment of different characteristics of the target person by the different relationship partners were recorded. Third-party assessments were recorded accordingly from one parent per target (measurement time points 1-4), the relationship partner(s) (if any; measurement time points 1-4), and up to 5 friends (measurement time points 2-4). Data were collected via an online survey.
Previous analyses of the data examined a) the stability or change of dyadic attachment in young adulthood, b) the variability of attachment to different attachment figures, c) attachment from the perspective of different attachment figures, d) convergence in the assessment of loneliness by different attachment figures, e) the convergent validity of self, friend, and parent ratings in measuring change in subjective well-being.
Fischer, M., Göritz, A. & Gollwitzer, M.
In a final sample of 874 subjects, we examined the associations of broad personality traits (the six HEXACO dimensions) with (1) the observation of wrongdoing at work and (2) the reaction to such wrongdoing. The subjects, all of whom worked under a supervisor at the time of the study, completed a series of autobiographical recall questions in addition to standardized personality questionnaires. The autobiographical section of the questionnaire was sequential in structure so that, for example, only those subjects who indicated they had ever observed wrongdoing at work were asked further questions about how they responded to that wrongdoing.
Additional materials are provided at the following link:
- the study materials in German and English
- the pre-registration of the study
- a codebook with coding instructions
- an R script for processing the data set using the coding instructions
Drewes, J. & Gusy, B.
The 50plushiv study is an explorative cross-sectional study on the living situation of older people with HIV and AIDS in Germany with (health) psychological and health science questions.
The study was realised as a standardised questionnaire survey with an online questionnaire and a paper-pencil questionnaire. The self-developed instrument used consists of established scales and indices as well as specially developed question (batteries). The instrument covers the following thematic areas:
– Information on the person and life situation
– Information on the HIV infection
– Coping with HIV infection
– HIV stigma and discrimination
– Life satisfaction and quality of life
– Concomitant diseases and other health parameters
– Sexuality
– Health behaviours
– Use of preventive services
– Social support and loneliness
– Aspects of medical care
– Hospitalisation and rehabilitation
– Support and support needs in everyday life
– Living in old age
– Worries
An ad hoc sample was realised with 907 HIV-positive participants who have reached the age of 50 and live in Germany.
Marschallek, B. E., Wagner, V. & Jacobsen, T.
Following Fechner’s (1876) “aesthetics from below,” this study examines the conceptual structure of the aesthetics of various materials—for instance, leather, metal, and wood. Adopting a technique used by Jacobsen et al. (2004), we asked 1,956 students to write down adjectives that could be used to describe the aesthetics of materials within a given time limit. A second subsample of a broader cross-section of the population (n = 496) replicated the findings obtained with the first subsample. A joint analysis of both subsamples identified the term “smooth” as by far the most relevant term, followed by the other core terms “hard,” “rough,” “soft,” and “glossy.” Furthermore, sensorial qualities—for example, “warm” and “see-through”—constituted the main elements of the aesthetics of materials, and the great majority of these were haptic qualities—for example, “cold” and “heavy.” The terms offered were mostly descriptive and of rather neutral valence, according to an additional valence rating study that we conducted with 94 participants. Comparisons between the terms offered for different materials revealed commonalities as well as material specificity of the conceptual structure of the aesthetics. In addition, the word “beautiful,” although by no means representing one of the most relevant terms in this study, still proved its preeminence in aesthetics in general. The results of this study contribute to the corpus of existing studies of the conceptual structure of aesthetics.
Marschallek, B. E. & Jacobsen, T.
The natural occurrence and choice of specific materials have a significant impact on our experience of the physical environment. In a recent verbal association study, adjectives describing the aesthetics of various materials were recorded. The results of this study indicated that this conceptual structure is primarily dominated by sensory, descriptive terms that are of neutral valence. Furthermore, it did not show a usual primacy of the beauty concept. In the present study, the conceptual structure of the aesthetics of different materials was also elicited, but using a different methodological approach. Following the semantic differential procedure, the final 272 subjects were asked to assess the applicability of the most listed terms in the previous study for the different materials. Furthermore, exploratory data analysis was used to investigate the role of products in the conceptual structure of material aesthetics. Overall, the results of multiple analyses showed a successful replication of the previous results. With regard to the influence of products, no significant results could be found. Taken as a whole, the results of the present study highlight the uniqueness of materials aesthetics and its distinction from the conceptual structures underlying most other (aesthetic) domains.
Krokotsch, T., Weigand, R. & Jacobsen, T.
This study investigates whether there is a connection between resilience and the preference for horror films. For this purpose, the research question is posed that there is a connection between the sense of coherence and the preference for horror films. The research question is based on the assumption that people with a high sense of coherence are able to separate fiction from reality within the consumption of films. In contrast, people with a low sense of coherence should not be able to achieve this. To answer this research question, an online survey was conducted in German-speaking countries. The survey recorded the sense of coherence and the preference for certain film genres. The results suggest that there is no correlation between the sense of coherence and the preference for horror genres. However, a correlation between the sense of coherence and the action genre could be shown. A possible explanation for the lack of a connection between the sense of coherence and horror film preference is the unspecific survey of the horror genre, which is why further research should strive for a differentiated recording of the genre. Furthermore, the question arises as to the cause of the connection between the action genre and sense of coherence. Since this study is an exploratory approach to the topic, further research in this area will be necessary.
Grund, A., Fries, S. & Senker, K.
This study is a continuation of the pre-study "Primary data Pre-Study Experience-Sampling 2017". The aim of both studies was to relate various aspects of self-regulation to the everyday experience of students. The focus was on the construct complexes of mindfulness, self-control, affect and motivation. The special feature of both studies is that these constructs were operationalised at both trait and state level.
In contrast to the previous study, the present study includes a larger convenient sample of students (N = 109) from Bielefeld University who participated in a specific lecture ("Psychology for School" in Educational Sciences). In addition to experience sampling (ES) in the students' everyday lives over a period of eight days, there was also event sampling within two lecture sessions at the beginning and end of the ES phase. In addition, there was an end-of-day questionnaire every evening during this phase in retrospect of the respective day.
The study structure was as follows: first, students were familiarised with the study procedure in small groups. In addition, the trait measurement of the different constructs (e.g. trait mindfulness and self-control) was done via self-report questionnaire and the study participants loaded an experience sampling (ES) software (LifeData) onto their private smartphones. They then provided information about their current experience and behaviour at five random times throughout the day over eight days (up to 40 measurements per person in total). Central constructs in the ES were momentary affect, mindfulness and motivational conflict experience.
Every evening (over eight days), they answered an end-of-day questionnaire by providing information on their current stress experience, achievement emotions and the amount of time spent studying and leisure time, among other things.
Within two lecture sessions, they also provided information on their experience and behaviour within these lectures at 3 measurement points each (beginning, middle and end of the respective session).
Subsequently, the study participants received monetary compensation of up to 40 Euros depending on their compliance with the ES and answered some of the trait questionnaires again to determine possible changes over time.
Initial publications showed, among other things, that mindfulness seems to positively influence the cognitive-emotional effects of motivational conflicts (Grund et al., 2021) and that mindfulness is associated with emotions that promote learning (Senker et al., 2021).
Due to the high expense of ES studies, additional constructs beyond the central constructs were measured at both trait and state level (e.g. trait well-being, achievement motive, study interest and motivational regulation levels).
Staudt, A. & Baumann, S.
The data come from the PRINT study ("Testing a proactive expert system intervention to prevent and to quit at-risk alcohol use"), a randomized controlled trial. The sample of alcohol consumers from the general population (N = 1646) was randomized into an intervention and control group. All alcohol consumers were included in the study, regardless of the amount consumed. Standardized assessments took place at baseline, 3, 6, 12 and 36 months. The intervention group received three individualized feedback letters at baseline, after 3 and 6 months. The letters were automatically compiled by a computer-based expert system according to predefined decision rules and were based on the self-report data of the study participants at the respective measurement points. The letters contained individualized feedback on alcohol consumption, alcohol-related risk, motivation to change and other psychological variables (self-efficacy, decision balance, behavior change strategies). The intervention was based on the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. The control group did not receive any feedback. The aim was to reduce the average amount of drinking after 12 or 36 months.
Weigand, R., Moosmayer, A. & Jacobsen, T.
Aesthetic experiences have previously been associated with positive emotions and positive effects on health. In this context, the concept of aesthetic savoring refers to a cognitive form of emotion regulation that serves to sustain and extend positive emotional experiences and is considered conducive to health and well-being. Chronic pain has been linked at the behavioral level to decreased reward seeking. This is the first study to examine the relationship between chronic pain and aesthetic pleasure seeking behavior. An anonymous cross-sectional survey in a large nonclinical sample of opera, theater, and cabaret attendees is reported (n = 322). Two items were used to assess aesthetic savoring as well as chronic pain. We found a strong negative association (r = -.547) between chronic pain and aesthetic savoring. Overall, this finding contributes to a better understanding of the impact of chronic pain in humans and state-dependent differences in aesthetic experience.
Weigand, R., Prüßing-Peters, J. & Jacobsen, T.
Research implies that individuals with a tendency towards more positive affect prefer to pay attention to positive stimuli. Anecdotal evidence even suggests that individuals perceive more beauty when positive affect is prevalent. In the study underlying this data set, the role of dispositional affect in predicting the frequency and intensity of aesthetic experiences was investigated. A 14-day experience sampling survey (N = 97) was used to collect data on aesthetic emotions. The ESM data were correlated with dispositional affect questionnaires. The results showed a positive relationship between dispositional positive affect and the intensity of aesthetic experiences. However, dispositional affect and the frequency of aesthetic experiences were not related. Similarly, the relationship does not appear to be moderated by current mood. These results illustrate that dispositional affect predicts not so much how much beauty we see, but rather how much we enjoy it.
Weigand, R. & Jacobsen, T.
Aesthetic experiences may be distinguished from other experiences by a cognitive mode of aesthetic processing that involves a concentration of working memory resources on the aesthetic stimulus. Because the capacity of working memory is limited, a trade-off between available resources and the aesthetic experience is obvious. To investigate the extent to which the intensity of the aesthetic experience is impaired when working memory capacity is stretched, an experience sampling study was conducted. Over a two-week period, 115 students reported on their aesthetic experiences. To survey working memory capacity, participants answered questions about their current cognitive load and any tasks they were currently performing. They were also asked if they had an aesthetic experience and how much they savored it. The data were analyzed using multilevel models. Higher working memory load was associated with fewer aesthetic experiences as well as reduced enjoyment of those experiences. Overall, other activities that require working memory capacity appear to conflict with aesthetic experiences in everyday life.
Grund, A., Fries, S. & Senker, K.
The aim of the study was to initially relate different aspects of self-regulation to the everyday experience of students ("preliminary study"). The focus was on the constructs mindfulness, self-control, affect, and motivation. The special feature of the study is that these constructs were operationalized at both trait and state level. Sample was a casual sample of students (N = 57) at Bielefeld University. The study design was as follows: first, students were familiarized with the study design in small groups. In addition, trait measurement of the different constructs (e.g., trait mindfulness and self-control) was conducted via self-report questionnaire, and study participants loaded an experience sampling (ES) software (LifeData) onto their private smartphones. They then provided information about their momentary experience and behavior at random times throughout the day over a period of one week (up to 35 measurements per person in total). Central constructs in the ES were momentary affect, mindfulness, and motivational conflict experience. Subsequently, the study participants received monetary compensation of up to 40 euros depending on their compliance with the ES and answered some of the trait questionnaires again to determine possible changes over time.
In a first publication, trait and state mindfulness were found to converge and to be associated with a lower experience of conflict, even when the current state of mind of the study participants was controlled (Senker, Fries, & Grund, 2020).
Due to the high cost of ES studies, additional constructs beyond these core constructs were collected at both the trait and state levels (e.g., trait well-being, achievement motive, and responses to conflict experience). In particular, in addition to the ES, there was a daily "evening questionnaire" at a fixed time, in which assessments of daily time use, stress experience, and achievement emotions were to be given. No publications have been made on this to date.
Weiler, S. M. & Jacobsen, T.
Do individuals modify their bodies in order to be unique? The present study sought to investigate need for uniqueness (NfU) subcomponents as possible motives for modifying one’s body. To this end, the study obtained information from 312 participants about their NfU (using the German NfU-G global scale and three sub-scales) and their body modifications (tattoos, piercings, and extreme body modifications such as tongue splitting). By analyzing the three subcomponents of NfU, the study was able to investigate the differential relationship of the sub-scales with the outcome measures, which facilitated a fine-grained understanding of the NfU–body-modification relationship. The study found that tattooed, pierced, and extreme-body-modified individuals had higher NfU-G scores than individuals without body modifications. Moreover, it seemed that individuals with tattoos took a social component into consideration while lacking concern regarding others’ reaction toward their tattoos, although not wanting to cause affront. Pierced and extreme-body-modified individuals, contrarily, tended to display a propensity to actively flout rules and not worry about others’ opinions on their modifications. However, although statistically significant, the effect size (d) for the NfU-G differences in the tattooed and pierced participants’ mean scores was small to medium in all three subcomponents. The extreme-body-modified group presented medium and medium to large effects. Further, the study observed that the number of body modifications increased with an increasing NfU in tattooed and pierced individuals. These findings demonstrated multifaceted interrelations between the NfU, its subcomponents, and the three kinds of body modifications investigated in the present study.
Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R. & Selg, H.
Manual for the 9th edition of the FPI-R (2020).
Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R., Selg, H. (2020). FPI-R Freiburg Personality Inventory. 9th, completely revised edition with new norming and validity notes, principles of test construction, and modern assessment theory. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
For quality control of the FPI-R, norms and scale construction were tested in a third population-representative survey (2018) of 3,450 individuals. The scale construction from the previous analysis in 1999 was concisely confirmed. The scales represent salient concepts in the self-descriptions of the average population with satisfactory internal consistency (reliability).
The norms are new, updated in comparison with the norming in 1982 and 1999. This was mainly necessary for the younger age groups. The differences arose mainly in the areas of achievement orientation, aggressiveness, extraversion, and emotionality. All norm tables have been recalculated and are grouped by gender and seven age groups as before. In addition, for three scales (life satisfaction, inhibition, emotionality), differentiation is made according to four educational categories with regard to the level of schooling attained.
The 9th edition of the FPI-R contains numerous new empirical validity notes. These include results from the current representative survey, in which many other characteristics were recorded in addition to socioeconomic characteristics (party preference, political and ideological attitudes, indicators of occupational and health stress, current anxiety, behavioral additional questions in the area of social orientation and achievement orientation). The innovative approach of asking interviewers for behavioral ratings and observations of respondents was further developed and yielded interesting results.
Markwart, H., Bomba, F., Ernst, G., Menrath, I. & Schmidt, S.
Two cooperating projects ModuS-T (“Growing up with ModuS: Fit for the transition”) and Transition (“Promoting health care competence of adolescents with chronic diseases in the transition from paediatric to adult care systems”) have combined their data in this dataset. The target group were adolescents with chronic conditions aged 13-24 years (and their parents). The goal of both projects was to develop and test a chronic-generic education program to prepare adolescents for the transition. The ModuS-T project also developed modules for parents. The result was a 1.5-day workshop for young people and their parents, which was evaluated. The workshop is based on the principles of the modular training programme ModuS, that consists of disease-specific and generic modules and strengthens the empowerment of the participants. Further information on the projects and their results can be found in Ernst et al (2017), Menrath et al (2018) and Schmidt et al (2016).
Zygar, C., Hagemeyer, B., Pusch, S. & Schönbrodt, F. D.
576 individuals from 293 heterosexual couples completed an online preliminary questionnaire on dispositional implicit and explicit motives, global relationship satisfaction, personality, satisfaction with life, self-reflection and decision-making in intimate relationships. 510 of these individuals took part in an experience sampling study spanning four weeks, answering questions about their momentary motivation, affect, state relationship satisfaction, behaviors and experiences in their relationship five times a day. Afterwards, 508 individuals provided feedback, assessed again their global relationship satisfaction and the relationship satisfaction during the last four weeks . A year later, 390 of these individuals reported on their current relationship status, last year's events, conflicts, their idiosyncratic behavioral implementations of agency and communion, and completed questionnaires on implicit and explicit motivational dispositions, life satisfaction and depending on their relationship status on global relationship satisfaction, or loneliness, and narcissism. The study was conducted to examine motivational dynamics in couples and its relevance for relationship satisfaction. Datasets of the preliminary questionnaire, the ESM-Study in long and wide format, the post questionnaire and the one-year follow-up as well as the corresponding codebooks are provided.
The following additional material can be found at
- the "original" codebooks, including for example connecting passages between question texts or general instructions,
- R scripts documenting the preprocessing of the data,
- R scripts for further processing of the data,
- a file pointing to inconsistencies in the data,
- a link to the preregistration of hypotheses on the data.
Zweck, B. M. & Pargent, F.
So far, there are no questionnaires for mental health risk assessment that satisfactorily meet the provisions of the Work Act on Occupational Safety and Health and the requirements of DIN EN ISO 10075-3. The aim of the wave 1 and 2 surveys was therefore to develop a reliable and valid questionnaire for measuring mental health at workplace, the Munich Employee Health Questionnaire (MEHQ). To validate the MEHQ, a longitudinal design (wave 3) was used to test, if stress indicators (=predictors) can predict stress symptons, health status, turnover intention and days absent (=criteria) one year later. The survey was conducted online, with a total of 1523 employed persons participating. The process of questionnaire development and the results are presented in detail in Bettina Maria Zweck's dissertation (2017).
Eschert, S. & Simon, B.
Past research indicates that in political debates the same arguments are judged very differently depending on the perceiver's own position on the issue, because positions on controversial issues are often tied to collective identities. In this series of studies we tested the assumption that equality-based respect from an opposing opinion-based group can reduce such biases. Results confirmed that identification as an opponent or proponent of a contested issue was negatively related to evaluations of outgroup arguments (Study 1) and that this negative link was no longer significant when intergroup respect was experimentally induced (Study 2). Results support the notion that disagreements over political issues are intergroup conflicts, in which different socio-political groups struggle for recognition, and that approaches that protect collective identities and improve intergroup relations should be employed to de-escalate them.
Albert, D., Bedek, M., Huszar, L. & Nussbaumer, A.
Clustering Illusion is a cognitive bias and defined as the tendency to see patterns where no patterns exist (Gilovich, 1991; Gilovich, Vallone, & Tversky, 1985). This tendency can be observed when people interpret patterns or trends in random distributions. In the context of the VALCRI (Visual Analytics for Sense-making in CRiminal Intelligence analysis) project eight cognitive biases have been identified which may influence the decision-making process of the analysts. Assessment methods for other cognitive biases exist but this is not the case for the clustering illusion. Based on the study of Cook and Smallman (2007), who studied how cognitive biases affect a JIGSAW "Joint Intelligence Graphical Situation Awareness Web" system, a task that enables to detect the clustering illusion in a visual analytics environment was created. This task was as follows: Participants interacted with a selected set of tools from a visual analytics environment. These tools showed the spatial and chronological distribution of crime incidents in two city districts of Birmingham. In each city district, there were 30 crime incidents. A 2x2 design of “random vs. pattern condition” and “interactive vs static condition” was used to detect the influence of patterns and the level of interaction on the decision-making of the participants:
In the random condition, the crime incidents have been randomly selected from a large set of incidents. In the pattern condition, the incidents have been selected in a way that there are increases or decreases over time and a spatial concentration of incidents in one of the two city districts. In the interactive condition, participants were allowed to interact with the tools to inspect the incidents from different perspectives. In the static condition, participants were asked to inspect the incidents as shown on the screen without interacting with the tools.
After inspecting the incidents for ten minutes, the participants were asked (i) to evaluate if they would increase police presence either in city district A or in city district B, (ii) to evaluate the certainty of their decision, (iii) to announce if their decision was based on the data or patterns and trends in the data and if yes (iv) if they could argue their decision. The univariate analysis of variance showed no significant difference between the random and pattern conditions nor between the interactive and static condition and no interactions. A significant correlation between certainty of the decision and justifying the decision with facts (r=.364, p <.001) was found.
Wolf, C., Bergmann Tiest, W. M. & Drewing, K.
When judging the heaviness of two objects with equal mass, people perceive the smaller and denser of the two as being heavier. Despite the high number of theories, covering bottom-up and top-down approaches, none of them can fully account for all aspects of this size-weight illusion and thus for human heaviness perception. Here we propose a new Bayesian-type model which describes the illusion as the weighted average of two heaviness estimates: One estimate derived from the object’s mass, and the other from the object’s density, with the weights based on the estimates’ relative reliabilities. In two magnitude estimation experiments, we tested model predictions for the visual and the haptic size-weight illusion. Participants lifted objects which varied in mass and density. We additionally varied the reliability of the density estimate by varying the quality of either visual (Experiment 1) or haptic (Experiment 2) volume information. Like predicted, with increasing quality of volume information, heaviness judgments were increasingly biased towards the object’s density: Objects of the same density were perceived as more similar and big objects were perceived as increasingly lighter than small (denser) objects of the same mass. This perceived difference increased with an increasing difference in density. In a further two-alternative forced choice heaviness experiments, we replicated that the illusion strength increases with the quality of volume information (Experiment 3). Overall, the results highly corroborate our model, which seems promising as unifying framework for the size-weight illusion and human heaviness perception.
Bergold, S. & Steinmayr, R.
Personality predicts academic achievement above and beyond intelligence. However, studies investigating possible interaction effects between personality and intelligence when predicting academic achievement are scarce, as is the separate investigation of broad personality factors versus narrow personality facets in this context. Two studies with 11th grade students (Study 1: N = 421; Study 2: N = 243) were conducted to close this research gap. The students completed the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R measuring general reasoning ability, and a well-established personality inventory based on the Five Factor Model. Academic achievement was operationalized via Grade Point Average. Study 1 revealed that Conscientiousness interacted with intelligence when predicting academic achievement: There was a stronger association between intelligence and academic achievement when students scored higher on the Conscientiousness scale. Study 2 confirmed the findings from Study 1 and also found a moderation effect of Neuroticism (stronger association between intelligence and academic achievement with lower values on the Neuroticism scale). Analyses at the facet level revealed much more differentiated results than did analyses at the domain level.
Zygar, C., Hagemeyer, B., Pusch, S. & Schönbrodt, F. D.
152 individuals from 77 heterosexual couples completed an online preliminary questionnaire on dispositional implicit and explicit motives, global relationship satisfaction, personality, satisfaction with life and decision-making in intimate relationships. 130 of these individuals took part in an experience sampling study spanning two weeks, answering questions about their momentary motivation, affect, state relationship satisfaction, behaviors and experiences in their relationship five times a day. Afterwards, 117 individuals provided feedback, assessed their relationship quality during the two weeks and answered a self-reflection questionnaire. The study was conducted to examine motivational dynamics in couples and its relevance for relationship satisfaction.
Drewing, K., Hitzel, E. & Scocchia, L.
When a short flash occurs in spatial alignment with a moving object, the moving object is seen ahead the stationary one. Similar to this visual “flash-lag effect” (FLE) it has been recently observed for the haptic sense that participants judge a moving hand to be ahead a stationary hand when judged at the moment of a short vibration (“haptic flash”) that is applied when the two hands are spatially aligned. We further investigated the haptic FLE. First, we compared participants’ performance in two isosensory visual or haptic conditions, in which moving object and flash were presented only in a single modality (visual: sphere and short color change, haptic: hand and vibration), and two bisensory conditions, in which the moving object was presented in both modalities (hand aligned with visible sphere), but the flash was presented only visually or only haptically. The experiment aimed to disentangle contributions of the flash’s and the objects’ modalities to the FLEs in haptics versus vision. We observed a FLE when the flash was visually displayed, both when the moving object was visual and visuo-haptic. Because the position of a visual flash, but not of an analogue haptic flash, is misjudged relative to a same visuo-haptic moving object, the difference between visual and haptic conditions can be fully attributed to characteristics of the flash. The second experiment confirmed that a haptic FLE can be observed depending on flash characteristics: the FLE increases with decreasing intensity of the flash (slightly modulated by flash duration), which had been previously observed for vision. These findings underline the high relevance of flash characteristics in different senses, and thus fit well with the temporal-sampling framework, where the flash triggers a high-level, supra-modal process of position judgement, the time point of which further depends on the processing time of the flash.
Mayer, A., Rosman, T., Birke, P., Gorges, J. & Krampen, G.
The study aims at describing and analyzing the development of professional knowledge networks in psychology and computer science students (first to fourth semester). The study primarily focuses processes of restructuring knowledge (conceptual change) following the transition from secondary education (school) to tertiary education (university). Three domains of knowledge are investigated: (1) domain-specific knowledge, (2) information literacy, and (3) epistemic beliefs.
The study employs a quantitative four-wave longitudinal design. To gain empirical data on knowledge development, both psychology (N = 137 at the first wave) and computer science students (N = 89 at the first wave) were investigated by means of standardized tests. The first wave took part right at the beginning of students’ first semester, followed by three consecutive waves at the beginning of the second, third, and fourth semesters. Additionally, data on several covariates likely to influence knowledge development (e. g., cognitive ability, academic self-concept, learning and achievement motivation) were collected.
Merk, S. & Bohl, T.
The present study analyzes the perceived impact of general pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge for the acquisition of professional competence in a within-person design. N-Level-2=198 preservice teacher for academic track schools in Baden-Württemberg rated the importance of general pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge for the acquisition of eight education standards defined by the "Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs" (Kultusministerkonferenz KMK, 2004), resulting in N-Level-1=1584 ratings. The main hypothesis states a predictive effect of epsitemological beliefs on a person's mean importance rating (Merk, Cramer & Bohl, 2016).
Merk, S., Schneider, J., Syring, M. & Bohl, T.
In educational psychology epistemic beliefs are a popular research topic. The present study analyzes effects of source and context on theory-specific epistemic beliefs of graduate students about pedagogical knowledge. Graduate students in teacher education are presented with texts describing six research topics from the field of pedagogical knowledge equally with regard to contents, but different with regard to sources and context (with vs without scholarly context). To each of these research topics several covariates as well as epistemic beliefs were investigated resulting in a split-plot design.
The construct of Theory specific relativism showed factorial invariance for all theories. If the source of knowledge is „expert advice“ Theory specific relativism shows smaller arithmetic means, whereby it shows higher values for theories from humanities.
The construct of Theory practice relation showed factorial invariance for all theories, too. Theory practice relation can be predicted by epistemic beliefs and study interest with moderate effect sizes after controlling for source and context.
Bluemke, M., Jong, J., Grevenstein, D., Mikloušić, I. & Halberstadt, J.
Despite claims about the universality of religious belief, whether religiosity scales have the same meaning when administered inter-subjectively – or translated and applied cross-culturally – is currently unknown. Using the recent “Supernatural Belief Scale” (SBS), we present a primer on how to verify the strong assumptions of measurement invariance required in research on religion. A comparison of two independent samples, Croatians and New Zealanders, showed that, despite a sophisticated psychometric model, measurement invariance could be demonstrated for the SBS except for two noninvariant intercepts. We present a new approach for inspecting measurement invariance across self- and peer-reports as two dependent samples. Although supernatural beliefs may be hard to observe in others, the measurement model was fully invariant for Croatians and their nominated peers. The results not only establish, for the first time, a valid measure of religious supernatural belief across two groups of different language and culture, but also demonstrate a general invariance test for distinguishable dyad members nested within the same targets. More effort needs to be made to design and validate cross-culturally applicable measures of religiosity.
Weinert, F., Schneider, W. & Stefanek, J.
The Munich “Longitudinal Study of the Genesis of Individual Competencies” (LOGIC) is a comprehensive examination of the differential description of developmental trajectories of cognitive skills and personality characteristics. It also describes individual differences in development due to the influence of varying school and classroom conditions. The changing state of the development of intelligence, psychomotor behavior, thinking, memory, school knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, social skills and preferences, and moral reasoning and action were regularly reported. Beginning in 1984, 9 annual survey waves were carried out encompassing 3 points of measurement each. 205 children (aged 4 years and older) from 20 different kindergartens in Munich and from the Fürstenfeldbruck area were examined. In 1997-1998, a follow-up study (wave 10) was conducted with the now 18-year-old subjects. The most recent survey (wave 11) took place in 2003-2005. For this wave, 153 subjects (74.6%) of the initial sample could be obtained. The entire study thus extends over an age range from preschool age to young adulthood (Schneider & Bullock, 2009, Weinert & Schneider, 1999).
Verbal and non-verbal intelligence were assessed using intelligence tests at various points of measurement. In addition, logical thinking skills status was assessed using experimental methods. Insights pertaining to the following aspects were gained: (1) developmental changes pertaining to the different intellectual skills, (2) associations between psychometric intelligence measures and measures of thinking skills, (3) stability of individual differences, (4) importance of educational environment for the development of intelligence, (5) relevance of intelligence for the prognosis of school-related / academic success. Among other findings, it could be shown that in the early (pre-school) developmental phase, area-specific courses of development were mainly dominant, while at school age and later, general psychometric intelligence and logical thinking skills are much more strongly associated. For psychometric intelligence as well as for logical thinking skills, the differences in individual competency detected starting at school age remained roughly stable during the further course of development (Schneider, 2008). Subgroup analyses for children with initially high, medium or low IQs showed that stabilities were higher for children with low IQs when compared to children with high IQs (Schneider, Niklas & Schmiedeler, 2014). For most people, increase in skills took place during similar time spans and at a comparable rate. Educational influences only seemed to slightly affect differences in intellectual competencies registered early on. IQ plays a role in predicting the acquisition of written language and the development of mathematical competencies, but not to the degree often assumed (Schneider, 2008).
Hendriks, F. ., Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R.
Given their lack of background knowledge, laypeople require expert help when dealing with scientific information. To decide whose help is dependable, laypeople must judge an expert's epistemic trustworthiness in terms of competence, adherence to scientific standards, and good intentions. Online, this may be difficult due to the often limited and sometimes unreliable source information available. To measure laypeople's evaluations of experts (encountered online), we constructed an inventory to assess epistemic trustworthiness on the dimensions expertise, integrity, and benevolence. Exploratory (n = 237) and confirmatory factor analyses (n = 345) showed that the Muenster Epistemic Trustworthiness Inventory (METI) is composed of these three factors. A subsequent experimental study (n = 137) showed that all three dimensions of the METI are sensitive to variation in source characteristics. We propose using this inventory to measure assignments of epistemic trustworthiness, that is, all judgments laypeople make when deciding whether to place epistemic trust in - and defer to - an expert in order to solve a scientific informational problem that is beyond their understanding.
Krampen, G., Mayer, A., Peter, J. & Leichner, N.
The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a blended-learning instruction program for information literacy developed by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) and tailored to the needs of psychology students. The instruction program included three online modules conveying knowledge and skills related to finding scholarly information and two classroom seminars (90 minutes each) that were designed to reflect the content of the online modules and to practice the relevant skills. For the evaluation of the instruction program, an experimental pre/post design with three measurement waves over two weeks was implemented to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. The participants (N = 67) were randomly allocated to one of two groups. Group 1 (n = 37) completed the instruction program between waves 1 and 2. Group 2 (n = 30) was a waiting control group and completed the program between waves 2 and 3. Results indicate that the instruction program improved knowledge about information literacy topics, professionalism of literature searches, effectiveness of literature searches, as well as self-assessed competence in finding information, which is in line with the hypotheses. Additionally, it was examined whether epistemological beliefs and basic knowledge in psychology are associated with a knowledge increase achieved through the training. Results indicate that epistemological beliefs lead to an increase in knowledge, while basic knowledge in psychology does not.
Voges, C., Helmchen, C., Heide, W. & Sprenger, A.
Adaptation of saccade amplitude in response to intra-saccadic target displacement is a type of implicit motor learning which is required to compensate for physiological changes in saccade performance. Once established trials without intra-saccadic target displacement lead to de-adaptation or extinction, which has been attributed either to extra-retinal mechanisms of spatial constancy or to the influence of the stable visual surrounding. Therefore we investigated whether visual deprivation (“Ganzfeld”-stimulation or sleep) can partially maintain this motor learning compared to free viewing of the natural surroundings. Thirty-five healthy volunteers performed two adaptation blocks of 100 inward adaptation trials – interspersed by an extinction block – which were followed by a two hours break with or without visual deprivation (VD). Using additional adaptation and extinction blocks short- and long- (4 weeks) term memory of this implicit motor learning were tested. In the short term, motor memory tested immediately after free viewing was superior to adaptation performance after VD. In the long run, however, effects were opposite: motor memory and relearning of adaptation were superior in the VD conditions. This could imply independent mechanisms that underlie the short-term ability of retrieving learned saccadic gain and its long-term consolidation. We suggest that subjects mainly rely on visual cues (i.e. retinal error) in the free viewing condition which makes them prone to changes of the visual stimulus in the extinction block. This indicates the role of a stable visual array for resetting adapted saccade amplitudes. In contrast, visual deprivation (GS and sleep), might train subjects to rely on extra-retinal cues, e.g. efference copy or prediction to remap their internal representations of saccade targets, thus leading to better consolidation of saccadic adaptation.
Brähler, E.
Provides data of a representative survey which was conducted in Eastern and Western Germany for the standardization of the following questionnaires:
- Giessen-Test (GT; Beckmann, Brähler & Richter, 1991)
- Short Form of the Giessen Symptom Questionnaire (GBB-24; Brähler, Schumacher, Brähler, 2000)
- Questionnaire for the Assessment of Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior (FEE; Schumacher, Eisemann & Brähler, 1999)
- Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (FLZ; Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Wilk & Kreutel, 1986; Schumacher, Laubach & Brähler, 1995)
In addition, a modified version of the Mainz Coping Inventory (Krohne, Schumacher & Egloff, 1992) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP; Horowitz, Strauß & Kordy, 1994) were administered.
A total of 3,047 participants aged 14 to 92 years were surveyed, including 2,025 subjects from Western Germany and 1,022 subjects from Eastern Germany. Correlations between the scales and associations with sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes toward health or politics were examined.
The research data served as a base for several analyses, for example the impact of gender and age on health complaints, differences between individuals from Eastern and Western Germany, characteristics of subgroups such as persons aged 60-92 years or the unemployed (see „Publications Directly Related to the Dataset“).
New standardization data have been collected for the Giessen test and the Giessen Symptom Questionnaire in 2011 and 2008 (Spangenberg, L. & Brähler, E., 2011; Brähler, E., Hinz, A. & Scheer, J.W., 2008).
Schneider, W., Sodian, B., Knopf, M. & Weber, A.
The Munich “Longitudinal Study of the Genesis of Individual Competencies” (LOGIC) is a comprehensive examination of the differential description of developmental trajectories of cognitive skills and personality characteristics. It also describes individual differences in development due to the influence of varying school and classroom conditions. The changing state of the development of intelligence, psychomotor behavior, thinking, memory, school knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, social skills and preferences, and moral reasoning and action were regularly reported. Beginning in 1984, 9 annual survey waves were carried out encompassing 3 points of measurement each. 205 children (aged 4 years and older) from 20 different kindergartens in Munich and from the Fürstenfeldbruck area were examined. In 1997-1998, a follow-up study (wave 10) was conducted with the now 18-year-old subjects. The most recent survey (wave 11) took place in 2003-2005. For this wave, 153 subjects (74.6%) of the initial sample could be obtained. The entire study thus extends over an age range from preschool age to young adulthood (Schneider & Bullock, 2009, Weinert & Schneider, 1999).
The development of memory components was investigated at the ages of 4-12, 18, and 23 years. Main focus of the study was: (1) the development of memory capacity, (2) the development of strategic memory, (3) text memory, (4) autobiographical memory.
Results showed a slow and steady increase in memory capacity reaching its peak at the ages of 18 to 23 years. No linear increase could be demonstrated in memory strategy use, individual analyses rather showed qualitative leaps in the developmental course of strategic memory. The stability of interindividual differences across age was high. Intercorrelations among the memory components were of only moderate size at the start of the study and did not notably change over the course of the project (Knopf, Schneider, Sodian & Kolling, 2008, Schneider, Hasselhorn & Körkel, 2003, Sodian & Schneider, 1999).
SanMiguel, I., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N. & Schröger, E.
The remarkable capabilities displayed by humans in making sense of an overwhelming amount of sensory information cannot be
explained easily if perception is viewed as a passive process. Current theoretical and computational models assume that to achieve
meaningful and coherent perception, the human brain must anticipate upcoming stimulation. But how are upcoming stimuli predicted
in the brain? We unmasked the neural representation of a prediction by omitting the predicted sensory input. Electrophysiological brain
signals showed that when a clear prediction can be formulated, the brain activates a template of its response to the predicted stimulus
before it arrives to our senses.
Schneider, W.
The Munich "Longitudinal Study of the Genesis of Individual Competencies" (LOGIC) is a comprehensive examination of the differential description of developmental trajectories of cognitive skills and personality characteristics. It also describes individual differences in development due to the influence of varying school and classroom conditions. The changing state of the development of intelligence, psychomotor behavior, thinking, memory, school knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, social skills and preferences, and moral reasoning and action were regularly reported. Beginning in 1984, 9 annual survey waves were carried out encompassing 3 points of measurement each. 205 children (aged 4 years and older) from 20 different kindergartens in Munich and from the Fürstenfeldbruck area were examined. In 1997-1998, a follow-up study (wave 10) was conducted with the now 18-year-old subjects. The most recent survey (wave 11) took place in 2003-2005. For this wave, 153 subjects (74.6%) of the initial sample could be obtained. The entire study thus extends over an age range from preschool age to young adulthood (Schneider & Bullock, 2009, Weinert & Schneider, 1999).
The impact of early phonological processing skills on reading and spelling in school was investigated. Results showed that phonological awareness, memory capacity, and early literacy are predictive factors for reading and spelling. All predictors were highly intercorrelated. Stability for individual differences in reading and spelling skills has been found until early adulthood. While spelling performance improved during the first school years, no performance improvements were shown during adolescence and early adulthood. Gender differences were present - girls were significantly better in reading and spelling tests.
Results indicated that spelling performance declined during the past four decades.
Bauer, H., Schui, G., Krampen, G. & von Eye, A.
Associations of individual as well as organizational characteristics with research output were investigated for the population of psychology researchers in the German-speaking countries. Generating search-queries on literature databases, bibliometric data and individual as well as organizational characteristics were obtained and analyzed using Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA). Moreover, research output of the analyzed population as a whole was described to provide an anchor for monitoring and international comparison. Findings revealed that approximately 25 % of the population was publishing almost exclusively in German, only 5 % almost exclusively in English. Skewed distributions for publications and citations were found. Combination of female gender, small department size, and large quota of senior researchers was associated with particularly increased publication count. High publication count, large department size, and low quota of senior researchers were associated with increased citation count.
Interactions of individual as well as organizational characteristics with scientific success should be investigated further, e.g., by adopting various measures of organizational or gender diversity and tracing a population longitudinally.
Nunner-Winkler, G.
The Munich "Longitudinal Study of the Genesis of Individual Competencies" (LOGIC) is a comprehensive examination of the differential description of developmental trajectories of cognitive skills and personality characteristics. It also describes individual differences in development due to the influence of varying school and classroom conditions. The changing state of the development of intelligence, psychomotor behavior, thinking, memory, school knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, social skills and preferences, and moral reasoning and action were regularly reported. Beginning in 1984, 9 annual survey waves were carried out encompassing 3 points of measurement each. 205 children (aged 4 years and older) from 20 different kindergartens in Munich and from the Fürstenfeldbruck area were examined. In 1997-1998, a follow-up study (wave 10) was conducted with the now 18-year-old subjects. The most recent survey (wave 11) took place in 2003-2005. For this wave, 153 subjects (74.6%) of the initial sample could be obtained. The entire study thus extends over an age range from preschool age to young adulthood (Schneider & Bullock, 2009, Weinert & Schneider, 1999).
The development of moral motivation was examined from pre-school to early adulthood. The knowledge of moral rules and moral motivation were analyzed using various, sometimes newly developed instruments. The results suggest that moral development can be understood as a two-stage learning process. Overall the children from early on acquire a knowledge of simple moral rules and understand their categorical validity. Moral motivation is developed in a second learning process that the children are undergoing at different speeds and varying degrees of success. On average, moral motivation increases with age. Class and gender were analyzed as factors influencing individual differences in developmental trajectories. It was found that mostly boys with a strong identification with their own gender role at puberty have decreases in moral motivation (Nunner-Winkler, 2009).
Baltes, M. & Lang, F.
In this research project the empirical usefulness of the metamodel "Selektiven Optimierung mit Kompensation " (SOK; or selective optimization with compensation, SOC, Baltes, 1998; Baltes & Carstensen, 1999) was examined. It was analyzed whether the use of selection, optimization, and compensation is associated with an improved adaptability of the individual. A total of 480 adults aged 20-90 years (stratified by age and gender) took part in the investigation.
The SOC model posits that individuals use the strategies of selection, optimization, and compensation to adjust to age-related changes. The SOC model consists of 3 components (Baltes & Carstensen, 2003): Selection describes a goal-dependent constriction of life- or functional areas. Two forms of selection can be distinguished (Freund & Baltes, 2000): Elective selection refers to an arbitrary, self-regulated selection of goals or functional areas while loss-based selection is a selection of goals (functional areas) in response to internal or external circumstances. Optimization refers to the refinement and improvement of resources in selected areas of functioning. Compensation is generally regarded as a response to actual or anticipated losses, and refers to the use of new and alternative means of achieving a goal.
As part of the research project different survey methods were used, among them measures of psychological well-being, loneliness, social motives, life investment, affectivity, health, cognitive performance and social relationships. To assess the components of the SOC model a specially developed questionnaire was used and tested (Baltes et al., 1999). A good reliability and construct validity of the questionnaire was shown, proving it capable of capturing psychological adaptability across a wide range of ages. In addition, it was found that older adults used elective selection more frequently than young- and middle-aged adults while rarely using loss-based selection, optimization, and compensation. These age differences were related to resource availability: Healthy, cognitively high functioning, emotionally stable, and socially well-integrated adults with only limited resources at their disposal more often implemented loss-based selection strategies, optimization, and compensation as an adult.
The results of the research project are consistent with basic assumptions of the model of selective optimization with compensation for the area of general life management and regulation of social integration in adulthood. The findings show that beyond the effects on biological, psychological, and social resources, individuals can better cope with development-related challenges if they use components of the metamodel of selective optimization with compensation.
Fahrenberg, J. & Steiner, J. M.
The research project can be traced back to Else Frenkel-Brunswik’s suggestion to also survey Germans using the Fascism (F)-Scale. Authoritarian and anti-democratic attitudes should be able to be demonstrated particularly distinctly in former members of the SS (and the Waffen-SS). For comparison, former members of the Wehrmacht were considered. Although this dataset had hardly been regarded, it is - as Meloen (1993, S. 52, S. 68) determined - of outstanding importance to the validity of the F-Scale.
Questionnaires filled out by 229 members of the former Waffen-SS and SS as well as by 202 members of the Wehrmacht between 1962 and 1966 were analyzed in a an initial paper (Steiner & Fahrenberg, 1979), mainly with regard to the F-Scale and several sociobiographical traits. Thirty years after the initial publication, a reanalysis of the questionnaire material, which was more comprehensive and employed improved methods of analysis, was presented (Steiner & Fahrenberg, 2000). Besides various methodological improvements, the confirmation and validation of the originally reported group differences using an exact matching technique is of particular importance. Formerly, these results were confounded with sociodemographic traits such as schooling, occupational class and military rank.
In the reanalysis, the Waffen-SS and SS group has a much significantly higher mean on the F-Scale (M = 90.15, SD = 11.33) as compared to the Wehrmacht group (M = 77.96, SD = 18.43) t (310) = 8.00, p< .0001, whereby the valid N equal N =226 and N = 194 respectively. The effect size of this difference in mean value may be interpreted as medium to large according to Cohen’s terminology (Steiner & Fahrenberg, 2000).
Statistical Twins
Beginning with the Wehrmacht group, statistical twins from the Waffen-SS and SS group with the same sociodemographic trait combinations were selected. Even after the step-by-step formation of statistical twins, the group differences in attitude remained highly significant. The findings on the higher value on the F-Scale and the higher index for war decorations proved to be robust as well (Steiner & Fahrenberg, 2000).
The following characteristic trait pattern could be shown for the former members of the Waffen-SS and SS, when compared to the members of the Wehrmacht: authority-oriented, conformist and obedient, intolerant, narrow-minded and rigid, potentially latently hostile. Even twenty years after the end of the war and approx. twenty-five years after these men volunteered or were recruited, typical traits exist, pointing to relatively stable dispositions (Steiner & Fahrenberg, 2000).
The reanalysis from the year 2000 constituted a contentual enhancement, through which the reliability of the results could also be increased, by means of better controlled statistical methods.
Fahrenberg, J.
The Freiburger Beschwerdenliste (FBL, Freiburg complaint list) is a questionnaire assessing physical symptoms/complaints in adolescents and adults (aged 16 years to old age). The current or situationally induced and chronic habitual physical complaints are structured by functional syndromes and organ systems. The sum value of the items is an index of physical complaint inclinations (tendency to complain).
The scales are: general condition, emotional reactivity, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, head-neck, tenseness, sensory, pain, motor, skin, and total score
The FBL was developed through the process of repeated item and factor analysis of an initial collection of 230 questions. It was then reduced to 78 items in 10 scales plus the total score. The analyses showed that the response to "frequency" or "intensity" of the complaints led largely to structurally equivalent solutions. This first version of the Freiburg complaint list was tested on a broad sample of 330 healthy subjects and patients as well as a relatively homogeneous group of 400 college students. The correlations with patient history and other clinical criteria have been described elsewhere (Fahrenberg, 1966, 1975, Hampel & Fahrenberg 1982).
In 1993, in collaboration with the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD - Institute for Public Opinion Research), a representative survey (2,070 participants) was conducted to reconstruct, standardize, and verify the test methodology of the FBL (Fahrenberg, 1994). By means of cluster analysis and factor analysis, these statistical analyses confirmed 4 of the 10 scales in a satisfactory manner while a modified item selection was suggested for the other scales. The scale "tiredness" was newly formed, and the items of the "motor" scale were either reassigned to the "tenseness" scale or eliminated altogether. The 4 scales "cardiovascular", "gastrointestinal", "emotional reactivity", and "sensory" are identical in both versions. The revised FBL-R is methodologically superior to the existing FBL-G. The FBL-G will continue to be available in the original version with 10 scales and 78 items, to enable comparisons with earlier studies. The questionnaire contains 80 items, so that both the scale scores of the FBL-R and the FBL-G can be evaluated.
FBL-R is a revised version of the FBL, with 71 items in 9 scales: general condition (8 items), tiredness (7 items), cardiovascular complaints (8 items), gastrointestinal complaints (8 items), head-neck irritation syndrome (8 items), tenseness (8 items), emotional reactivity (8 items), pain (8 items), sensory (8 items), and total sum of complaints (of the 71 items).
The representative survey sample also provided, beyond the FBL data, sociodemographic and psychological data of interest. In addition to the block of 80 FBL items, the questionnaire contained questions addressing occupational stress, life satisfaction, risk factors, physician visits, medication, psychotherapy, etc.
The FBL-R can be used in personality research for the assessment of the individual inclination to complain as well as in the area of clinical psychological diagnostics: for screening, diagnostics, for indication and supervision in psychotherapy, rehabilitation, and health psychology, as well as in work and organizational psychology. Physical problems also affect general life satisfaction.
Fahrenberg, J., Myrtek, M., Brähler, E. & Schumacher, J.
The Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire) was reconstructed and standardized on the basis of a 1994 survey of 2,870 residents (aged 14-92 years old) of the old and new German states (i.e., former West and East Germany, respectively). With a total of 70 items, the FLZ measures individual satisfaction in 10 areas of life: (1) health, (2) work and career, (3) financial situation, (4) recreation, (5) marriage and partnership, (6) relationship with own children, (7) own self, (8) sexuality, (9) friends, acquaintances, relatives, (10) housing. An index of global life satisfaction is formed from the scale values, but only the scale values 1, 3, 4, and 7 to 10 were summed up because relatively many people left the questions to the scales concerning work and career, marriage and partnership, and relationship to their own children unanswered. The values of the FLZ scales represent the individual evaluations of past and present living conditions and future prospects. Following the deductive differentiation in 10 areas, these were then demonstrated factor analytically in the self-assessments of the general population.
This standardized questionnaire makes it possible to capture individual satisfaction in 10 areas of life and then compare these with representative population norms. The FLZ can be used in clinical diagnosis and other tasks of psychological assessment to assess global and domain-specific life satisfaction. Life satisfaction can influence, among other things, experiences of illness, illness behavior, and rehabilitation processes.
The test manual (Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Schumacher, & Brähler, 2000) provides, following a theoretical overview of recent research findings, a detailed description of data collection, the construction of the scales, and further results. A survey conducted by the Unabhängigen Service für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen Berlin (USUMA; the Independent Service for Survey Research and Methodology Berlin) assessed a number of sociodemographic and psychological variables, and the relationship between these variables and the FLZ was analyzed. In addition, the project consists of other questionnaires, the results of which are reported in the test manual and in other publications.
The final version of the life satisfaction questionnaire FLZ was a collaborative effort between the Psychophysiology Research Group, Institute of Psychology, University of Freiburg, and the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Leipzig. This was preceded by a research project on the psychological and medical rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients (Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Wilk, & Kreutel, 1986). The broad empirical basis for reviewing the scale construction and standardization was first achieved with the 1994 survey sample (Brähler & Richter, 1995; Schumacher, Laubach, & Brähler, 1995; Schumacher, Wilz, & Brähler, 1997). In addition, the two scales measuring friends/acquaintances/relatives and housing were added (Schumacher et al., 1995).
The title of the FLZ questionnaire, chosen in 1986, has been retained for the publication of the other versions, although there are other questionnaires that exist with the same name (Henrich & Herschbach, 2000; Herschbach, 1999).
This record includes the normative data of the FLZ, but not data from the other survey measures.
Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R. & Selg, H.
The Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI) was developed and standardized in response to a representative survey conducted in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany, 2,035 participants). Prior to this, a precursor of the FPI dating back to the 1960s had been constructed and analyzed using a broad, smaller albeit not representative dataset (630 participants) and several comparison groups. Therefore, on the occasion of the fourth edition of the FPI in 1982, a representative survey for standardization was conducted. This survey was also meant to be used to assist in new scale development.
The selection of personality traits for the construction of the FPI has its theoretical foundation in the authors' research areas. In the development of the FPI, item analysis, cluster analysis, and factor analysis were used. However, these were only tools to improve the precision of the theoretical constructs and scale designs. The scale of the original version of the FPI (1st edition, 1970) was further improved and additional scales were added. The scale conception, the representative survey, and the "multistrategic" test construction are described in detail in the test manual (4th edition, 1984), and are again discussed in depth in the 8th edition (2010).
The test questionnaire used for the revision contained 240 items (138 of which were retained), 6 "metaquestions" to assist the understandability of the items and their aspects, and 25 attitude statements concerning social and political issues and questions about occupational stress and health. The survey, conducted by the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD - Institute for Public Opinion Research) revealed, above and beyond the questionnaire itself, several sociodemographic characteristics whose distributions were identified. These results were able to provide numerous validation indicators and to illustrate their relationship to the personality scales.
The revised FPI-R is a personality inventory for adolescents and adults (aged 16 years to old age). It can generally be used for assessment of personality traits and in clinical diagnostics. Through the 138 items of this questionnaire 12 personality characteristics are recorded: life satisfaction, social orientation, performance orientation, shyness, irritability, aggression, stress, physical complaints, health concerns, openness, as well as 2 secondary factors (following Eysenck) extraversion and emotionality (neuroticism). The new version is called the FPI-R, in contrast to the previous form, FPI-G.
In 1999, a representative survey was again conducted to verify the design of the FPI-R scales and extend the standardization of the tests to the residents of the new federal states of Germany (former East Germany). The structure of the FPI-R along with test methodological statistics, reliability coefficients, and even the norm values (for the population of West Germany) proved very reproducible with this population. The primary data are archived under the identification code fgjn99fr19.
Three areas of the FPI have continued to be differentiated by scale structures and the standardization of the representative population: the Fragebogen für Erfassung von Aggressivitätsfaktoren (FAF; a measure of aggressiveness factors, Hampel & Selg, 1975), the Freiburg Beschwerdenliste FBL-R (FBL-R; the Freiburg complaints list, revised, Fahrenberg, 1994) and the Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ, life satisfaction questionnaire, Fahrenberg Myrtek, Schumacher, & Brähler, 2000). The FAF, the FBL-R, and the FLZ are relatively broad in scope, address many facets and components of their constructs, and were constructed and standardized using representative survey populations. The primary data of the FBL-R are archived under the identification code fgjn93fr19.
Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R. & Selg, H.
The Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI-R) is a personality inventory for adolescents and adults (aged 16 years to old age). It can generally be used for assessment of personality traits and in clinical diagnostics. Twelve personality characteristics are assessed by the 138 items of this questionnaire: life satisfaction, social orientation, achievement orientation, inhibitedness, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, strain, somatic complaints, health concern, frankness, and the 2 secondary factors (following Eysenck) extraversion and emotionality (neuroticism).
The test's development is thoroughly detailed in the test manuals (1st edition, 1970, to 8th edition, 2010). The first representative standardization was performed in 1982, but only related to the old German federal states (i.e., the former West Germany). For the necessary purposes of quality control, a new standardization was conducted in 1999. This included the new federal states (i.e., the former East Germany) and examined whether and to what extent the norms had changed in the 17 years between 1982 and 1999. Instead of the desired cohort study, only 2 cross-sectional comparisons could be conducted. In the new study, both methodological characteristics (including the reliabilities) and the structure of the scales were tested.
In summary, the results of the quality control showed that the structure of the FPI scales and the standardization of test scores could be reproduced in an unexpectedly clear manner.
The representative survey conducted by the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD - Institute for Public Opinion Research) was used again to obtain, beyond the FPI data, sociodemographic and psychological data of interest. In addition to the block of 138 FPI-R items, the questionnaire contains a modified list of statements concerning political and social topics along with issues concerning the areas of occupational stress, life satisfaction, risk factors, and health. As in the previous survey, statistical analysis of this data is meant to provide certain validity indicators for specific FPI-R scales. The planning, evaluation, and presentation of the results of the new survey are closely related to the survey conducted in 1982 of which the primary data is archived under the identification code fgjn82fr19.
Three areas of the FPI have been further differentiated by scale construction and representative population standardization: using the Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Aggressivitätsfaktoren (FAF; a questionnaire for the measurement of aggressiveness factors, Hampel & Selg, 1975), the Freiburger Beschwerdenliste FBL-R (FBL-R; Freiburg Complaint List, Fahrenberg, 1994), and the Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ; Questionnaire of Life Satisfaction, Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Schumacher ,& Brähler, 2000). The primary data of the FBL-R survey from 1993 are archived under the identification code fgjn93fr19; the primary data of the FLZ from 1994 under the identification code fgjn94fr12.
Tesch-Römer, C., Motel-Klingebiel, A. & von Kondratowitz, H.
The OASIS project ("Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Family Solidarity") analyses the informal and formal provision of help and support to the elderly in a welfare state comparative perspective. The focus of the project is on the relation between intergenerational family help and welfare state support. While the “substitution” hypothesis states that generous provision of welfare state services crowds out family help to older people, the “encouragement” hypothesis predicts the crowding in of family help, and the hypothesis of “mixed responsibility” predicts a combination of help and support by families and services. The OASIS data set is based on an age stratified random sample of the urban population (25-102 years) in Norway, England, Germany, Spain, and Israel (n=6,106). This data set allows the analysis of the interactions between societal micro and macro levels. Results show that total help received by the elderly is more extensive in welfare states with a strong infrastructure of formal services. Moreover, statistical controls for social structure, preferences and familial opportunity structures yield no evidence of any substantial crowding out of family help. These results support the hypothesis of “mixed responsibility”: In societies with well-developed service infrastructures, help from families and welfare state services act accumulatively; such mixes do not occur in familialistic welfare regimes.
Fahrenberg, J.
The concept of humanity is an individual pattern of core beliefs about what is human, and the meaning of life, the values and goals that one has for one's life (or should have). Each person learns and develops assumptions about humanity and takes on much of what is typical of their own families, groups, and communities: sociocultural and religious traditions, values, and answers to basic questions of life. The answers to the question "What is man?" are the pillars of philosophical anthropology, and are the beliefs that should be empirically examined in psychology, especially in differential psychology.
In a previous study, most respondents felt that psychologists', doctors', and judges' beliefs pertaining to the mind-body problem are likely to have consequences regarding their theories, methods, and professional practice (Fahrenberg, 1999). First semester psychology students are ideal candidates for this particular study, because their decision to study psychology and pursuit of a career in psychology are most likely motivated by their interest in people and basic existential questions.
The questionnaire contains 64 questions pertaining to the brain and consciousness, free will, evolution, religion, and interest in the meaning of life, faith, God, theodicy issues, truth, tolerance, and the ultimate justification of morality. The majority of participants are students of psychology at 7 universities in western and eastern Germany (563 participants), as well as students of philosophy, theology, humanities, and the natural sciences in Freiburg. The majority of the respondents are convinced that such philosophical views concerning brain and consciousness (mind-body problem) and free will have important implications for professional practice by psychotherapists, doctors, and judges.
The items were grouped thematically and analyzed using cluster and factor analysis. Important concepts include monism-dualism-complementarities, atheism-agnosticism-deism-theism, attitudes toward transcendence-imminence, self-reports of personal religiosity, and interest in the meaning of life question. Among the students of psychology, few differences were found between men and women and first and middle term students. Significant differences exist, especially pertaining to religiosity, between students in the former West Germany and the former East Germany. The database facilitates (after weighting and controls) quasi-representative statements on the major components of psychology students' conceptions of humanity and can detect characteristic differences of these concepts compared to those of students of the natural sciences.
Kaminski, G.
The project "Child and Adolescent High-Performance Sports from a Long-Term Perspective" is the third and final data collection stage (D3) of a longitudinal study on athletes (mean age 12.6 years) participating in three selected sports (figure skating, swimming, gymnastics). It began in October 1974 (D1). Basic questions were:
(1) What are the essential characteristics of children/adolescents participating in high performance sports (HPS) compared to "normal" children and adolescents?
(2) Does the involvement in the HPS affect the lifestyle of the athlete in positive and negative ways?
(3) How does the situation change over a period of 4 years (D2, from September 1978, mean age 16.6 years)?
In contrast, at D3 the following issues were of interest:
(4) How does the HPS career end?
(5) How is the transition from an HPS to a normal, everyday life then accomplished?
(6) What is the cause of a premature termination of the HPS career?
At the time of survey D3 (1986), not all of the participants (mean age 24) had actually retired from competitive sports. Therefore, at D3 two subsamples are distinguished as:
- Already dropped out of HPS (75 subjects) and
- Still active in HPS (19 subjects).
Accordingly, 3 survey instruments were used:
- A general questionnaire (for all subjects),
- A "drop-out" questionnaire, and
- A "still active" questionnaire.
A qualitative methodology had more weight at D3 because of the focus on descriptive goal setting. The 3 questionnaires, therefore, contained many open-ended questions to which the athlete could formulate their respective view in detail, using everyday language and wording. The resulting consequences of this methodology for the data processing and analysis are presented in the methods section.
The specific thematic focus of the D3 project corresponds to a specific theoretical foundation. This helps to clarify the issues and to support the detailed planning of the methodological tools. Priority is given to decision theory and transition theory conceptualizations, which in turn are embedded in an overall ecological-psychological perspective. More details concerning this as well as the entire D3 project are available under kigd86ki19_in.txt in the template file. This also includes proposals for possible uses of the data.
The primary data for the study are provided in 4 files. Of these, the 3 questionnaires which were used are matched to the files they were used in. The fourth (special) file contains some data from the D2 survey of participants who no longer participated in the investigation at D3.
Mansel, J.
In all industrialized countries the youth phase of life is in rapid transition. Due to economic, social, and cultural changes, the conditions under which the transition from the social status of "child" to the social status of "adult" is accomplished have been radically altered within the past century. This study examines the question of what subjective stresses and strains youths experience are the result of a youth's family life, school life, and leisure activities. Here, the psychosocial effects and consequences of the social detachment process of young people from their parents, the academic performance-based profiling processes in general education, and the diverse social integration problems in regards to free time (mainly mediated via the peer group) was studied in 1,143 German and 957 Polish youths.
Results of the youth surveys (in German and Polish) showed that psychosocial pressures, which are, in both countries, structurally related to the developmental phase of adolescence, follow similar social laws and have largely comparable total effects (see Mansel, Hurrelmann, & Wlodarek, 1991).
Primary data of the study, including the associated codebook, are provided.
Steyer, R., Schwenkmetzger, P., Notz, P. & Eid, M.
The authors of this questionnaire consider mood state to be the current mental state of an individual which can be differentiated from other mental properties and is characterized as follows (Steyer, Schwenkmezger, Notz, & Eid, 1997): Mood state is a current inner experience and inner perception of an individual (experientially represented) and not the individual's observable behavior. A mood state, as opposed to feelings, is not bound to specific objects (persons, things, events, institutions) or situations and is not tied to specific, experientially evident causes. Based on these criteria, mood states can be differentiated from attitudes, needs, and bodily sensations. In contrast to motives, mood states lack goals (intentionality) and, when compared with motives and personality characteristics, are less stable over time. The authors present a multidimensional concept of mood state. They do so based on the available evidence as well as their own exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (Eid, Notz, Steyer, & Schwenkmezger, 1994) of the bipolarity underlying mood dimensions. The present data, originating from the development of the Mehrdimensionalen Befindlichkeitsfragebogens (MDBF, Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire), includes the mood state ratings of 503 subjects along with a variety of other information concerning situational and personal conditions. The questionnaire was presented 4 times at intervals of about 3 weeks. In addition to the primary data, scale scores for the MDBF are presented.
Krampen, G.
The hopelessness scale (H scale) is a German scale developed by Beck, Weissman, Lester, and Trexler (1974) which measures optimism vs. pessimism with regard to one’s life and one’s own person. The theoretical background of the H-scale is found in the cognitive theory of depression by Beck (1972) and Stotland’s (1969) instrumentally theoretical approach to hopelessness. Furthermore, the concept has references to the theory of learned helplessness and the formation of psychoanalytic theories (Krampen, 1979, 1982). Hopelessness can be understood as a complex expectancy-value-theoretical construct that, in addition to reduced competence and contingency expectations, includes changes in valuation of action and/or life goals (Krampen, 1994, p. 5). In this sense, Krampen organizes (1987) this construct at the level of relatively high generalized subjective valences and expectations within an action-theoretical partial model of personality (HPP, handlungstheoretisches Partialmodell der Persönlichkeit). Therefore, in addition to the questionnaire concerning perceived competence and locus of control (FKK, Fragebogen zu Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen, Staples, 1991; see the description in PSYNDEX tests Doc.-No. 2361), there is now another action-theoretical personality diagnostic tool with which Krampen (1994) tried to replace purely descriptive personality psychology in the factor analytic tradition with a more theory-based psychodiagnostic tool. The method was originally developed in the context of research studying depression and suicidality by measuring the subjective well-being of healthy as well as mentally ill and physically ill and psychosomatically ill subjects (Krampen, 1979). The items particularly measure the quality of each subject’s future expectations in the sense of reduced personal goals. They relate to negative expectations about themselves, about their personal living environment, and their future lives. The measure is available in two parallel formats of the original standard version as well as a revised version: (1) Standard version H-S-scale with 20 alternative items to be answered (true/false), which is available in two parallel half-formats, each with 10 items (H-SA-scale, H-SB-scale), (2) Revised version of H-R-scale with 20 items to be answered in six steps (very wrong to very right), which is also available in two parallel forms with 10 items each (H-RA-scale, H-RB-scale). This dataset includes data from a representative sample of 2,051 German adults from the year 1990 which were used for standardization of the H-scale (Krampen, 1994). Along with the 20 items of the scale, a variety of socioeconomic variables were recorded.
Schmidt-Denter, U. & Beelmann, W.
Investigated the change in family relationships following a marital separation/divorce. Family is understood as a unit which continues to exist in a reconstructed form following a separation/divorce. The change process is assumed to take place in phases while ultimately heading toward a relative stabilization of the unit. This process is experienced differently by family members, so that the change of the family unit cannot be adequately reconstructed from the perspective of a single family member only. These differing contexts by which family members view the situation are key considerations when hoping to correctly determine whether a family has experienced a successful or unsuccessful separation/divorce outcome.
The three-phase model of separation/divorce events which was used in a longitudinal study conducted at three different time points (10, 25, and 40 months after the separation) was supplemented by a fourth wave of data collection after 5.5 years. The data of the 60 participating families (first wave: one target child, mother, and father) were collected using a variety of instruments. Measures included the Familiendiagnostische Testsystem ("the Family Diagnostic Test System", Schneewind, Beckmann, & Hecht-Jackl, 1985), the Marburger Verhaltensliste ("Marburg Behavior List" Ehlers, Ehlers, & Makus, 1978), the German version of the Family Relations Test (Flämig & Woerner, 1977), the self-developed Kölner Fragebogen für Scheidungsfamilien ("Cologne Questionnaire for Divorced Families") featuring versions for mothers and fathers, and systematic interaction observations which were recorded by video to aid the analysis of mother-child dyads in standardized situations.
Main results regard the (ex-)spouse relationship, the family climate, and the childrearing practices from the perspectives of both the parents and children, with observed differentiating perspectives. One focus of the project was concerned with the child's experience of the separation and the consequences of this for the child's development. The occurrence of childhood behavior problems is alarming, although positive changes can also be demonstrated over time. From a differential perspective, three developmental types are distinguished: the "highly stressed" type, the "copes with stress" type, and the "mildly stressed" type. The strength of family relationships and social skills proved to be protective factors that moderated a child's adjustment process. The results support a consensus-oriented approach to deciding and agreeing upon custody and visitation rights.
In extensive datasets, the primary data of the study from 60 families on four occasions of measurement is available When established procedures were used, the scale scores are generally reported here. The data for the systematic interaction observation was derived from self-developed observation scales.
Kurz, D., Brinkhoff, K., Tietjens, M. & Endrikat, K.
Investigated the significance and extent of physical activity in adolescence as well as possible correlations between sport activity and identity development. As part of the Jugendsportstudie 1995 (Youth Sport Study 1995) data were collected from a total of 3,426 adolescents in grades 7, 9, 11, and 13. The teenagers surveyed came from Brandenburg (1,770) and from North Rhine-Westphalia (1,656). A questionnaire measured individual sport characteristics (fitness, extent and intensity of physical activity, sporting activity settings, recreational activities, sport performance), conditions surrounding a teenager's sport commitment (peer orientation and relationships, attitudes toward sports and sports clubs, perceptions of the sports instructor/trainer, outside support for the sports-related activity, burden of school, stressful situations), and possible effects of sport (health, consumption of legal and illegal substances, readiness to act violently and violent behavior, self-concept and body concept, locus of control). Results indicate that participating in sports on a regular basis is positively associated with both the perception of athletic capability and central dimensions of the body concept. A young person's body is an important platform for expression and experience. Physical activity has a direct impact on athletic competence and an indirect influence on other self-concepts. The teenager's body concept has a high relevance for his/her self-acceptance in adolescence. Regarding the gender comparison, the findings show that for boys sport is the number one group activity and is the glue that holds their group of friends together. Even girls view sport activity as important, though to a much lesser extent. Girls will usually not join sports clubs, because their desires and goals are served to a lesser extent in the clubs than those of boys.
Primary data, derived data, and specific indices for the evaluation sample are provided. Comprehensive data from the 4,349 survey sample of subjects are also provided.
Mansel, J.
Examined how changes in the perception and evaluation of risk situations, triggered by the event "the Gulf War", interact with changes in the psychosocial well-being of adolescents. The focus of the study is on the interaction of objective conditions, the interpretation of these interactions by adolescent subjects, and intrapsychic processes.
The data were collected by representative surveys of young people at three time points during and after the Gulf War. Using a questionnaire, sociodemographic characteristics, political orientation, the intensity of experienced fear in the face of a society-produced threat, and the potential consequences of stress were measured (cf. Mansel, 1995). The measurement occasions before and after the Gulf War are part of a larger-scale longitudinal study. The survey during the Gulf War was conducted as an interim survey with a reduced set of variables.
Different results can be derived from the data: Even though almost two-thirds of the adolescents, at least partially, deemed the actions of the U.S. necessary, they were still emotionally upset by the events in the Gulf. This fear is based on the uncertainty and the misgivings that the war would continue to escalate and have serious consequences. Although some young people did not concern themselves with the Gulf War and related events, more than two-thirds of the young people questioned here took part in public campaigns concerning the Gulf War. Under the dominance of the Golf War, the events in other critical areas were, comparatively, of relatively minor concern (cf. Mansel, 1995).
This record includes portions of the data from the measurement occasions before and after the Gulf War and the complete data of the measurement occasion during the Gulf War. Thus, datasets from all 3 measurement occasions are available for 242 adolescents.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Silbereisen, R. K. & Eyferth, K.
The primary investigators of the series "Reports from the Working Group TUdrop Youth Research" characterized this survey as follows:
The use and abuse of drugs by young people is an expression of the general processes of youth development, a feature that can only be understood in the context of the divergence of youth and adult cultures. Here, the key role of empirical verification is put into action in prospective longitudinal studies of normal populations. With the exception of a Swiss study, all the studies were conducted in the U.S.
Even leading studies by U.S. researchers such as Kandel, Jessor, and Jessor or Bentler do not meet the necessary requirements. Specifically, theoretical deficits (youth sociology and psychology approaches are seldom incorporated) and weaknesses of the empirical implementation (measurements of situation-specific action skills and experience are consistently inadequately collected) are apparent. Drug research and youth research have one thing in common: person-oriented and situation-oriented approaches are left unrelated to each other due to the use conflicting paradigms.
Therefore, assuming that drug use is one of many coping strategies, this study aims to develop a theoretical model with which to analyze how adolescents seek to overcome and cope with the ever-mounting stress and opportunities of their youth. The focus is, therefore, on the analysis of coping with age-appropriate development tasks and a youth's participation in youth culture. In addition to a wide range of juvenile behavior topics, leisure activities, and juvenile delinquencies, typical environmental settings-and not only those related to the drug scene-are considered.
The study implemented a complex prospective longitudinal design which included data from more than 2,000 young people aged 11-17 years from Berlin, originating from 3 cohorts of the normal population. The surveys have been repeated at least once a year since 1982. In order to avoid dichotomies of youth research, such as considerations of person-oriented vs. situation-oriented or quantitative vs. qualitative aspects, development patterns are recorded on 3 levels. These levels help distinguish how the interaction of person and setting is analyzed. Individual characteristics are measured individually using covariant levels. Information about the settings is limited to aggregated mass statistics. On the other hand, the interdependent level settings will be individually recorded through field observations and interviews, while the individual characteristics are aggregated. Finally, on the transaction level, both sides (person and setting) will be observed in their real interaction using case studies. It should be noted that the longitudinal character at all levels of analysis is fully guaranteed.
The results of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal section will provide contributions on the etiology of the use and abuse of addictive substances, for the planning of preventive measures primarily in social and welfare youth work, and assist in general issues of youth development in relation to contemporary youth culture.
The Berlin Youth Longitudinal study is summarized as follows (Dr. Matthias Reitzle):
A guideline of the Berlin Youth Longitudinal design "youth development and drugs" was the realization that individual development is not independent of contextual influences. The individual is seen as the acting operator of his or her own development. A key project goal was the explanation of adolescent problem behavior, primarily adolescent substance use.
Unlike prevailing approaches to date, the use of substances was not attributed unilaterally to a medical etiology, nor was this use explained in terms of personal characteristics in the sense of differential psychology. Rather, substance use was considered a behavioral characteristic of youths in the development process, to which there exist-for example in terms of developmental tasks such as peer integration, identity formation and the stabilization of self-esteem-other less risky functional equivalents. Therefore, in addition to substance use, about 40 youth-relevant personality development features were examined. The study followed a cohort sequence design, in which an 11.5-year-old cohort was interviewed at yearly intervals from 1982-1988. At the same time a 14.5-year-old cohort was interviewed from 1982-1985. In 1985, a new survey of 11.5-year-olds was begun with yearly interviews lasting until 1988. The characteristics of the 3 samples are representative of West Berlin school youths for the social structure of the school's district, the city district, and the percentage of foreigners in the district. Following the theoretical guideline of "development in context", the youth standardized interviews were supplemented by parallel surveys of parents, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and analysis of extensive observations collected at typical, favorite recreational settings frequented by young people (setting analysis). The sample loss between 2 consecutive waves of the survey could be held at 12-15% as long as the adolescents could be reached through the school system. For the cohort interviewed beginning in 1985, the 4 waves of surveys yielded a 65% completion rate. To ensure long-term participation, comprehensive measures to keep track of the sample subjects were applied. In addition to the theoretical background and technical details of the study, selected results are presented concerning the constructive role of substance use in adolescent development, development in context with a focus on leisure locations, and the impact that a family's economic loss has on the children's development. Finally, preparatory work on a planned follow-up is reported.
In the present PsychData record, the primary data of 1,434 subjects, 379 comprehensive youth sample variables, and the first wave of data collection from 1982 is provided, including the associated code books and a checklist that provides information on the use of individual items across all survey waves.
The dataset is part of a longitudinal study comprising 7 waves of data collection. All records are published under the following labels in PsychData: rems82be29, rems83be10, rems84be20, rems85be22, rems86be09, rems87be09, rems88be09.
Bäumer, T. & Scheller, R.
Against the background of lifespan developmental psychology, social learning theory, and decision theory, the phenomenon of “chance” is examined with respect to college degree choices and its significant influence on professional development. A questionnaire survey measures the influence of chance experiences and locus of control on the college degree choices of 220 freshman college students. The results show that two-thirds of the students remember influential chance experiences which they deem important in regards to their choice of study. In particular, the number of random experiences increased the perceived study alternatives. It was indicated that chance experiences were primarily conveyed through the media. Comparing internal- vs. external-oriented people, there are no differences in the number of remembered experiences and the random assessment of their importance.
The findings suggest that the concept of chance deserves to be recognized when considering theories. The primary dataset of the survey and some derived variables are provided.
Mansel, J.
When the media reports about teens, it is primarily in connection with their acts of violence. As teen violence is mainly directed against their peers, it can be assumed that this form of news reporting potentially causes teens to feel insecure and fearful that they, themselves, will become victims of physical attacks by their peers. With this in mind, a survey of young people was conducted which provided information about the extent of the fears and concerns teens have of becoming victims of violence and other criminal acts. This was then compared to the intensity of other fears and concerns which arise from their private and professional life or risks that are sociopolitical in nature.
In this context, three key issues were considered. In terms of the teen victims, the background for the extent of teens' fear of crime was analyzed and, on the basis of stress theoretical considerations, the consequences of victimization on the emotional and somatic well-being of those affected were studied. In terms of the teen perpetrators, offenders' biographical experiences and social conditions, which were relevant to both their readiness to act violently and the violence they had experienced, were identified.
To clarify these issues, a study on "fear of violence in adolescence" was conducted in the district of Soest in May and June 1999. The investigation was designed as a school class survey in which each student filled out a questionnaire anonymously. A total of 2,106 students from all three school tracks in the 6th- to 10th grades took part in the survey.
The primary data from this study are provided along with the corresponding codebook.
Wendt, W.
Main topic/questions: The structure and principle aspects of work-related stress in German teachers. Comparison of subgroups within the teaching profession in Germany (East/West, gender, school type, subject). Clarification of the types of stress load in the teaching profession.
Type: Empirical study.
Method: Written survey including a standardized questionnaire that was developed in preliminary tests. This included 56 items that measured potentially stressful situations of everyday professional life as well as sociodemographic and school-related information. Likert scale: 0 = Does not burden me 4 = Burdens me very much
Sample: A highly representative sample of 1,105 teachers.
Evaluation Methods: Total score formation, factor analysis, variance analysis, cluster analysis.
Results: The structure of work-related stress was determined by factor analysis. Cluster analysis determined the structure of the groups (teachers) while differences between subgroups of teachers were examined using variance analysis.
Factor analysis yielded 10 clear dimensions of stress (students who are destructive in word and behavior; poor infrastructure; uncooperative and moody colleagues; administrative tasks which hamper teaching duties; friction between work and home life; feeling overwhelmed by curricular demands; acute stress caused by poor working conditions; conversations with colleagues; egocentric parents; students and parents seeking personal contact with the teachers). Two aspects of this study stand out in comparison to other studies: The sample was large enough that factor analysis could be carried out in subgroups, yielding interesting relationships between the stress load structure and the content characteristics of these subgroups (East/West, age, etc.). Noteworthy are the changes in the factor structure with increasing age, which suggest burn-out syndrome. Also, a method is developed on the basis of which the factor structures can be graphically represented.
Results of the questionnaire indicated that these teachers are the most burdened by stress: women, teachers from East Berlin, teachers in primary schools, teachers of the subjects of German or art/music. Teachers with the lowest stress levels were those teaching in the lowest educational track (Hauptschule) and those who taught sports and career training. The largest burden for all teachers is students who talk out of turn and are restless in class. Also, administrative tasks and the family issues weighed heavily on teachers. Low stress values were found in the areas of colleagues, curriculum, and notably, parent interaction.
The cluster analysis of teachers revealed nine exemplary types of stress. Among the group with low-level stress, two clusters were found ("the laid back, the old hands" and "the committed, the idealists"). Only one cluster is identified among the highly stressed group that, alarmingly, compromises about 15% of the teachers. Members of this cluster feel burdened by everyone and everything.
The record contains the complete primary data of the interviewed teachers. Derived data are also provided.
Rothermund, K. & Wentura, D.
Examined associative and affective priming effects using a modified Stroop task in 2 experiments. In the first experiment the category specific priming effects, which occupy an intermediate position between stimulus specific associations and category relationships, were analyzed. The analysis of affective priming effects with the color task is particularly suited to test the hypothesis of an automatic activation spread to valence congruent content because they (a) eliminate alternative explanations in terms of reaction pathways or interference and (b) are sensitive for both specific (increased accessibility of certain stimuli) and nonspecific (global interference by emotional behavioral tendencies) affective activation effects. In the first experiment (SOA = 300 ms), the primes were presented without further processing instructions. In the second experiment (SOA = 500ms) the primes had to be reproduced directly after the color identification. In both experiments, significant priming effects for the associative material could be detected. Thereby the sensitivity of the procedure used for the detection of the priming effect was confirmed. In terms of the valence material in both experiments, no affective congruency effect was shown. The hypothesis of an automatic affective activation propagation, which was proposed in conclusion to previous studies which used other types of tasks examining the affective congruency effect, cannot be supported based on the present evidence. In addition to the primary data from both experiments, this record includes the aggregated subject and item data as well as the experimental control programs and evaluation programs.
Klauer, K. J., Willmes, K. & Phye, G. D.
K. J. Klauer developed a theory of inductive reasoning, which specifies the processes by which inductive problems can be solved. This theory thus defines the tasks or problems that are of an inductive nature. It can be shown that many intelligence tests, particularly those that capture fluid intelligence, involve inductive tasks.
In the presented study the aim was to examine whether the training of inductive reasoning skills promotes the intellectual competence rather than just the performance. The issue of convergent and discriminant validity of the training were also considered, that is, determining whether the training not only affected fluid but also crystallized intelligence sensu Cattell.
The database should be sufficiently large and suitable enough to represent the expected differential causal influence using a structural equation model (LISREL). It was experimentally confirmed that changes are due to the training. However, with use of the LISREL, it should also be clarified whether the paths turn out as expected.
Oberauer, K. & Kliegl, R. .
Working memory is usually described as a system for the simultaneous remembering and processing of information. The "Memory Updating" task allows the demands of the two components - remembering and processing - to be incrementally varied independently from each other. We used a numerical version of this task to measure the capacity of working memory in young and old adults. To this end, we investigated working memory by manipulating the presentation time for individual calculations for each person using an individual time-accuracy functions task with increasing load on working memory (simultaneously remembering 1 to 6 digits). The results show that both the asymptotic-achieved accuracy, as well as the rate at which accuracy reaches the asymptote, increases with the memory load and with age. While several alternative mathematical models were used on the data, only two of them (one based on interference, one for time-dependent trace decay) yielded a satisfactory fit to the data. This data can be used as a benchmark dataset for formal models of working memory capacity.
Petzold, P. & Haubensak, G.
According to the model of multiple standards, the boundaries of the stimulus area and the memory representations of previous stimuli have an equivalent function in the decision process: They serve as internal standards by which the depicted stimulus is compared. If this assumption is correct, then the influence of stimulus area and the influence of preceding stimuli follow the same regularities.
This hypothesis was examined for the effect of instruction on the modification of judgments via stimulant classification. Subjects assessed the size of squares on a 5-point rating scale. There were two classes of squares: empty or shaded. In Experiment 3, the subjects were asked to judge the empty squares only in relation to the other empty squares and the shaded squares only in relation to the other shaded squares (separation instruction). In Experiment 4, subjects were instructed to ignore the stimulus classes and to assess the individual squares in terms of all the squares (integration instructions). The discrepancies between the results of Experiments 3 and 4 confirmed the predictions of the model. In Experiment 3, the increase in the psychophysical function demonstrated that the class-specific area of the squares had been used. However, in Experiment 4, the entire stimuli area was decisive for assessing the size of the squares. For example, in Experiment 3 the sequence effect was stronger when the preceding stimulus belonged to the same class as the following stimulus, while in Experiment 4 the strength of the sequence effect was independent of any similarities between the presented stimuli. This confirms the equivalent effect of procedural structure on area effects and sequence effects.
The effect of stimulus classification on sequence effects was studied in more detail in Experiment 3. Interactions between the stimulus-judgment events were found in one and two trials prior to the actual trial. When both the preceding stimuli belong to the same class as the presented stimulus, the correlation between successive judgments is lower than when only the immediately preceding stimulus (but not the stimulus two trials prior) belongs to the same class as the presented stimulus.
Petzold, P. & Haubensak, G.
These experiments assessed, for the magnitude estimations of squares, whether the range of the sequential dependencies of magnitude estimations and the categorical judgments vary. To this end, partial correlations between the assessment of a recently presented stimulus and the preceding stimuli and judgments were calculated. It was found that the range of magnitude estimations amounted to 1, while for categorical judgments this value was 2.
Furthermore, a relationship was found between the influence of preceding judgments in the sense of assimilation and the influence of preceding stimuli towards a contrast.
a) The difference in the range of sequential dependencies for the two types of judgments affects both the assimilation of judgments as well as the contrast with respect to the stimuli.
b) In the analysis of individual differences in the strength of sequential dependencies, a strong positive correlation was found between the extent of the influence of previous judgments and previous stimuli.
For categorical judgments, relationships between the sequence effects caused by stimulus-judgment events generated one and two trials prior to the current trial, were analyzed. Position effects resulted with respect to the relative position of the currently presented stimulus and the preceding stimuli one and two trials prior. If the squares presented one and two trials prior are both larger or both smaller than the current square, there is an interaction between them. However, if one of the previous two stimuli is smaller and the other is larger than the current stimulus, the interaction is eliminated.
The results obtained confirm a model of multiple standards, in which the stimuli are evaluated in categorical judgments with respect to a subjective area. The subjective area can be formed by the boundaries of the stimulus area (long-term standards) and/or memory representations of previous stimuli (short-term standards). In a trial, the two standards to which the stimulus to be judged is most similar are chosen from the set of available standards.
Hötting, K., Rösler, F. & Röder, B.
There is a substantial amount of evidence which indicates that the processing of spatial representations is shared by different sensory systems. The present study investigated whether spatial attention is controlled in an overlapping fashion by both the tactile and auditory modality and whether these processes are influenced by sensory experiences. To this end, both sighted and congenitally blind subjects were examined using a paradigm for selective spatial attention while event-related potentials were simultaneously recorded. In different experimental blocks, subjects paid attention to sounds coming from a certain point in the room and to a specific sensory modality. In sighted subjects, the event-related potentials showed spatial attention effects not only for the attention modality, but also for the neglected modality. These results suggest a linked process of spatial attention between different sensory systems. The blind subjects, however, showed no spatial attention effects in the neglected modality in early event-related potentials. At later stages of processing, a slowdown of processing of irrelevant stimuli was evident. The results show that the specific linkage between the different sensory systems is influenced by sensory experiences and that the visual system plays a crucial role in training the auditory-tactile links. (For more details see Hötting, Roesler, & Röder, 2003, 2004).
Montada, L., Reichle, B. & Schneider, A.
In light of the objective deprivation of different victim groups, demographic data, attitudes, justice preferences, cognitions, emotions, and behavior of 434 adult West Germans were collected in a longitudinal study. Two response patterns were identified: defensive reactions (denial of one's own responsibility for the plight of the disadvantaged, blaming the disadvantaged for their own misery, trivialization of seriousness of the situation, justification of one's own better standing in life, and anger directed toward the disadvantaged) and prosocial reactions (perception of one's responsibility for the plight of the victims, subjective ratings of the unjust situation, recognizing the relationship between one's own privileged standing and the underprivileged situation of the disadvantaged, and existential feelings of guilt). Defensive reactions, stemming from a threat to a belief in a "just world", can be predicated longitudinally. The more people believe in a just world the more derogatory they will react when confronted with those worse off than themselves. This dismissive and derogatory stance toward underprivileged people only strengthens their belief in a just world. Prosocial reactions, however, are motivated more by existential guilt (an unease about the discrepancy between one's own, not always deserved, privileged situation vs the others' unprivileged situation).
The record contains the complete primary data of the interviewed people on both measurement occasions. Relevant derived data are also reported.
Asendorpf, J.
Presents an application of the KIT (Kontrolliertes Interaktions-Tagebuch, controlled interaction diary) method. Psychologically significant social interactions in a specific observation period were documented. Social relationships were diagnosed via the aggregation of a series of a subject's interactions with the same person. Personality characteristic were identified by aggregating the subject's personal relationships. Strict checks were established to minimize the interference of retrospective memories. Nevertheless, the KIT was shown to be a practical tool. In a longitudinal study, 144 college students maintained a daily diary for 3 weeks in the first semester while 114 college students did the same in the second semester. The quality of individual close relationships and significant relationship types (such as heterosexual peer relationships) was recorded with high reliability. Comparisons with relationship and personality questionnaires revealed a satisfactory validity.
Feger, H., Lorenz, D. & Czienskowski, U.
The starting point of this study series originates from a study by Flament and Apfelbaum which was published in 1966 in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. They investigated the influence of communication and positive socioaffective neutral values on group structure. Neutral and positive socioaffective values were measured through trading cards that were either marked with a "+" sign or not marked at all. 20 groups of four male participants who had a differing number of positive cards (different resources) at their disposal were examined. The authors found that fixed exchange relationships developed during the exchange processes: The resource-strong coalition favored each other in the course of the experiment while the resource-weak, who tried in vain to disrupt the coalition of the resource strong, also formed a coalition at the end of the experiment. This experiment was a starting point of further investigations. Feger and von Hecker (1998) were able to partially replicate the findings. Later, Biele (1998) examined the continuous distribution of different resource items.
Based on these findings, this study documents the internal exchange behavior within groups. In a computerized experiment, four subjects are placed in a game situation. In each game round, players are required to share a predetermined amount of the allocated start-up capital with a teammate. The aim of the game is to accumulate as large a sum of money as possible in 200 game rounds.
Part of the experimental design is that the allocated start-up capital varies between groups: In Study 8 the allocated start-up capital was the same for all players, while in Study 9 the four players were each assigned a different amount of start-up capital (different resource distribution condition).
The key findings are:
- The resource-strong subjects were strongly preferred over the resource weak. Trial participants who started out with more resources in the game had significantly more money in the end than did the other two participants who started with fewer resources in the game.
- The resource-weak replicated the choices of the resource-strong more frequently than the choices of the resource-weak.
- There was less interaction between the resource-weak subjects then between the resource-weak and the resource-strong. The resource-weak preferred to interact with the resource-strong.
Schmitt, M.
A clear disparity has been identified in the inner-German situation following reunification in the average quality of living conditions from West to East. For many citizens this raises the question as to the fairness of this situation, whose end is uncertain. Building on the psychology of fairness, the constructs of perceived privilege and perceived deprivation were studied longitudinally. Dispositional attitudes and values are considered, together with specific views on the situation of German distribution of wealth/good, their causes, and possible changes, all of which lead to perceived injustices. Along these theoretical lines it is investigated which types of emotions and the willingness to take action are promoted as well as how life satisfaction and mental health are correlated with these variables. The main interest was the relationships between the objective changes in the domestic distribution situation in Germany and the subjective perceptions of these changes on the part of German citizens. Three surveys were conducted in 2-year intervals. A section of the primary data which was collected for the first time of in 1996 is documented here. This section was chosen so that the results of an international publication (Schmitt, M. & Maes, J., 1998) could be considered and alternative assessments could be made.
Becker, P.
The Trier Personality Questionnaire (TPF) is based on a systematic review and further development of theories and diagnostic tools for mental health (Becker, 1997a, Becker & Minsel, 1986), as well as factor-analytical studies concerning the strongest variables and independent factors of personality (Becker, 1988, 1995, 1998, 2000). The TPF is anchored in a (system-) theory and a circumplex model of personality which consists of the two main constructs of mental health and behavioral control. The theory was developed by Becker (1995, 1996, 1999a) and applied in clinical contexts. Mental health is conceived by Becker as "the capacity to manage external and internal psychological demands."
The TPF was administered to a random sample of 961 adults thus generating norm data. Norm tables are available for both sexes separately in the age ranges 18-40 years and 41-80 years.
The data from the norm sample are stored in the RDC at ZPID (previously PsychData).
Becker, P., Hänsgen, K. & Lindinger, E.
The present study is devoted to two issues:
(1) Did the socialist system of the former German Democratic Republic affect the East German population to the extent that systematic differences in personality are evident in comparison to West Germans?
(2) Did the dramatic changes in living conditions following reunification lead to health problems in East German citizens?
Data were collected using the following questionnaires: The Berliner Verfahren zur Neurosendiagnostik (BVND, a test for neuroses diagnostics), the Trier Personality Questionnaire (TPI), and the Trierer Inventar zur Verhaltenskontrolle (TIV, an inventory assessing control of behavior). 598 subjects were examined, including 300 from eastern Germany and 298 from western Germany, with an equal distribution between the sexes. The internal consistencies of the utilized scales displayed high reliability for use in group comparisons. In a principal components analysis, four main sources of variance were identified: (1) general mental and physical complaints, (2) behavioral control, (3) activity level, and (4) sociability and a three-factor analysis of variance was calculated using the factors of "country" (East, West), "gender", and "age" (three levels).
Regarding factor 1: Contrary to expectations, an overall significantly higher psychosomatic stress level in East Germans could not be established, even though this was the case in individual scales (higher anxiety potential, greater feelings of uncertainty, fatigue, and nervousness among East Germans).
Regarding factor 2: Here, the clearest and most consistent differences were found: East Germans' behavior is more controlled than that of West Germans.
Krüger, H. & Vollrath, M.
On January 1, 1993 the blood alcohol limit of 0 mg/ml was officially increased to 0.8 mg/ml in the new German states (since the reunification). To examine the effects of this legal measure, more than 20,000 motorists from Thuringia and Lower Franconia (control region) were stopped and briefly questioned by police about their drinking and driving behavior during the times of late 1992, spring 1993, and spring 1994. Breathalyzer tests were also administered. In a follow-up survey, a selected sample of the drivers was interviewed by telephone. The main issues examined in the project were: (1) determining the frequency of driving while under the influence of alcohol, (2) investigating the situational and personal factors influencing the decision to drive under the influence of alcohol, and (3) evaluating the effect of the legal change in the blood alcohol limit.
Data is presented in the context of the 21198 driver surveys carried out during the aforementioned traffic controls.
von Maurice, J. & Scheller, R.
In light of the use of the term chance in psychological and sociological literature, a model has been developed that embeds chance with rational considerations. Nine types of chance experiences at a target level (alternatives, knowledge, emotions) and a source level (person, event, information) are distinguished.
In the context of a college degree choice, the relevance of random past experiences and how these relate to features of a student's structure of interests is considered. A survey of 217 first-year college students showed that 61.3% of respondents reported at least one random experience. Chance experiences particularly increased the number of study alternatives. Chance experiences, on average, were rated as important in terms of the college degree choice students made. A weak, negative correlation was found between the number of remembered experiences and the differentiations within the interest profile. Based on these results it can be concluded that random past experiences should be considered in the context of professional aim and development. The primary data of the survey and some derived variables are provided.