Share Data
The RDC at ZPID has the mission to promote data sharing in psychology by supporting researchers in documenting and sharing their data in accordance with their specific needs. To this end, the RDC at ZPID supports three documentation layers.
The three documentation layers of the RDC at ZPID
On the first layer, researchers primarily intend that their data are findable and can be used to comprehend the findings presented in a published journal article. Therefore, researchers are advised to provide their primary data, a codebook, relevant data preparation and analyses scripts as well as some bibliographic metadata. All these materials can be directly submitted via the PsychArchives Submission Assistant.
At the second level, researchers want to ensure not only that their data belonging to a published study can be used and understood in the context of the relevant publication, but for any purpose intended by other researchers (e.g. replication, meta-analysis, answering new research questions, etc.). Therefore, they want their data to be archived in a quality assured way. To support researchers in the preparation of these quality assured and generally comprehensible data objects, the RDC at ZPID provides DataWiz as a user-friendly data management tool for psychological research data.
Finally, researchers might have to manage their data on a project level requiring the professional and individualized support of the data curation process over the entire project period. If you want to know more about our project services and potential costs please have a look at our service catalog or contact our RDC team at
Here is a short overview of the projects that we are currently supporting:
- BRAC Research Unit “Binding and Retrieval in Action Control” (DFG FOR2790)
- META-REP „Ein meta-wissenschaftliches Programm zur Analyse und Optimierung von Replizierbarkeit in den
Verhaltens-, Sozial- und Kognitionswissenschaften“ (DFG SPP 2317)

Data Selection: What data do we take?
Information on what we list in the RDC at ZPID and how to report research data for inclusion.
Selection criteria (Which research data are included in the RDC at ZPID?)
Learn about the criteria used to select data objects for the RDC at ZPID. The RDC at ZPID documents all psychological research data related to a relevant publication in a peer-reviewed journal or a research project supported by third-party funders relying on a rigorous peer-review procedure (in Germany for example: DFG or BMBF). The publication language can be German or English.

Submission process
Submit your research data to the RDC at ZPID. The submission process is performed in several steps:
- Write us an email.
- Sign data transfer contract.
- Fill in metadata form.
- Curation of research data.
- Publication.

DataWiz – a free data management system that helps prepare research data
The DataWiz assistance system facilitates high-quality documentation according to current standards and ensures the long-term reusability of research data.
- Study Description: Prepare a Study Description of your Data in the Data Documentation Module
- Codebook: Write your Codebook in the Data Documentation Module

The RDC Knowledge Base – How to put your research data in the right perspective and cutting your raw data into a diamond
The RDC knowledge base provides you with all the relevant procedural knowledge to generate reusable research data
The knowledge base explains all data management tasks and the relevant concepts related to these tasks along the timeline of the research process:
- Before Data Collection
- During Data Collection
- After Data Collection