Being afraid of violence. Primary data from a study on adolescent victims and perpetrators.

Educational Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


When the media reports about teens, it is primarily in connection with their acts of violence. As teen violence is mainly directed against their peers, it can be assumed that this form of news reporting potentially causes teens to feel insecure and fearful that they, themselves, will become victims of physical attacks by their peers. With this in mind, a survey of young people was conducted which provided information about the extent of the fears and concerns teens have of becoming victims of violence and other criminal acts. This was then compared to the intensity of other fears and concerns which arise from their private and professional life or risks that are sociopolitical in nature.
In this context, three key issues were considered. In terms of the teen victims, the background for the extent of teens' fear of crime was analyzed and, on the basis of stress theoretical considerations, the consequences of victimization on the emotional and somatic well-being of those affected were studied. In terms of the teen perpetrators, offenders' biographical experiences and social conditions, which were relevant to both their readiness to act violently and the violence they had experienced, were identified.
To clarify these issues, a study on "fear of violence in adolescence" was conducted in the district of Soest in May and June 1999. The investigation was designed as a school class survey in which each student filled out a questionnaire anonymously. A total of 2,106 students from all three school tracks in the 6th- to 10th grades took part in the survey.
The primary data from this study are provided along with the corresponding codebook.

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Year of Publication



Mansel, J. (2004). Being afraid of violence. Primary data from a study on adolescent victims and perpetrators. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Three research-guiding questions:

  1. The extent and influence of the fear of violence or the fear of crime in comparison to other fears and worries in adolescence. Clarification of the factors that were significant for the formation of these fears of victimization.
  2. Consequences of victimization (effects on emotions, behavior, self-esteem and well-being, fear of crime, quality of life).
  3. Causes of violence and willingness to be violent.

Research Design:

Fully Standardized Survey Instrument (provides question formulation and answer options); single measurements

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

The main questionnaire was largely standardized. In addition to the intensity of young people’s fear of crime and perpetrator/victim experiences, each subject’s perception, interpretation, and subjective assessment of their social situation in school, at home, and during free time as well as their position within their social circle were measured. Additionally, some attributes, characteristics, behavioral dispositions, and behavioral tendencies of the youths were collected along with the frequency of specific emotions and physical discomforts. Scales that had, for the most part, already been tested in other studies were used to measure the variables.
In addition to the standardized questionnaire, youths could add their thoughts and opinions concerning protective measures against violence, public policies aimed at the prevention of violence, and places/venues they considered to be dangerous.

Data Collection Method:

In-class survey in the presence of an interviewer who evaluated every questionnaire individually.


Adolescents in 6th-10th grade in the district of Soest

Survey Time Period:

Cross-sectional survey, 1999


Stratified, systematic sample

Gender Distribution:

47,7% female subjects (n=1005)
51,3% male subjects (n=1081)

Age Distribution: 11-17 years (there were only a few older students within the 10th grades)

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/District of Soest

Subject Recruitment:

The questionnaires were completed by the students in the classroom. Interviewers were available for questions during the questionnaire.

Sample Size:

2106 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

Due to smaller class sizes and higher default rates due to the lack of parental consent for participation in the investigation, measurements taken at the lower-track schools are not included.

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Description: Description of the files

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data file mljn99an11_pd.txt