Work-related stress in teachers. Primary data.

Work, Organizational and Business Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


Main topic/questions: The structure and principle aspects of work-related stress in German teachers. Comparison of subgroups within the teaching profession in Germany (East/West, gender, school type, subject). Clarification of the types of stress load in the teaching profession.
Type: Empirical study.
Method: Written survey including a standardized questionnaire that was developed in preliminary tests. This included 56 items that measured potentially stressful situations of everyday professional life as well as sociodemographic and school-related information. Likert scale: 0 = Does not burden me 4 = Burdens me very much
Sample: A highly representative sample of 1,105 teachers.
Evaluation Methods: Total score formation, factor analysis, variance analysis, cluster analysis.
Results: The structure of work-related stress was determined by factor analysis. Cluster analysis determined the structure of the groups (teachers) while differences between subgroups of teachers were examined using variance analysis.

Factor analysis yielded 10 clear dimensions of stress (students who are destructive in word and behavior; poor infrastructure; uncooperative and moody colleagues; administrative tasks which hamper teaching duties; friction between work and home life; feeling overwhelmed by curricular demands; acute stress caused by poor working conditions; conversations with colleagues; egocentric parents; students and parents seeking personal contact with the teachers). Two aspects of this study stand out in comparison to other studies: The sample was large enough that factor analysis could be carried out in subgroups, yielding interesting relationships between the stress load structure and the content characteristics of these subgroups (East/West, age, etc.). Noteworthy are the changes in the factor structure with increasing age, which suggest burn-out syndrome. Also, a method is developed on the basis of which the factor structures can be graphically represented.

Results of the questionnaire indicated that these teachers are the most burdened by stress: women, teachers from East Berlin, teachers in primary schools, teachers of the subjects of German or art/music. Teachers with the lowest stress levels were those teaching in the lowest educational track (Hauptschule) and those who taught sports and career training. The largest burden for all teachers is students who talk out of turn and are restless in class. Also, administrative tasks and the family issues weighed heavily on teachers. Low stress values were found in the areas of colleagues, curriculum, and notably, parent interaction.

The cluster analysis of teachers revealed nine exemplary types of stress. Among the group with low-level stress, two clusters were found ("the laid back, the old hands" and "the committed, the idealists"). Only one cluster is identified among the highly stressed group that, alarmingly, compromises about 15% of the teachers. Members of this cluster feel burdened by everyone and everything.
The record contains the complete primary data of the interviewed teachers. Derived data are also provided.

Persistent Identifier

Year of Publication



Wendt, W. (2004). Work-related stress in teachers. Primary data. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Fully Standardized Survey Instrument (provides question formulation and answer options); single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

The questionnaire covered 56 items from 7 subareas of teacher stress:

  1. exposure to students (10 Items)
  2. impact of curriculum (5 items)
  3. stress in the classroom (8 Items)
  4. exposure to parents (7 Items)
  5. burden of administrative tasks (6 Items)
  6. exposure to colleagues (9 Items)
  7. exposure to other working conditions (11 Items)

Factor analysis confirmed that within the first 6 items the burden of “other” working conditions could be allocated across the item, while 2 other item could be differentiated: stress due to lack of time and stress in the family. The items consist of declarative sentences that are to be assessed on a 5-point Likert scale.
In another part of the questionnaire training and employment related information (favorite subject, teaching major, and main teaching subject, training, current function/position, work experience, type of school) and socio-demographic data (gender, age, scope of employment, location) were collected. The items were mostly in multiple choice form.

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the absence of an experimenter


Teachers working in Berlin

Survey Time Period:

Fall 1992-Spring 1993


Stratified, Systematic Sample

Gender Distribution:

71,0% female subjects (n=785)
29,0% male subjects (n=320)

Age Distribution: 23-64 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany /-/Berlin

Subject Recruitment:

Sample Size:

1105 Individuen

Return/Drop Out:

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Description: Primary data of the study

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Description: Primary and derived data for the study

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Description: Transformation instructions for the primary data set wtwg93be99_pd.txt