Primärdaten zur Studie "When personality gets under the skin"
PersönlichkeitspsychologieAutor*innen / Ersteller*innen
Weiler, Selina M.Jacobsen, Thomas
Verändern Individuen ihren Körper, um einzigartig zu sein? Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte die Subkomponenten des Bedürfnisses nach Einzigartigkeit (NfU) als mögliche Motive für die Modifikation des eigenen Körpers. Zu diesem Zweck wurden von 312 Teilnehmern Informationen über ihr NfU (mit Hilfe der deutschen NfU-G Globalskala und drei Subskalen) und ihre Körpermodifikationen (Tattoos, Piercings und extreme Körpermodifikationen wie Zungenspaltung) erhoben. Durch die Analyse der drei Subkomponenten des NfU war die Studie in der Lage, die differentielle Beziehung der Subskalen zu den Ergebnismaßen zu untersuchen, was ein feinkörniges Verständnis der Beziehung zwischen NfU und Körpermodifikation ermöglichte. Die Studie ergab, dass tätowierte, gepiercte und extrem körperveränderte Personen höhere NfU-G-Werte aufwiesen als Personen ohne Körpermodifikationen. Darüber hinaus schien es, dass Personen mit Tätowierungen eine soziale Komponente in Betracht zogen, indem sie sich keine Gedanken über die Reaktion anderer auf ihre Tätowierungen machten, obwohl sie keinen Affront verursachen wollten. Gepiercte und extrem körperveränderte Personen hingegen neigten dazu, sich aktiv über Regeln hinwegzusetzen und sich nicht um die Meinung anderer zu ihren Veränderungen zu kümmern. Obwohl statistisch signifikant, war die Effektgröße (d) für die NfU-G-Unterschiede in den Mittelwerten der tätowierten und gepiercten Teilnehmer in allen drei Teilkomponenten klein bis mittel. Die extrem körperveränderte Gruppe zeigte mittlere und mittlere bis große Effekte. Weiterhin wurde in der Studie beobachtet, dass die Anzahl der Körpermodifikationen mit steigendem NfU bei tätowierten und gepiercten Personen zunahm. Diese Befunde zeigten vielfältige Zusammenhänge zwischen dem NfU, seinen Subkomponenten und den drei in der vorliegenden Studie untersuchten Arten von Körpermodifikationen.
Persistent Identifier der Publikation
Weiler, S. M. & Jacobsen, T. (2021). Primärdaten zur Studie "When personality gets under the skin" (Version 1.0.0) [Daten und Dokumentation]. Trier: Forschungsdatenzentrum am ZPID.
Vollstandardisiertes Erhebungsinstrument (Fragenbereiche und Antwortalternativen vorgegeben); einmalige Erhebung
Geschlechtsverteilung: 62.18% weibliche Probanden Räumlicher Erfassungsbereich (Land/Region/Stadt): Deutschland
37.5% männliche Probanden
Altersverteilung: 18-66 Jahre
Erhebung in Anwesenheit eines Versuchsleiters
- Computergestützt
deutschsprachige Population
312 Individuen
MD5: 512ab6ebe5f6980f50c4786437b66955
Position | Name | Label | Gültige Werte | Fehlende Werte |
1 | LFDN | participant number | 1-405 "sequential participant number" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
2 | EXTERNAL_LFDN | external lfdn | 0 "only one EFS-survey project" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
3 | TESTER | tester | 0 "no tester" 1 "tester" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
4 | DISPCODE | disposition code | 10 "Consent seen (10)" 11 "Not yet invited (11)" 12 "Invited (12)" 13 "Inactive (13)" 14 "Email undeliverable (14)" 15 "Unavailable (15)" 16 "Reserved 1 (16)" 17 "Reserved 2 (17)" 18 "Custom unavailable 1 (18)" 19 "Custom unavailable 2 (19)" 20 "Not yet started (20)" 21 "Currently responding (21)" 22 "Interrupted (22)" 23 "Resumed (23)" 31 "Finished (31)" 32 "Finished after interruption (32)" 33 "User defined finished 1 (33)" 34 "User defined terminated 2 (34)" 35 "Rejected on login (quota full) (35)" 36 "Rejected (quota full) (36)" 37 "Screened out (37)" 38 "User-defined screened out (38)" 39 "User defined screened out (39)" 40 "User defined screened out (40)" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
5 | LASTPAGE | last page | string "Page ID of the last participant displayed page" | 0 "missing value: survey not properly completed" |
6 | QUALITY | quality | 0-1 "Response quality based on the quality correction" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
7 | DURATION | time to complete survey | -1-3712 "time to complete survey in seconds" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
8 | V_1 | Item 1 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
9 | V_2 | Item 2 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
10 | V_3 | Item 3 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
11 | V_4 | Item 4 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
12 | V_5 | Item 5 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
13 | V_6 | Item 6 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
14 | V_7 | Item 7 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
15 | V_8 | Item 8 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
16 | V_9 | Item 9 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
17 | V_10 | Item 10 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
18 | V_11 | Item 11 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
19 | V_12 | Item 12 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
20 | V_13 | Item 13 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
21 | V_14 | Item 14 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
22 | V_15 | Item 15 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
23 | V_16 | Item 16 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
24 | V_17 | Item 17 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
25 | V_18 | Item 18 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
26 | V_19 | Item 19 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
27 | V_20 | Item 20 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
28 | V_21 | Item 21 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
29 | V_22 | Item 22 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
30 | V_23 | Item 23 of the NfU-G scale (inverted item) | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
31 | V_24 | Item 24 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
32 | V_25 | Item 25 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
33 | V_26 | Item 26 of the NfU-G scale | 1 "Do not agree at all" 2 "Strongly disagree" 3 "Partly/partly" 4 "Strongly agree" 5 "Completely agree" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
34 | V_28 | Tattoo | 2 "No" 7 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
35 | V_57 | Tattoo removed | 1 "Yes" 2 "No" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
36 | V_30 | Piercing | 2 "No" 7 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
37 | V_32 | Extreme body modifications | 2 "No" 7 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
38 | V_60 | Number of tattoos | 0-476 "number of tattoos" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
39 | V_62 | Percent tattoo | 0-99 "percent tattoos (measured relative to skin surface)" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
40 | V_34 | Tattoos visible | 1 "Yes" 2 "No" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
41 | V_59 | Removed tattoos visible | 1 "Yes" 2 "No" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
42 | V_61 | Number of piercings | 1-342 "number of piercings" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
43 | V_35 | Piercings visible | 1 "Yes" 2 "No" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
44 | V_63 | Number of extreme body modifications | 1-54 "number of extreme body modifications" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
45 | V_36 | Extreme body modifications visible | 1 "Yes" 2 "No" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
46 | V_37 | Age | 1-66 "age in years" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
47 | V_38 | Gender | 1 "Female" 2 "Male" 3 "Other" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
48 | V_39 | Place of birth | string "place of birth" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
49 | V_40 | Current place of residence | string "current place of residence" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
50 | V_41 | Marital status | 1 "Single" 2 "Partnership" 3 "Married" 4 "Widowed" 5 "Other" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
51 | V_42 | Highest level of education | 1 "No qualification" 2 "Secondary education level 1 (at least 9 years)" 3 "Secondary school leaving certificate 2 (at least 10 years)" 4 "Baccalaureate (at least 12 years)" 5 "University of applied sciences degree" 6 "University degree" 7 "Other" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
52 | V_43 | Current employment | 1 "Unemployed" 2 "Pupil" 3 "Student" 4 "Apprentice" 5 "Part-time employment" 6 "Full-time employment" 7 "Self-employed" 8 "Unable to work" 9 "Other" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
53 | V_44 | Physical illness | 1 "No" 4 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
54 | V_45 | Which physical illness | string "description of the physical illness" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
55 | V_46 | Mental illness | 1 "No" 4 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
56 | V_47 | Which mental illness | string "Description of the mental illness" | -66 "missing value: not specified" |
57 | V_48 | Trauma | 1 "No" 5 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
58 | V_50 | Smoking | 1 "No" 6 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
59 | V_51 | Cigarettes per day | 1-30 "Cigarettes per day" | 87654321 "missing value: wrong information" -66 "missing value: not specified" |
60 | V_52 | Alcohol | 1 "No" 6 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
61 | V_53 | Alcohol consumption per week | string "specification of alcohol consumption per week" | -66 "missing value: not specified" -99 "missing value: not specified" |
62 | V_54 | Drugs | 1 "No" 7 "Yes" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
63 | V_58 | End | string "not further specified participant code" | -66 "missing value: not specified" -99 "missing value: not specified" |
64 | DEVICE_TYPE | device type | 0 "default value - detect participants' device was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
65 | PARTICIPANT_BROWSER | participant browser | 0 "default value - detect participants' browser was not activated" | -99 "missing value: unknown" |
66 | PARTICIPANT_BROWSER_VERSION | participant browser version | string "specification of participant browser version (not activated in this survey)" | -99 "missing value: unknown" |
67 | PARTICIPANT_OS | participant os | 0 "standard value - detect participant os was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
68 | PARTICIPANT_DEVICE | participant device | 0 "standard value - detect participant device was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
69 | PARTICIPANT_BRAND | participant brand | 0 "standard value - detect participant brand was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
70 | PARTICIPANT_MODEL | participant model | 0 "standard value - detect participant model was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
71 | PARTICIPANT_ISBOT | participant isbot | 0 "standard value - detect participant isbot was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
72 | PARTICIPANT_CONTINENT | participant continent | 0 "standard value - detect participant continent was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
73 | PARTICIPANT_COUNTRY | participant country | 0 "standard value - detect participant country was not activated" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
74 | PARTICIPANT_REGION | participant region | string "specification of participant region (not detected in this study)" | -99 "missing value: unknown" |
75 | PARTICIPANT_CITY | participant city | string "specification of participant city (not detected in this study)" | -99 "missing value: unknown" |
76 | PARTICIPANT_LATITUDE | participant latitude | string "specification of participant latitude (not detected in this study)" | -66 "missing value: unknown" |
77 | PARTICIPANT_LONGITUDE | participant longitude | string "specification of participant longitude (not detected in this study)" | -66 "missing value: unknown" |
78 | QUOTA | quota | 0 "no quota allocation detected" | -77 "missing value: unknown" |
79 | QUOTA_ASSIGNMENT | quota assignment | string "specification of quota assignment (not detected in this study)" | -66 "missing value: unknown" |
80 | QUOTA_REJECTED_ID | quota rejected id | 0 "no quota rejected id detected" | -77 "missing value: unknown" |
81 | PAGE_HISTORY | page history | string "Display of the survey pages passed by the participant" | 0 "missing value: unknown" |
82 | HFLIP | horizontal flip | 0 "Not flipped" 1 "Flipped" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
83 | VFLIP | vertical flip | 0 "Not flipped" 1 "Flipped" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
84 | OUTPUT_MODE | output mode | 0 "HTML" 1 "XHTML" 2 "WML" 3 "offline" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
85 | JAVASCRIPT | javascript | 10 "Javascript 1.0" 11 "Javascript 1.1" 12 "Javascript 1.2" 13 "Javascript 1.3" 14 "Javascript 1.4" 15 "Javascript 1.5" 16 "Javascript 1.6" 17 "Javascript 1.7" 18 "Javascript 1.8" 20 "Javascript 2.0" | -77 "missing value: detect Javascript is deactivated" |
86 | FLASH | flash | 0 "flash plugin is not available" | -77 "missing value: detect flash is deactivated " |
87 | SESSION_ID | session id | string "id of the session" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
88 | LANGUAGE | language | 1 "German" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
89 | CLEANED | cleaned | 0 "Not cleaned" 1 "Cleaned" 2 "Checked, not cleaned" | -77 "missing value: not specified" |
90 | ATS | absolute time stamp | 1566914362-1569930307 "absolute time stamp" | 0 "missing value: not specified" |
91 | DATETIME | datetime of survey start | string "datetime of survy start" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
92 | DATE_OF_LAST_ACCESS | date of last access | string "date of last access" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
93 | DATE_OF_FIRST_MAIL | date of first mail | string "date of first mail" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |