How does scientific success relate to individual and organizational characteristics? Research data of a scientometric study of psychology researchers in the German-speaking countries.

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Associations of individual as well as organizational characteristics with research output were investigated for the population of psychology researchers in the German-speaking countries. Generating search-queries on literature databases, bibliometric data and individual as well as organizational characteristics were obtained and analyzed using Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA). Moreover, research output of the analyzed population as a whole was described to provide an anchor for monitoring and international comparison. Findings revealed that approximately 25 % of the population was publishing almost exclusively in German, only 5 % almost exclusively in English. Skewed distributions for publications and citations were found. Combination of female gender, small department size, and large quota of senior researchers was associated with particularly increased publication count. High publication count, large department size, and low quota of senior researchers were associated with increased citation count.
Interactions of individual as well as organizational characteristics with scientific success should be investigated further, e.g., by adopting various measures of organizational or gender diversity and tracing a population longitudinally.

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Year of Publication



Bauer, H., Schui, G., Krampen, G. & von Eye, A. (2013). How does scientific success relate to individual and organizational characteristics? Research data of a scientometric study of psychology researchers in the German-speaking countries. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Search-queries on databases; single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

Personal data were collected in autumn 2010 using the online version of the Hogrefe psychology calendar ( This calendar lists personnel employed at psychological institutes / departments of universities and other research centres.

Subjects were only considered if they…

The generated population comprised 2134 subjects. The following subjects were excluded to ensure data quality:

The final sample size obtained was N = 1742 (81.6 % of the population). A detailed description of the exclusion method is available from the authors upon request.

This final population was coded using name, sex and academic position title (doctorate vs. post-doctorate). The following organizational traits were used: the number of subjects from the population employed at each psychological institute as an indicator of institute size and the quotient of the number of post-doctorate and non-post-doctorate employees as an indicator for the ratio of experienced to young researchers.

Using the names of the population members, personal bibliometric parameters were collected from varying literature databases:

All of these queries took place between the beginning of August and the end of October 2011 and were not limited to a specific time period, meaning that the indicators pertain to the complete works of the investigated individuals.

Data Collection Method:

Search-queries on databases


Psychology researchers in the German-speaking countries

Survey Time Period:


Complete sample

Gender Distribution:

35,1 % female subjects (n=612)
64,9 % male subjects (n=1130)

Age Distribution: Adults

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, parts of Switzerland)

Subject Recruitment:

Sample Size:

1742 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

Valid data could be obtained for 81.6 % of the population.

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