Normative data from a standardization sample from 1994 for Giessen-Test, Giessen Subjective Complaints List (Short Form), Questionnaire for the Assessment of Recalled Parental Rearing Behaviour, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire and Coping Assessment.

Clinical Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


Provides data of a representative survey which was conducted in Eastern and Western Germany for the standardization of the following questionnaires:

  • Giessen-Test (GT; Beckmann, Brähler & Richter, 1991)
  • Short Form of the Giessen Symptom Questionnaire (GBB-24; Brähler, Schumacher, Brähler, 2000)
  • Questionnaire for the Assessment of Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior (FEE; Schumacher, Eisemann & Brähler, 1999)
  • Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (FLZ; Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Wilk & Kreutel, 1986; Schumacher, Laubach & Brähler, 1995)

In addition, a modified version of the Mainz Coping Inventory (Krohne, Schumacher & Egloff, 1992) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP; Horowitz, Strauß & Kordy, 1994) were administered.
A total of 3,047 participants aged 14 to 92 years were surveyed, including 2,025 subjects from Western Germany and 1,022 subjects from Eastern Germany. Correlations between the scales and associations with sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes toward health or politics were examined.
The research data served as a base for several analyses, for example the impact of gender and age on health complaints, differences between individuals from Eastern and Western Germany, characteristics of subgroups such as persons aged 60-92 years or the unemployed (see „Publications Directly Related to the Dataset“).

New standardization data have been collected for the Giessen test and the Giessen Symptom Questionnaire in 2011 and 2008 (Spangenberg, L. & Brähler, E., 2011; Brähler, E., Hinz, A. & Scheer, J.W., 2008).

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Year of Publication



Brähler, E. (2014). Normative data from a standardization sample from 1994 for Giessen-Test, Giessen Subjective Complaints List (Short Form), Questionnaire for the Assessment of Recalled Parental Rearing Behaviour, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire and Coping Assessment. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Normalized Test Procedure; single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

Short description of the employed tests:

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimenter


Population of the Federal Republic of Germany (west and east Germany) aged 14 to 92 years

Survey Time Period:

1994-11-00 to 1994-11-00


The random selection of households was performed using the random route method, whereby the target person to be surveyed within the household was also determined randomly. The representativity of the sample was ensured by drawing from ADM samples and comparing the data with data from the federal statistical office (age, sex and education).

Gender Distribution: 55,8% female subjects (n=1700), 44,2% male subjects (n=1347)

Age Distribution: 14-92 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany

Subject Recruitment:

The random selection of households was performed using the random route method, whereby the target person to be surveyed within the household was also determined randomly. The representativity of the sample was ensured by drawing from ADM samples and comparing the data with data from the federal statistical office (age, sex and education).

Sample Size:

3047 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

The neutral quality drop out rate was approx. 3% in the gross sample (residence uninhabited, no one corresponding to the target population in the household). In the adjusted sample, there was a 31.5 % systematic drop out rate (target subject not met despite three visits 0.7 %, out of town 0.3 %, ill 0.4 %, refused interview 9.2 %, household refused to provide information 16.7 %, no one in the household met despite two visits 4.2 %). Interviews were carried out for 68.5 % of the adjusted sample, 0.2 % of which were not evaluable. Interviews of 68.3 % of the adjusted sample remained for analyses.

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