Research data from the manuscript "Respect and political disagreement: Can intergroup respect reduce the biased evaluation of outgroup arguments?"

Social Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


Past research indicates that in political debates the same arguments are judged very differently depending on the perceiver's own position on the issue, because positions on controversial issues are often tied to collective identities. In this series of studies we tested the assumption that equality-based respect from an opposing opinion-based group can reduce such biases. Results confirmed that identification as an opponent or proponent of a contested issue was negatively related to evaluations of outgroup arguments (Study 1) and that this negative link was no longer significant when intergroup respect was experimentally induced (Study 2). Results support the notion that disagreements over political issues are intergroup conflicts, in which different socio-political groups struggle for recognition, and that approaches that protect collective identities and improve intergroup relations should be employed to de-escalate them.

Persistent Identifier

Year of Publication


German Research Foundation (DFG), Grant SI 428/20-1; Volkswagen Foundation, Grant 87 389


Eschert, S. & Simon, B. (2019). Research data from the manuscript "Respect and political disagreement: Can intergroup respect reduce the biased evaluation of outgroup arguments?" (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

A negative link between ingroup identification and the evaluation of outgroup arguments was expected (Hypothesis 1). Further, we proposed that this negative bias should be weakened or even removed when respect was received from the outgroup (Hypothesis 2).

Research Design:

Pretest:Questionnaire Data – Fully Standardized Survey Instrument; Study 1: Questionnaire Data – Fully Standardized Survey Instrument; Study 2: Experiment Data – Experimental Factor, Quasi-experimental Factor, Group Comparison, Laboratory Experiment; single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

A detailed description of the pretest, study 1 and study 2 can be found in Eschert, S. & Simon, B. (2019).

Data Collection Method:

Pretest & Study 1:
Data collection in the absence of an experimenter

Study 2:
Data collection in the presence of an experimenter


Students from a German university

Survey Time Period:

Pretest: 2015-12-08 until 2015-12-10
Study 1: 2015-12-17 until 2015-12-23
Study 2: 2016-01-15 until 2016-02-01


Convenience sample

Gender Distribution:

61 % female subjects (N=56)
38 % male subjects (N=35)
1 % no answer (N=1)

Study 1:
62 % female subjects (N=64)
37 % male subjects (N=38)
1 % no answer (N=1)

Study 2:
51 % female subjects (N=75)
48 % male subjects (N=70)
1 % no answer (N=1)

Age Distribution: Pretest: 18-31 years; Study 1: 18-45 years; Study 2: 19-32 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/-/Kiel

Subject Recruitment:

Pretest & Study 1:
Student participants were recruited through social network groups of their university.
Study 2:
Student participants were recruited on campus and invited to the lab by student assistants

Sample Size:

Pretest: 92 individuals; Study 1: 103 individuals; Study 2: 137 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

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Description: Description of the files

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MD5: 720518c83a5524e8d11872c4bda8cbe4
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Research data file of pretest

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MD5: cd1e5fd963e568bcaefe25c57c003866
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Research data file for study 1

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MD5: 2a3f884ad6bc70c8a28255902ed5514d
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Research data file for study 2

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Description: Codebook of research data file etse16re12_fd1.txt, pretest

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook of research data file etse16re12_fd2.txt, study 1

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook of research data file etse16re12_fd3.txt, study 2

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Syntax file with scoring calculations for study 1

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Syntax file with scoring calculations for study 2