Freiburg Personality Inventory FPI-R. Primary data from the standardization sample 2018.

Personality Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


Manual for the 9th edition of the FPI-R (2020).
Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R., Selg, H. (2020). FPI-R Freiburg Personality Inventory. 9th, completely revised edition with new norming and validity notes, principles of test construction, and modern assessment theory. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

For quality control of the FPI-R, norms and scale construction were tested in a third population-representative survey (2018) of 3,450 individuals. The scale construction from the previous analysis in 1999 was concisely confirmed. The scales represent salient concepts in the self-descriptions of the average population with satisfactory internal consistency (reliability).
The norms are new, updated in comparison with the norming in 1982 and 1999. This was mainly necessary for the younger age groups. The differences arose mainly in the areas of achievement orientation, aggressiveness, extraversion, and emotionality. All norm tables have been recalculated and are grouped by gender and seven age groups as before. In addition, for three scales (life satisfaction, inhibition, emotionality), differentiation is made according to four educational categories with regard to the level of schooling attained.
The 9th edition of the FPI-R contains numerous new empirical validity notes. These include results from the current representative survey, in which many other characteristics were recorded in addition to socioeconomic characteristics (party preference, political and ideological attitudes, indicators of occupational and health stress, current anxiety, behavioral additional questions in the area of social orientation and achievement orientation). The innovative approach of asking interviewers for behavioral ratings and observations of respondents was further developed and yielded interesting results.

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Hogrefe Publishing Group, Göttingen


Fahrenberg, J., Hampel, R. & Selg, H. (2021). Freiburg Personality Inventory FPI-R. Primary data from the standardization sample 2018. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.
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Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Standardized Test Procedure; repeated measurements

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

The FPI-R with 138 items is evaluated according to 10 standard scales: life satisfaction, social orientation, achievement orientation, inhibition, excitability, aggressiveness, stress, physical complaints, health concerns, openness, furthermore with regard to the two secondary scales extraversion and emotionality in the sense of Eysenck.

The selection of items and scales of the FPI-R resulted from the authors’ own research projects and from the intention to develop a population-representative constructed and normed test of more general interest.

The first step of the test construction was hypothetical-deductive in order to work out suitable items for the selected concepts of personality theory;
in the second step, empirical-inductive and population-representative, test-statistical analyses followed in order to support the selection of items by item-, factor-, and cluster-analytical findings.

The empirical validity of the FPI-R test scores has been demonstrated by correlations with other self- and other-item ratings, with objective criteria, and with outpatient assessment data, among others. The most important recent publications on the validity of the FPI-R have been summarized in the 9th edition manual.

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimenter

Other method, namely:


3 representative population samples of approximately 1.200 persons each aged 16 years and older. Total N = 3.450

Survey Time Period:

3 representative data waves in the period June to November 2018


Quota Sample

Gender Distribution:

51 % female participants
49 % male participants

Age Distribution: 16 – 95 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/Area West/East, weighted West: 82%, East: 18%

Subject Recruitment:

Institute for Public Opinion Research Allensbach

Sample Size:

N = 3.450 German resident population from 16 years of age to old age

Return/Drop Out:

Response rate = 92%. 8% of the 3.753 persons contacted by the Institute for Public Opinion Research were not willing to complete the authors’ questionnaire directly or to return it by mail.

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