Studies from the communication laboratory of the department social psychology and research methodology of the Freie Universitaet Berlin: Distribution and exchange. Primary data.
Social PsychologyAuthors(s) / Creator(s)
Feger, HubertLorenz, Doreen
Czienskowski, Uwe
The starting point of this study series originates from a study by Flament and Apfelbaum which was published in 1966 in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. They investigated the influence of communication and positive socioaffective neutral values on group structure. Neutral and positive socioaffective values were measured through trading cards that were either marked with a "+" sign or not marked at all. 20 groups of four male participants who had a differing number of positive cards (different resources) at their disposal were examined. The authors found that fixed exchange relationships developed during the exchange processes: The resource-strong coalition favored each other in the course of the experiment while the resource-weak, who tried in vain to disrupt the coalition of the resource strong, also formed a coalition at the end of the experiment. This experiment was a starting point of further investigations. Feger and von Hecker (1998) were able to partially replicate the findings. Later, Biele (1998) examined the continuous distribution of different resource items.
Based on these findings, this study documents the internal exchange behavior within groups. In a computerized experiment, four subjects are placed in a game situation. In each game round, players are required to share a predetermined amount of the allocated start-up capital with a teammate. The aim of the game is to accumulate as large a sum of money as possible in 200 game rounds.
Part of the experimental design is that the allocated start-up capital varies between groups: In Study 8 the allocated start-up capital was the same for all players, while in Study 9 the four players were each assigned a different amount of start-up capital (different resource distribution condition).
The key findings are:
- The resource-strong subjects were strongly preferred over the resource weak. Trial participants who started out with more resources in the game had significantly more money in the end than did the other two participants who started with fewer resources in the game.
- The resource-weak replicated the choices of the resource-strong more frequently than the choices of the resource-weak.
- There was less interaction between the resource-weak subjects then between the resource-weak and the resource-strong. The resource-weak preferred to interact with the resource-strong.
Persistent Identifier of Publication
Study Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
- In groups with different initial resources the funds will not be distributed equally.
- The subjects will apply the principles of reciprocity and choice response.
- Those with a lot of resources will finish the investigation stronger than those with few resources
Research Design:
Experimental Design, Mixed Design, Laboratory Experiment; single measurement
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
Subjects participated in a computer-based game involving a total of 4 players. Each player had a certain amount of money available, part of which had to be passed on to one of the players in each round. The subjects could give this to whom they wanted in the hopes this giving would be reciprocated. The players had contact strictly via the computer network. As the assignment was random, subjects could not identify with whom they were playing.
Experimental conditions varied:
Study 8: Each player received a starting credit of DM 20. In each round, exactly 10 Pfennig was passed to one of the players (different sum not paooisble).
10 groups of 4 players were studied.
Study 9: The 4 players varying starting credits of DM 30 (player M), DM 24(player O), DM 16 (player L, and DM 10 (Player N). In each round, each player must pass exactly 1/200 part of the credit balance to a teammate to. 9 groups of 4 players were studied.
In both groups 200 rounds of the game were played. The money earned was paid out to participants after the experiment.
The assignment of subjects to groups, the positions within each group, and the experimental conditions "equal distribution of resources" vs "unequal distribution of resources" were random.
Data Collection Method:
Data collection in the presence of an experimenter
- Group Administration
- Computer-Supported
Survey Time Period:
Study 8: November 28-December 12, 2000
Study 9: February 6-February 28, 2001
Convenience sample
Gender Distribution:
Age Distribution: 19-25 years
Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany
Subject Recruitment:
For the most part students majored in psychology (80%).
The students were given the money "earned" after completion of the experiment, (about DM 20,, depending on the game outcome).
Sample Size:
19 groups (=76 individuals)
Return/Drop Out:
MD5: e8bbeb268d04f1bbe9b3543bf09d3a34
MD5: d25b1cc516f878bc308c39b1e59a7480
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | GRUPPE | Zugehörigkeit zur Versuchsgruppe | 1-10 "ganze Zahlen" | 99 "Fehlender Wert" |
2 | RUNDE | Nummer des Durchgangs | 1-200 "ganze Zahlen" | 999 "Fehlender Wert" |
3 | O_ANN | Geld von O an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
4 | O_ANM | Geld von O an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
5 | O_ANL | Geld von O an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
6 | N_ANO | Geld von N an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
7 | N_ANM | Geld von N an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
8 | N_ANL | Geld von N an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
9 | M_ANO | Geld von M an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
10 | M_ANN | Geld von M an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
11 | M_ANL | Geld von M an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
12 | L_ANO | Geld von L an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
13 | L_ANN | Geld von L an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
14 | L_ANM | Geld von L an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,10 "0,10 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | GRUPPE | Zugehörigkeit zur Versuchsgruppe | 1-9 "ganze Zahlen" | 99 "Fehlender Wert" |
2 | RUNDE | Nummer des Durchgangs | 1-200 "ganze Zahlen" | 999 "Fehlender Wert" |
3 | O_ANN | Geld von O an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,12 "0,12 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
4 | O_ANM | Geld von O an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,12 "0,12 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
5 | O_ANL | Geld von O an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,12 "0,12 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
6 | N_ANO | Geld von N an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,05 "0,05 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
7 | N_ANM | Geld von N an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,05 "0,05 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
8 | N_ANL | Geld von N an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,05 "0,05 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
9 | M_ANO | Geld von M an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,15 "0,15 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
10 | M_ANN | Geld von M an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,15 "0,15 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
11 | M_ANL | Geld von M an L | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,15 "0,15 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
12 | L_ANO | Geld von L an O | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,08 "0,08 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
13 | L_ANN | Geld von L an N | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,08 "0,08 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
14 | L_ANM | Geld von L an M | 0 "Kein Geld" 0,08 "0,08 DM" | 9 "Fehlender Wert" |
Further Reading |
Adams, J. S. (1965). Inequity in social exchange. In: Berkowitz, L. (ed.): Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 2. New York: Academic Press. |
Bakeman, R. and Quera, V. (1995). Analyzing Interaction: Sequential Analysis with SDIS & GSEQ. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. |
Bavelas, A. (1950). Communication patterns in task-oriented groups. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 22, 725-730. |
Biele, G. (1998). Verteilung kontinuierlicher Ressourcen. Diplomarbeit. Psychologie. FU Berlin. |
Blau, P. M. (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Wiley. |
Bohnet, A. (1999). Finanzwissenschaft. Grundlagen staatlicher Verteilungspolitik. München: Oldenbourg, 2. Aufl. |
Brams, S. J. and Taylor, A. (1996). Fair Division: From cake-cutting to dispute resolution. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. |
Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard Univ. Press. |
Cox, D. R. and Lewis, P. A. W. (1966/1978). The Statistical Analysis of Series of Events. London: Chapman and Hall. |
Deutsch, M. 1985. Distributive Justice. New Haven: Yale University Press. |
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Eid, M. (1995). Modelle der Messung von Personen in Situationen. Weinheim: Beltz. PSYNDEX |
Elaydi, S. N. (1996). An Introduction to Difference Equations. New York: Springer. |
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Feger, H. (1997). Social distribution principles: A formal analysis of short- and long-term effects. Methods of Psychological Research,; ebenfalls in Rost, J. (ed.) 1998. MPR - online; vol. l and II (Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 69-93). PSYNDEX |
Feger, H. und von Hecker, U. (1998). Reciprocity as an interaction principle. In C. E. Dowling, F.S. Robert, and P. Theuns (eds.): Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology. Mahwah, N. J.: Erlbaum, chapter 15, pp. 285-309. PSYNDEX |
Feger, H. und von Hecker, U. (1999). Einübung in Sozialpsychologie. Band I: Die intraindividuelle Perspektive. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. PSYNDEX |
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Hecker, v. U. und Feger, H. (2001). Einübung in Sozialpsychologie. Band II: Die interindividuelle Perspektive. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. PSYNDEX |
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