Primary data on the pre-study experience sampling from 2017
Personality PsychologyAuthors(s) / Creator(s)
Grund, AxelFries, Stefan
Senker, Kerstin
The aim of the study was to initially relate different aspects of self-regulation to the everyday experience of students ("preliminary study"). The focus was on the constructs mindfulness, self-control, affect, and motivation. The special feature of the study is that these constructs were operationalized at both trait and state level. Sample was a casual sample of students (N = 57) at Bielefeld University. The study design was as follows: first, students were familiarized with the study design in small groups. In addition, trait measurement of the different constructs (e.g., trait mindfulness and self-control) was conducted via self-report questionnaire, and study participants loaded an experience sampling (ES) software (LifeData) onto their private smartphones. They then provided information about their momentary experience and behavior at random times throughout the day over a period of one week (up to 35 measurements per person in total). Central constructs in the ES were momentary affect, mindfulness, and motivational conflict experience. Subsequently, the study participants received monetary compensation of up to 40 euros depending on their compliance with the ES and answered some of the trait questionnaires again to determine possible changes over time.
In a first publication, trait and state mindfulness were found to converge and to be associated with a lower experience of conflict, even when the current state of mind of the study participants was controlled (Senker, Fries, & Grund, 2020).
Due to the high cost of ES studies, additional constructs beyond these core constructs were collected at both the trait and state levels (e.g., trait well-being, achievement motive, and responses to conflict experience). In particular, in addition to the ES, there was a daily "evening questionnaire" at a fixed time, in which assessments of daily time use, stress experience, and achievement emotions were to be given. No publications have been made on this to date.
Persistent Identifier of Publication
German Research Foundation (DFG)Citation
Grund, A., Fries, S. & Senker, K. (2021). Primary data on the pre-study experience sampling from 2017 (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID. Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
We hypothesized that both higher trait and state mindfulness in everyday life would be associated with lower conflict experience. In addition, we hypothesized that state-mindfulness would be predicted by trait-mindfulness.
Research Design:
Fully Standardized Survey Instrument (provides question formulation and answer options); repeated measurement
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
Where possible, we used validated instruments for operationalization. This applies in particular to the trait measurements. For the state measurements of mindfulness, we developed our own items on the basis of the relevant literature, each with 4 statements covering two central aspects of mindfulness, present orientation or "presence" and acceptance without evaluation or "equanimity", analogous to the trait level, whereby the content validity of both facets of state mindfulness was particularly important to us, as well as the possibility of calculating various quality criteria of the measurement accuracy. In this sense, the present study was also intended as a test of these items. Specifically, subjects were asked to comment on statements such as "I rush through what I was doing without really being attentive to it." (Presence_1) or "I performed the activity without judging it greatly. ("Equi_2") with reference to their current experience and behavior (or their experience and behavior before the ES signal reached them) (cf. Senker et al., 2020).
Data Collection Method:
Survey in the presence of an investigator
- group default
- computerized
- special apparatus or measuring instruments, namely: Trait questionnaires: Unipark
Survey in the absence of an investigator
- Other method, namely: Experience sampling: LifeData software (on study participants' private smartphones).
Students at Bielefeld University
Survey Time Period:
Intensive longitudinal design (cf. Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013); up to 42 (or 48 with follow-up option) measurement time points nested within individuals
Convenience sample
Gender Distribution:
68% female
32 % male
Age Distribution: 19 to 39 years
Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/East Westphalia
Subject Recruitment:
Potential participants were recruited in various lectures at Bielefeld University. In addition, information flyers were posted.
The central criterion was to be actively studying at Bielefeld University at the time of the study (i.e. attending events, etc.).
Sample Size:
56 individuals
Return/Drop Out:
One person was excluded due to technical problems during experience sampling. One person did not participate in the post-measurement (= complete post-measurements of 55 persons).
MD5: c0968ca20a7c73eaab5d98e37c91c466
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | PARTICIPANT | VP-Nummer / ID | 32937-35623 "fortlaufende VP-IDs" | 99999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
2 | VP_ZAEHLER_KURZ | Reihenfolge der beantworteten Kurzfragebögen | 1-40 "Reihenfolge der beantworteten Kurzfragebögen" | -77 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
3 | VP_ZAEHLER_ABEND | Reihenfolge der beantworteten Abendfragebögen | 1-8 "Reihenfolge der beantworteten Abendfragebögen" | -77 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
4 | STUDIENBEGINN | Tag des Studienbeginns | Zeichenkette "Mittwoch=Mi,13.09.2017; Montag=Mo,18.09.2017" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
5 | BEDINGUNG | Betrifft die Reihenfolge innerhalb der Kurzfragebögen | Zeichenkette "Achtsamkeit, PANAVA=Zuerst Achtsamkeit, dann PANAVA; PANAVA, Achtsamkeit=Zuerst PANAVA, dann Achtsamkeit" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
6 | DATE | Datum der Erhebung | Zeichenkette "Tag der Datenerhebung im Format Monat/Tag/Jahr" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
7 | DAY | Wochentag der Datenerhebung | Zeichenkette "Wochentag der Datenerhebung" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
8 | TIME | Uhrzeit der Datenerhebung | Zeichenkette "Uhrzeit der Datenerhebung" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
9 | SESSION_NAME | Name des ESM-Fragebogens / Benachrichtigung | Zeichenkette "Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen; Hinweis Abendabfrage" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
10 | RESPONDED | Bearbeitung begonnen | 1 "begonnen" 0 "nicht begonnen" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
11 | COMPLETED_SESSION | Fragebogen abgeschlossen | 1 "abgeschlossen" 0 "nicht abgeschlossen" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
12 | SESSION_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_LAPSE | Verzögerung bis zur Bearbeitung | Zeichenkette "Verzögerung bis zur Bearbeitung der Fragebögen im Format hh:mm:ss" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
13 | REMINDERS_DELIVERED | Anzahl verschickter Erinnerungen | 0-1 "Anzahl der verschickten Erinnerungen" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
14 | KF_AKTIVITAET_1 | Aktivität | 1 "Freizeit" 2 "Studium" 3 "Arbeit/Nebenjob/Praktikum" 4 "Alltägliche Routinen und Verpflichtungen" 5 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
15 | KF_FREIZEIT_2 | Freizeit genauer | 1 "Soziale Kontakte (Chatten, Freunde, Familie)" 2 "Medien (Fernsehen, Lesen, Musikhören, Handy, Computer)" 3 "Ausruhen, 'Nichtstun'" 4 "Sport, Bewegung" 5 "Hobbys und Interessen" 6 "Unternehmungen, Feiern" 7 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
16 | KF_STUDIUM_2 | Studium genauer | 1 "Etwas schreiben (z.B. Abschluss, Hausarbeit)" 2 "Lernen (für eine Prüfung)" 3 "Texte lesen" 4 "Organisatorisches für die Uni" 5 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
17 | KF_ROUTINEN_2 | Routinen genauer | 1 "Hausarbeit, Haushalt" 2 "Körperhygiene" 3 "Essen, Trinken" 4 "Schlafen" 5 "Besorgungen, Behörden, Arzt" 6 "Fortbewegung (z.B. Bahnfahren)" 7 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
18 | KF_P01_VA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 01 | 1 "(sehr) zufrieden" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) unzufrieden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
19 | KF_P01_VA_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 01 umgepolt | 1 "(sehr) zufrieden" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) unzufrieden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
20 | KF_P02_PA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 02 | 1 "(sehr) energiegeladen" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) energielos" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
21 | KF_P02_PA_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "(sehr) energiegeladen" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) energielos" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
22 | KF_P03_NA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 03 | 1 "(sehr) gestresst" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) entspannt" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
23 | KF_P03_NA_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "(sehr) gestresst" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) entspannt" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
24 | KF_P04_PA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 04 | 1 "(sehr) müde" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) hellwach" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
25 | KF_P05_NA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 05 | 1 "(sehr) friedlich" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) verärgert" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
26 | KF_P06_VA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 06 | 1 "(sehr) unglücklich" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) glücklich" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
27 | KF_P07_PA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 07 | 1 "(sehr) lustlos" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) hoch motiviert" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
28 | KF_P08_NA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 08 | 1 "(sehr) ruhig" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) nervös" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
29 | KF_P09_PA | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 09 | 1 "(sehr) begeistert" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) gelangweilt" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
30 | KF_P09_PA_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen PANAVA-Kurzskala Item 09 umgepolt | 1 "(sehr) begeistert" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "unentschieden" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(sehr) gelangweilt" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
31 | KF_PRESENCE_1 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 1 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
32 | KF_PRESENCE_1_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 1 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
33 | KF_PRESENCE_2 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 2 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
34 | KF_PRESENCE_3 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 3 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
35 | KF_PRESENCE_3_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 3 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
36 | KF_PRESENCE_4 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Item 4 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
37 | KF_EQUI_1 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 1 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
38 | KF_EQUI_1_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 1 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
39 | KF_EQUI_2 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 2 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
40 | KF_EQUI_3 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 3 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
41 | KF_EQUI_3_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 3 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
42 | KF_EQUI_4 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Item 4 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
43 | KF_WOLLEN | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konflikterleben Item Wollen | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
44 | KF_SOLLEN | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konflikterleben Item Sollen | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
45 | KF_KONFLIKT_1 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 1 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
46 | KF_KONFLIKT_2 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 2 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
47 | KF_KONFLIKT_3 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 3 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
48 | KF_KONFLIKT_4 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 4 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
49 | KF_KONFLIKT_5 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 5 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
50 | KF_KONFLIKT_5_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 5 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
51 | KF_KONFLIKT_6 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 6 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
52 | KF_KONFLIKT_7 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 7 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
53 | KF_KONFLIKT_7_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 7 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
54 | KF_KONFLIKT_8 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 8 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
55 | KF_KONFLIKT_9 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 9 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
56 | KF_KONFLIKT_9_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Konfliktreaktivität Item 9 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
57 | KF_PRES_FI_1 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 1 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
58 | KF_PRES_FI_1_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 1 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
59 | KF_PRES_FI_2 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 2 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
60 | KF_PRES_FI_3 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 3 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
61 | KF_PRES_FI_3_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 3 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
62 | KF_PRES_FI_4 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Presence Filler Item 3 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
63 | KF_EQUI_FI_1 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 1 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
64 | KF_EQUI_FI_1_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 1 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
65 | KF_EQUI_FI_2 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 2 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
66 | KF_EQUI_FI_3 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 3 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
67 | KF_EQUI_FI_4 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 4 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
68 | KF_EQUI_FI_4_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 4 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
69 | KF_EQUI_FI_5 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 5 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
70 | KF_EQUI_FI_5_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 5 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
71 | KF_EQUI_FI_6 | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 6 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
72 | KF_EQUI_FI_6_R | Experience-Sampling-Fragebogen Equianimity Filler Item 6 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft woll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
73 | AF_ZEIT_STUDI | Abendfragebogen Lernzeit | 0-13 "Anzahl der Stunden, die für das Studium verwandt wurden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
74 | AF_ZEIT_S_ANG | Abendfragebogen Zufriedenheit mit Lernzeit | 1 "viel zu wenig Zeit" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "genau richtig viel Zeit" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "viel zu viel Zeit" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
75 | AF_ZIELERREICH | Abendfragebogen Akademische Zielerreichung | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
76 | AF_ZEIT_FREIZ | Abendfragebogen Zeit Freizeit | 0-15 "Anzahl der Stunden, die für Freizeitaktivitäten verwandt wurden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
77 | AF_ZEIT_F_ANG | Abendfragebogen Zufriedenheit mit Freizeit | 1 "viel zu wenig Zeit" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "genau richtig viel Zeit" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "viel zu viel Zeit" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
78 | AF_ZEIT_ZUFRIE | Abendfragebogen Zufriedenheit Zeiteinteilung | 1 "sehr unzufrieden" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr zufrieden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
79 | AF_EMO_ZUFRIE | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Zufriedenheit | 1 "sehr unzufrieden" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr zufrieden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
80 | AF_EMO_GLUECK | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Glück | 1 "sehr unglücklich" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr glücklich" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
81 | AF_EMO_STOLZ | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Stolz | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
82 | AF_EMO_BESCHAEM | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Scham | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
83 | AF_EMO_SCHULD | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Schuld | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
84 | AF_EMO_VERAERG | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Ärger | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
85 | AF_EMO_BESORG | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Sorge | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
86 | AF_EMO_ZUVERS | Abendfragebogen Emotionales Erleben Zuversicht | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
87 | AF_STRESS_1 | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 01 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
88 | AF_STRESS_2 | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 02 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
89 | AF_STRESS_2_R | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
90 | AF_STRESS_3 | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 03 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
91 | AF_STRESS_3_R | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
92 | AF_STRESS_4 | Abendfragebogen Stress (PSS-4) Item 04 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
93 | AF_CONGR_1 | Abendfragebogen Selbstkongruenz Item 1 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
94 | AF_CONGR_1_R | Abendfragebogen Selbstkongruenz Item 1 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
95 | AF_CONGR_2 | Abendfragebogen Selbstkongruenz Item 2 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
96 | AF_CONGR_2_R | Abendfragebogen Selbstkongruenz Item 2 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
97 | AF_CONGR_3 | Abendfragebogen Selbstkongruenz Item 3 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
98 | AF_STUDBEL1 | Abendfragebogen Studienbelastung Item SZ: RAN02 | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
99 | AF_STUDBEL2 | Abendfragebogen Studienbelastung Item SZ: STG11 | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
100 | AF_STUDBEL3 | Abendfragebogen Studienbelastung Item SZ: STG01 | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
101 | AF_ZUVERSICHT | Abendfragebogen Studienbelastung Item Zuversicht | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
102 | AF_BESORGNIS | Abendfragebogen Studienbelastung Item Sorge | 1 "überhaupt nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "voll und ganz" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
103 | AF_SC_ABEND1 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 1 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
104 | AF_SC_ABEND2 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 2 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
105 | AF_SC_ABEND2_R | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 2 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
106 | AF_SC_ABEND3 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 3 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
107 | AF_SC_ABEND4 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 4 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
108 | AF_SC_ABEND4_R | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 4 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
109 | AF_SC_ABEND5 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 5 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
110 | AF_SC_ABEND6 | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 6 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
111 | AF_SC_ABEND6_R | Abendfragebogen Self-Comapssion Item 6 umgepolt | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
112 | AF_AKTUELL_ERSCHOEPFT | Abendfragebogen aktuelles Befinden erschöpft | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
113 | AF_AKTUELL_LEISTUNGSFAEHIG | Abendfragebogen aktuelles Befinden leistungsfähig | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
114 | AF_AKTUELL_OPTIMISTISCH | Abendfragebogen aktuelles Befinden optimistisch | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "trifft voll zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
115 | AF_VORHABEN | Abendfragebogen Abfrage Vorhaben am Abend Item 1 | 1 "ja" 2 "nein" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
116 | AF_VORHABEN_GENAUER | Abendfragebogen Abfrage Vorhaben am Abend Item 2 | 1 "Freizeit" 2 "Studium" 3 "Arbeit/Nebenjob/Praktikum" 4 "Alltägliche Routinen und Verpflichtungen" 5 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" -88 "fehlender Wert: wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erfragt" -99 "fehlender Wert: Antwort fehlt designbedingt" |
117 | A_GESCHLECHT | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Geschlecht | 1 "männlich" 2 "weiblich" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
118 | A_ALTER | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Alter | 19-38 "Alter in Jahren" | 999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
119 | A_STUDIENFACH | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienfach | Zeichenkette "Studienfach" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
120 | A_SEMESTERZAHL | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Gesamtsemesterzahl | 2-12 "Gesamtsemesterzahl" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
121 | A_ABSCHLUSS | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen angestrebter Abschluss | 1 "Bachelor" 2 "Master" 3 "Staatsexamen" 4 "Diplom" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
122 | A_PROJEKT | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage aktuelles Studienprojekt | 1 "Klausurvorbereitung" 2 "Bearbeitung der Bachelorarbeit" 3 "Bearbeitung der Masterarbeit" 4 "Bearbeitung einer Hausarbeit" 6 "Sonstiges" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
123 | A_SONSTIGES | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Spezifikation aktuelles sonstiges Studienprojekt | Zeichenkette "Spezifikation eines sonstigen Studienprojektes" | -99 "fehlender Wert: Angabe freiwillig" |
124 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitaufwand Item 1 | 1 "weniger als eine Stunde pro Tag" 2 "1-3 Stunden pro Tag" 3 "3-5 Stunden pro Tag" 4 "5-7 Stunden pro Tag" 5 "mehr als 7 Stunden pro Tag" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
125 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitaufwand Item 2 | 1 "weniger als eine Stunde pro Tag" 2 "1-3 Stunden pro Tag" 3 "3-5 Stunden pro Tag" 4 "5-7 Stunden pro Tag" 5 "mehr als 7 Stunden pro Tag" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
126 | A_ENDE_PROJEKT | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitraum (voraussichtliches Ende der Haupttätigkeit) | 1 "innerhalb der kommenden Woche" 2 "innerhalb der nächsten 2 Wochen" 3 "innerhalb der nächsten 4 Wochen" 4 "innerhalb der nächsten 8 Wochen" 5 "in mehr als 8 Wochen" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
127 | A_LERNEMO1 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related anxiety Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
128 | A_LERNEMO2 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related enjoyment Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
129 | A_LERNEMO3 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related anxiety Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
130 | A_LERNEMO4 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related hope Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
131 | A_LERNEMO5 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related anxiety Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
132 | A_LERNEMO6 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related hope Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
133 | A_LERNEMO7 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related anxiety Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
134 | A_LERNEMO8 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related hope Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
135 | A_LERNEMO9 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Lernemotionen AEQ learning related hopelessness Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
136 | A_MAAS01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
137 | A_MAAS02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
138 | A_MAAS03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
139 | A_MAAS04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
140 | A_MAAS05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
141 | A_MAAS06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
142 | A_MAAS07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
143 | A_MAAS08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
144 | A_MAAS09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
145 | A_MAAS10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 10 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
146 | A_MAAS11 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 11 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
147 | A_MAAS12 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 12 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
148 | A_MAAS13 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 13 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
149 | A_MAAS14 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 14 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
150 | A_MAAS15 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
151 | A_MAAS01_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 01 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
152 | A_MAAS02_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
153 | A_MAAS03_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
154 | A_MAAS04_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 04 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
155 | A_MAAS05_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 05 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
156 | A_MAAS06_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 06 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
157 | A_MAAS07_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 07 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
158 | A_MAAS08_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 08 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
159 | A_MAAS09_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 09 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
160 | A_MAAS10_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 10 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
161 | A_MAAS11_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 11 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
162 | A_MAAS12_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 12 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
163 | A_MAAS13_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 13 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
164 | A_MAAS14_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
165 | A_MAAS15_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
166 | A_KIMS01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
167 | A_KIMS02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
168 | A_KIMS03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
169 | A_KIMS04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
170 | A_KIMS05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
171 | A_KIMS06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
172 | A_KIMS07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
173 | A_KIMS08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
174 | A_KIMS09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
175 | A_KIMS01_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 01 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
176 | A_KIMS02_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
177 | A_KIMS03_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
178 | A_KIMS04_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 04 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
179 | A_KIMS05_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 05 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
180 | A_KIMS06_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 06 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
181 | A_KIMS07_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 07 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
182 | A_KIMS08_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 08 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
183 | A_KIMS09_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 09 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
184 | A_RELAT1 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
185 | A_RELAT2 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
186 | A_RELAT3 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
187 | A_RELAT4 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
188 | A_SC01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
189 | A_SC02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
190 | A_SC03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
191 | A_SC04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
192 | A_SC05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
193 | A_SC06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
194 | A_SC07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
195 | A_SC08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
196 | A_SC09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
197 | A_SC10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 10 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
198 | A_SC11 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 11 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
199 | A_SC12 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 12 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
200 | A_SC13 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 13 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
201 | A_SC14 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 14 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
202 | A_SC15 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 15 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
203 | A_SC16 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 16 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
204 | A_SC17 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 17 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
205 | A_SC18 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 18 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
206 | A_SC19 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 19 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
207 | A_SC20 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 20 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
208 | A_SC21 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 21 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
209 | A_SC22 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 22 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
210 | A_SC23 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 23 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
211 | A_SC24 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 24 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
212 | A_SC25 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 25 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
213 | A_SC26 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 26 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
214 | A_SK01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
215 | A_SK02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
216 | A_SK02_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
217 | A_SK03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
218 | A_SK03_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
219 | A_SK04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
220 | A_SK04_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 04 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
221 | A_SK05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 05 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
222 | A_SK05_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 05 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
223 | A_SK06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 06 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
224 | A_SK06_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 06 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
225 | A_SK07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 07 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
226 | A_SK07_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 07 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
227 | A_SK08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 08 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
228 | A_SK08_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 08 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
229 | A_SK09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 09 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
230 | A_SK10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 10 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
231 | A_SK10_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 10 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
232 | A_SK11 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 11 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
233 | A_SK11_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 11 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
234 | A_SK12 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 12 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
235 | A_SK13 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen SCS-K-D Selbstkontrollfähigkeit Item 13 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "trifft eher zu" 5 "trifft weitgehend zu" 6 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
236 | A_SK_WICHTIG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 01 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
237 | A_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 02 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
238 | A_GENUSS_WICHTIG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 03 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
239 | A_GENUSS_AUSPRAEGUNG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 04 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
240 | A_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 05 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
241 | A_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 06 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
242 | A_AMS01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item HE 05 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
243 | A_AMS02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item HE 03 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
244 | A_AMS03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item HE 08 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
245 | A_AMS04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item HE 10 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
246 | A_AMS05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item HE 14 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
247 | A_AMS06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item FM 17 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
248 | A_AMS07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item FM 21 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
249 | A_AMS08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item FM 22 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
250 | A_AMS09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item FM 26 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
251 | A_AMS10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen AMS Leistungsmotivation Item FM 28 | 1 "stimme überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "stimme eher nicht zu" 3 "stimme eher zu" 4 "stimme vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
252 | A_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
253 | A_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
254 | A_LZ_AKTUELL3 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
255 | A_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
256 | A_PANAS01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 01 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
257 | A_PANAS02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 03 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
258 | A_PANAS03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 04 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
259 | A_PANAS04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 06 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
260 | A_PANAS05 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 10 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
261 | A_PANAS06 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 11 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
262 | A_PANAS07 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 13 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
263 | A_PANAS08 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 15 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
264 | A_PANAS09 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 17 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
265 | A_PANAS10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 18 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
266 | A_PANAS11 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 02 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
267 | A_PANAS12 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 05 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
268 | A_PANAS13 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 07 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
269 | A_PANAS14 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 08 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
270 | A_PANAS15 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 09 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
271 | A_PANAS16 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 12 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
272 | A_PANAS17 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 14 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
273 | A_PANAS18 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 16 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
274 | A_PANAS19 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 19 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
275 | A_PANAS20 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 20 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
276 | A_STUDZU01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item INH05 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
277 | A_STUDBEL01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item RAN02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
278 | A_STUDZU02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item STG13 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
279 | A_STUDBEL02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item STG11 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
280 | A_STUDZU03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item LVG10 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
281 | A_STUDBEL03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item STG01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
282 | A_STUDZU04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item STG07 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
283 | A_STUDMOTEXT01 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
284 | A_STUDMOTEXT02 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
285 | A_STUDMOTEXT03 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
286 | A_STUDMOTEXT04 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
287 | A_LEISTUNG | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage selbsteingeschätzte Studienleistung | 1 "unterdurchschnittlich" 2 "" 3 "durchschnittlich" 4 "" 5 "überdurchschnittlich" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
288 | A_ABINOTE | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage selbsteingeschätzte Abinote | 1,3-3,4 "selbsteingeschätzte Abinote" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
289 | A_SOZERW1 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
290 | A_SOZERW2 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
291 | A_SOZERW2_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 02 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
292 | A_SOZERW3 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
293 | A_SOZERW4 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
294 | A_SOZERW4_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 04 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
295 | A_SOZERW5 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 05 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
296 | A_SOZERW5_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 05 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
297 | A_SOZERW6 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 06 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
298 | A_SOZERW7 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 07 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
299 | A_SOZERW7_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 07 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
300 | A_SOZERW8 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 08 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
301 | A_SOZERW9 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 09 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
302 | A_SOZERW9_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 09 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
303 | A_SOZERW10 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 10 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
304 | A_SOZERW10_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item ST 10 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
305 | A_SOZERW11 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 11 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
306 | A_SOZERW11_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 11 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
307 | A_SOZERW12 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 12 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
308 | A_SOZERW12_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 12 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
309 | A_SOZERW13 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 13 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
310 | A_SOZERW14 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 14 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
311 | A_SOZERW14_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 14 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
312 | A_SOZERW15 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 15 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
313 | A_SOZERW15_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 15 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
314 | A_SOZERW16 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 16 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
315 | A_SOZERW17 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 17 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
316 | A_SOZERW17_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 17 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
317 | A_SOZERW18 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 18 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
318 | A_SOZERW18_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 18 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
319 | A_SOZERW19 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 19 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
320 | A_SOZERW20 | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 20 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
321 | A_SOZERW20_R | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen BIDR Soziale Erwünschtheit Item FT 20 umgepolt | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
322 | A_DATETIME | Prä-Trait-Fragebögen Durchführungszeitpunkt | Zeichenkette "Zeitpunkt der Befragung im Format YYYY-MM-TT HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
323 | B_PROJEKT | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage aktuelles Studienprojekt | 1 "Klausurvorbereitung" 2 "Bearbeitung der Bachelorarbeit" 3 "Bearbeitung der Masterarbeit" 4 "Bearbeitung einer Hausarbeit" 6 "Sonstiges" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
324 | B_SONSTIGES | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Spezifikation aktuelles sonstiges Studienprojekt | Zeichenkette "Spezifikation eines sonstigen Studienprojektes" | -99 "fehlender Wert: Angabe freiwillig" |
325 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitaufwand Item 1 | 1 "weniger als eine Stunde pro Tag" 2 "1-3 Stunden pro Tag" 3 "3-5 Stunden pro Tag" 4 "5-7 Stunden pro Tag" 5 "mehr als 7 Stunden pro Tag" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
326 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitaufwand Item 2 | 1 "weniger als eine Stunde pro Tag" 2 "1-3 Stunden pro Tag" 3 "3-5 Stunden pro Tag" 4 "5-7 Stunden pro Tag" 5 "mehr als 7 Stunden pro Tag" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
327 | B_ENDE_PROJEKT | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Abfrage Zeitraum (voraussichtliches Ende der Haupttätigkeit) | 1 "innerhalb der kommenden Woche" 2 "innerhalb der nächsten 2 Wochen" 3 "innerhalb der nächsten 4 Wochen" 4 "innerhalb der nächsten 8 Wochen" 5 "in mehr als 8 Wochen" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
328 | B_ZUFRIE_PROJEKT | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Zufriedenheit Haupttätigkeit | 1 "sehr unzufrieden" 2 "eher unzufrieden" 3 "eher zufrieden" 4 "sehr zufrieden" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
329 | B_MAAS01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
330 | B_MAAS02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
331 | B_MAAS03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
332 | B_MAAS04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
333 | B_MAAS05 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
334 | B_MAAS06 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
335 | B_MAAS07 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
336 | B_MAAS08 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
337 | B_MAAS09 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
338 | B_MAAS10 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 10 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
339 | B_MAAS11 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 11 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
340 | B_MAAS12 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 12 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
341 | B_MAAS13 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 13 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
342 | B_MAAS14 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 14 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
343 | B_MAAS15 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
344 | B_MAAS01_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 01 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
345 | B_MAAS02_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
346 | B_MAAS03_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
347 | B_MAAS04_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 04 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
348 | B_MAAS05_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 05 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
349 | B_MAAS06_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 06 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
350 | B_MAAS07_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 07 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
351 | B_MAAS08_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 08 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
352 | B_MAAS09_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 09 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
353 | B_MAAS10_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 10 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
354 | B_MAAS11_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 11 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
355 | B_MAAS12_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 12 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
356 | B_MAAS13_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 13 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
357 | B_MAAS14_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
358 | B_MAAS15_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen MAAS Gegenwartsorientierung Item 15 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
359 | B_KIMS01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
360 | B_KIMS02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
361 | B_KIMS03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
362 | B_KIMS04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
363 | B_KIMS05 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
364 | B_KIMS06 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
365 | B_KIMS07 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
366 | B_KIMS08 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
367 | B_KIMS09 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
368 | B_KIMS01_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 01 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
369 | B_KIMS02_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 02 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
370 | B_KIMS03_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 03 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
371 | B_KIMS04_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 04 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
372 | B_KIMS05_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 05 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
373 | B_KIMS06_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 06 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
374 | B_KIMS07_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 07 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
375 | B_KIMS08_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 08 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
376 | B_KIMS09_R | Post-Trait-Fragebögen KIMS Akzeptanz ohne Bewertung Item 09 umgepolt | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
377 | B_RELAT1 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
378 | B_RELAT2 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
379 | B_RELAT3 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
380 | B_RELAT4 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen CHIME Relativierung Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
381 | B_SC01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 01 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
382 | B_SC02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 02 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
383 | B_SC03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 03 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
384 | B_SC04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 04 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
385 | B_SC05 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 05 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
386 | B_SC06 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 06 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
387 | B_SC07 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 07 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
388 | B_SC08 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 08 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
389 | B_SC09 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 09 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
390 | B_SC10 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 10 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
391 | B_SC11 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 11 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
392 | B_SC12 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 12 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
393 | B_SC13 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 13 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
394 | B_SC14 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 14 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
395 | B_SC15 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 15 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
396 | B_SC16 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 16 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
397 | B_SC17 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 17 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
398 | B_SC18 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 18 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
399 | B_SC19 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 19 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
400 | B_SC20 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 20 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
401 | B_SC21 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 21 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
402 | B_SC22 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 22 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
403 | B_SC23 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 23 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
404 | B_SC24 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 24 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
405 | B_SC25 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 25 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
406 | B_SC26 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen SCS Selbstmitgefühl Item 26 | 1 "(fast) nie" 2 "selten" 3 "eher selten" 4 "eher häufig" 5 "häufig" 6 "(fast) immer" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
407 | B_SK_WICHTIG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 01 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
408 | B_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 02 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
409 | B_GENUSS_WICHTIG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 03 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
410 | B_GENUSS_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 04 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
411 | B_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 05 | 1 "sehr unwichtig" 2 "eher unwichtig" 3 "eher wichtig" 4 "sehr wichtig" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
412 | B_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Wichtigkeit Selbstkontrolle Item 06 | 1 "sehr schwach" 2 "eher schwach" 3 "eher stark" 4 "sehr stark" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
413 | B_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
414 | B_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
415 | B_LZ_AKTUELL3 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
416 | B_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen TFSF allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitgehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder/noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitegehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
417 | B_PANAS01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 01 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
418 | B_PANAS02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 03 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
419 | B_PANAS03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 04 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
420 | B_PANAS04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 06 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
421 | B_PANAS05 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 10 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
422 | B_PANAS06 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 11 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
423 | B_PANAS07 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 13 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
424 | B_PANAS08 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 15 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
425 | B_PANAS09 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 17 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
426 | B_PANAS10 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 18 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
427 | B_PANAS11 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 02 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
428 | B_PANAS12 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 05 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
429 | B_PANAS13 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 07 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
430 | B_PANAS14 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 08 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
431 | B_PANAS15 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 09 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
432 | B_PANAS16 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 12 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
433 | B_PANAS17 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 14 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
434 | B_PANAS18 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 16 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
435 | B_PANAS19 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 19 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
436 | B_PANAS20 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen PANAS allgemeines affektives Wohlbefinden Item 20 | 1 "gar nicht" 2 "ein bisschen" 3 "einigermaßen" 4 "erheblich" 5 "äußerst" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
437 | B_STUDZU01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item INH05 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
438 | B_STUDBEL01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item RAN02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
439 | B_STUDZU02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item STG13 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
440 | B_STUDBEL02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item STG11 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
441 | B_STUDZU03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item LVG10 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
442 | B_STUDBEL03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienbelastung Item STG01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
443 | B_STUDZU04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Studienzufriedenheit Item STG07 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
444 | B_STUDMOTEXT01 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 01 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
445 | B_STUDMOTEXT02 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 02 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
446 | B_STUDMOTEXT03 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 03 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
447 | B_STUDMOTEXT04 | Post-Trait-Fragebögen extrinsische Studienmotivation Item 04 | 1 "trifft überhaupt nicht zu" 2 "trifft weitegehend nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher nicht zu" 4 "weder noch" 5 "trifft eher zu" 6 "trifft weitgehend zu" 7 "trifft vollkommen zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
448 | B_REPRAESENTATIV | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen Repräsentativität | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
449 | B_GEWISSHAFT | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen gewissenhafte Bearbeitung | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
450 | B_EINFL_GED | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen Einfluss auf Gedanken | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
451 | B_EINFL_VERH | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen Einfluss auf Verhalten | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
452 | B_NICHTBEANTW | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen vollständige Beantwortung | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
453 | B_MED_ERFAHRUNG | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Erhebungsinformationen Meditationserfahrung | 1 "trifft nicht zu" 2 "trifft eher nicht zu" 3 "trifft eher zu" 4 "trifft zu" | -77 "fehlender Wert: versäumt oder abgebrochen" |
454 | DATETIME | Post-Trait-Fragebögen Durchführungszeitpunkt | Zeichenkette "Zeitpunkt der Befragung im Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | PARTICIPANT | VP number / ID | 32937-35623 "consecutive VP IDs" | 99999 "missing value: unspecified" |
2 | VP_ZAEHLER_KURZ | Sequence of answered short questionnaires | 1-40 "order of answered short questionnaires." | -77 "missing value: unspecified" |
3 | VP_ZAEHLER_ABEND | Order of answered evening questionnaires | 1-8 "order of evening questionnaires answered." | -77 "missing value: unspecified" |
4 | STUDIENBEGINN | Day of study start | Zeichenkette "Wednesday=Mi,09/13/2017; Monday=Mo,09/18/2017" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
5 | BEDINGUNG | Concerns the order within the short questionnaires. | Zeichenkette "mindfulness, PANAVA=mindfulness first, then PANAVA; PANAVA, mindfulness=PANAVA first, then mindfulness" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
6 | DATE | Date of the survey | Zeichenkette "day of data collection in month/day/year format" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
7 | DAY | Weekday of data collection | Zeichenkette "day of week of data collection" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
8 | TIME | Time of data collection | Zeichenkette "time of data collection" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
9 | SESSION_NAME | Name of the ESM questionnaire / notification | Zeichenkette "experience sampling questionnaire; notice evening query" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
10 | RESPONDED | Processing started | 1 "started" 0 "not started" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
11 | COMPLETED_SESSION | Questionnaire completed | 1 "completed" 0 "not completed" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
12 | SESSION_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_LAPSE | delay until processing | Zeichenkette "delay until questionnaires are processed in hh:mm:ss format" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
13 | REMINDERS_DELIVERED | Number of reminders sent | 0-1 "number of reminders sent" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
14 | KF_AKTIVITAET_1 | Activity | 1 "free time" 2 "Study" 3 "Work/part-time job/internship" 4 "Everyday routines and obligations" 5 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
15 | KF_FREIZEIT_2 | Free time more precise | 1 "Social contacts (chatting, friends, family)" 2 "Media (watching TV, reading, listening to music, cell phone, computer)" 3 "Resting, 'doing nothing'" 4 "Sports, exercise" 5 "Hobbies and interests" 6 "Activities, celebrations" 7 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
16 | KF_STUDIUM_2 | Study more precisely | 1 "Writing something (e.g., degree, term paper)" 2 "Studying (for an exam)" 3 "Reading texts" 4 "Organizational stuff for university" 5 "Other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
17 | KF_ROUTINEN_2 | Routines more precise | 1 "housework, household" 2 "personal hygiene" 3 "Eating, drinking" 4 "sleeping" 5 "errands, authorities, doctor" 6 "Getting around (e.g., train travel)" 7 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
18 | KF_P01_VA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 01. | 1 "(very) satisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) dissatisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
19 | KF_P01_VA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) satisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) dissatisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
20 | KF_P02_PA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 02. | 1 "(very) energetic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) low energy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
21 | KF_P02_PA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) energetic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) low energy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing de to design" |
22 | KF_P03_NA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 03. | 1 "(very) stressed" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) relaxed" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
23 | KF_P03_NA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) stressed" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) relaxed" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
24 | KF_P04_PA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 04. | 1 "(very) tired" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) wide awake" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
25 | KF_P05_NA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 05. | 1 "(very) peaceful" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) upset" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
26 | KF_P06_VA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 06. | 1 "(very) unhappy" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) happy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
27 | KF_P07_PA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 07. | 1 "(very) listless" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) highly motivated" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
28 | KF_P08_NA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 08. | 1 "(very) calm" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) nervous" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
29 | KF_P09_PA | Experience Sampling Questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 09. | 1 "(very) enthusiastic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) bored" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
30 | KF_P09_PA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) enthusiastic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) bored" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
31 | KF_PRESENCE_1 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
32 | KF_PRESENCE_1_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 1 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
33 | KF_PRESENCE_2 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
34 | KF_PRESENCE_3 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
35 | KF_PRESENCE_3_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 3 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not e at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
36 | KF_PRESENCE_4 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
37 | KF_EQUI_1 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
38 | KF_EQUI_1_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
39 | KF_EQUI_2 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
40 | KF_EQUI_3 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
41 | KF_EQUI_3_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 3 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
42 | KF_EQUI_4 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
43 | KF_WOLLEN | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Experience Item Want. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
44 | KF_SOLLEN | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Experience Item Shall. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
45 | KF_KONFLIKT_1 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
46 | KF_KONFLIKT_2 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
47 | KF_KONFLIKT_3 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
48 | KF_KONFLIKT_4 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
49 | KF_KONFLIKT_5 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 5. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
50 | KF_KONFLIKT_5_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 5 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
51 | KF_KONFLIKT_6 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 6. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
52 | KF_KONFLIKT_7 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 7. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
53 | KF_KONFLIKT_7_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 7 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
54 | KF_KONFLIKT_8 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 8. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
55 | KF_KONFLIKT_9 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 9. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
56 | KF_KONFLIKT_9_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 9 reversed polarity. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
57 | KF_PRES_FI_1 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: response missing due to design" |
58 | KF_PRES_FI_1_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 1 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: response missing due to design" |
59 | KF_PRES_FI_2 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
60 | KF_PRES_FI_3 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
61 | KF_PRES_FI_3_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
62 | KF_PRES_FI_4 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
63 | KF_EQUI_FI_1 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
64 | KF_EQUI_FI_1_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
65 | KF_EQUI_FI_2 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
66 | KF_EQUI_FI_3 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
67 | KF_EQUI_FI_4 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
68 | KF_EQUI_FI_4_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 4 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
69 | KF_EQUI_FI_5 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 5. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
70 | KF_EQUI_FI_5_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 5 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
71 | KF_EQUI_FI_6 | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 6. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
72 | KF_EQUI_FI_6_R | Experience Sampling Questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 6 reversed polarity. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
73 | AF_ZEIT_STUDI | Evening questionnaire learning time | 0-13 "Number of hours spent on studying." | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not taken at the time." -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
74 | AF_ZEIT_S_ANG | Evening questionnaire satisfaction with study time | 1 "far too little time" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "just the right amount of time" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "way too much time" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
75 | AF_ZIELERREICH | Evening Questionnaire Academic Goal Attainment. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
76 | AF_ZEIT_FREIZ | Evening questionnaire time off | 0-15 "Number of hours spent on leisure activities." | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
77 | AF_ZEIT_F_ANG | Evening questionnaire satisfaction with free time | 1 "far too little time" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "just the right amount of time" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "way too much time" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
78 | AF_ZEIT_ZUFRIE | Evening questionnaire satisfaction time allocation | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
79 | AF_EMO_ZUFRIE | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Satisfaction. | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
80 | AF_EMO_GLUECK | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Happiness. | 1 "very unhappy" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very happy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
81 | AF_EMO_STOLZ | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Pride. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
82 | AF_EMO_BESCHAEM | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Shame. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
83 | AF_EMO_SCHULD | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Guilt. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
84 | AF_EMO_VERAERG | Evening questionnaire emotional experience anger | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
85 | AF_EMO_BESORG | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Worry. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
86 | AF_EMO_ZUVERS | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Confidence. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing desin" |
87 | AF_STRESS_1 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
88 | AF_STRESS_2 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
89 | AF_STRESS_2_R | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
90 | AF_STRESS_3 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
91 | AF_STRESS_3_R | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
92 | AF_STRESS_4 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
93 | AF_CONGR_1 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
94 | AF_CONGR_1_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
95 | AF_CONGR_2 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
96 | AF_CONGR_2_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
97 | AF_CONGR_3 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 3. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
98 | AF_STUDBEL1 | Evening Questionnaire Study Load Item SZ: RAN02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
99 | AF_STUDBEL2 | Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
100 | AF_STUDBEL3 | Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
101 | AF_ZUVERSICHT | Evening Questionnaire Study Load Item Confidence. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
102 | AF_BESORGNIS | Evening Questionnaire Study Stress Item Concern. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
103 | AF_SC_ABEND1 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 1. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
104 | AF_SC_ABEND2 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 2. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
105 | AF_SC_ABEND2_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 2 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
106 | AF_SC_ABEND3 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 3. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
107 | AF_SC_ABEND4 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 4. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
108 | AF_SC_ABEND4_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 4 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
109 | AF_SC_ABEND5 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 5. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
110 | AF_SC_ABEND6 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 6. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
111 | AF_SC_ABEND6_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 6 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
112 | AF_AKTUELL_ERSCHOEPFT | Evening questionnaire current condition exhausted | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer was missing due to design" |
113 | AF_AKTUELL_LEISTUNGSFAEHIG | Evening questionnaire current condition efficient | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
114 | AF_AKTUELL_OPTIMISTISCH | Evening questionnaire current state of optimism | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
115 | AF_VORHABEN | Evening questionnaire Inquiry intentions in the evening Item 1. | 1 "yes" 2 "no" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
116 | AF_VORHABEN_GENAUER | Evening questionnaire Inquiry project in the evening Item 2. | 1 "Leisure time" 2 "Study" 3 "Work/part-time job/internship" 4 "Everyday routines and obligations" 5 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
117 | A_GESCHLECHT | Pre-trait questionnaires gender | 1 "male" 2 "female" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
118 | A_ALTER | Pre-trait questionnaires age | 19-38 "age in years" | 999 "missing value: unspecified" |
119 | A_STUDIENFACH | Pre-trait questionnaires subject of study | Zeichenkette "field of study" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
120 | A_SEMESTERANZAHL | Pre-trait questionnaires total number of semesters | 2-12 "total semester count" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
121 | A_ABSCHLUSS | Pre-trait questionnaires degree sought. | 1 "Bachelor's" 2 "Master" 3 "State Examination" 4 "diploma" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
122 | A_PROJEKT | Pre-trait questionnaires Query current study project. | 1 "Exam preparation" 2 "Working on the bachelor thesis" 3 "Editing of master thesis" 4 "Working on a term paper" 6 "other" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
123 | A_SONSTIGES | Pre-trait questionnaires Specification current other study project. | Zeichenkette "specification of other study project" | -99 "missing value: specification optional" |
124 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Pre-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 1. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
125 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Pre-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 2. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
126 | A_ENDE_PROJEKT | Pre-trait questionnaires query period (expected end of main activity). | 1 "within the next week" 2 "within the next 2 weeks" 3 "within the next 4 weeks" 4 "within the next 8 weeks" 5 "in more than 8 weeks" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
127 | A_LERNEMO1 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
128 | A_LERNEMO2 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related enjoyment Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
129 | A_LERNEMO3 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
130 | A_LERNEMO4 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
131 | A_LERNEMO5 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
132 | A_LERNEMO6 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
133 | A_LERNEMO7 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
134 | A_LERNEMO8 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
135 | A_LERNEMO9 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hopelessness Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
136 | A_MAAS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
137 | A_MAAS02 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
138 | A_MAAS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
139 | A_MAAS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
140 | A_MAAS05 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
141 | A_MAAS06 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
142 | A_MAAS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
143 | A_MAAS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
144 | A_MAAS09 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
145 | A_MAAS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
146 | A_MAAS11 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
147 | A_MAAS12 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
148 | A_MAAS13 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
149 | A_MAAS14 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
150 | A_MAAS15 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
151 | A_MAAS01_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
152 | A_MAAS02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
153 | A_MAAS03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
154 | A_MAAS04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
155 | A_MAAS05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
156 | A_MAAS06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
157 | A_MAAS07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
158 | A_MAAS08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
159 | A_MAAS09_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
160 | A_MAAS10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
161 | A_MAAS11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
162 | A_MAAS12_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
163 | A_MAAS13_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
164 | A_MAAS14_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
165 | A_MAAS15_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
166 | A_KIMS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
167 | A_KIMS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
168 | A_KIMS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
169 | A_KIMS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
170 | A_KIMS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
171 | A_KIMS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
172 | A_KIMS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
173 | A_KIMS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
174 | A_KIMS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
175 | A_KIMS01_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
176 | A_KIMS02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
177 | A_KIMS03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
178 | A_KIMS04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
179 | A_KIMS05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
180 | A_KIMS06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
181 | A_KIMS07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
182 | A_KIMS08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
183 | A_KIMS09_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
184 | A_RELAT1 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
185 | A_RELAT2 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
186 | A_RELAT3 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
187 | A_RELAT4 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
188 | A_SC01 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
189 | A_SC02 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
190 | A_SC03 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
191 | A_SC04 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
192 | A_SC05 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
193 | A_SC06 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
194 | A_SC07 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
195 | A_SC08 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
196 | A_SC09 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
197 | A_SC10 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
198 | A_SC11 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
199 | A_SC12 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
200 | A_SC13 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
201 | A_SC14 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
202 | A_SC15 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
203 | A_SC16 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 16. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
204 | A_SC17 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 17. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
205 | A_SC18 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 18. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
206 | A_SC19 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 19. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
207 | A_SC20 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 20. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
208 | A_SC21 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 21. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
209 | A_SC22 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 22. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
210 | A_SC23 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 23. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
211 | A_SC24 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 24. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
212 | A_SC25 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 25. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
213 | A_SC26 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 26. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
214 | A_SK01 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
215 | A_SK02 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
216 | A_SK02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
217 | A_SK03 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
218 | A_SK03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
219 | A_SK04 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
220 | A_SK04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
221 | A_SK05 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
222 | A_SK05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
223 | A_SK06 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 06. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
224 | A_SK06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
225 | A_SK07 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
226 | A_SK07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
227 | A_SK08 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 08. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
228 | A_SK08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
229 | A_SK09 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 09. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
230 | A_SK10 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
231 | A_SK10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
232 | A_SK11 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
233 | A_SK11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
234 | A_SK12 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 12. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
235 | A_SK13 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
236 | A_SK_IMPORTANCE | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 01. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
237 | A_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 02. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
238 | A_ENJOYMENT_WICHTIG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 03. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
239 | A_ENJOYMENT_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 04. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
240 | A_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 05. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
241 | A_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 06. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
242 | A_AMS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 05. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
243 | A_AMS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 03. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
244 | A_AMS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 08. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
245 | A_AMS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 10. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
246 | A_AMS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 14. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
247 | A_AMS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 17. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
248 | A_AMS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 21. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
249 | A_AMS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 22. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
250 | A_AMS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 26. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
251 | A_AMS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 28. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
252 | A_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
253 | A_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
254 | A_LZ_AKTUELL3 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
255 | A_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
256 | A_PANAS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
257 | A_PANAS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
258 | A_PANAS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
259 | A_PANAS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 06. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
260 | A_PANAS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 10. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
261 | A_PANAS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
262 | A_PANAS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 13. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
263 | A_PANAS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 15. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
264 | A_PANAS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 17. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
265 | A_PANAS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 18. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
266 | A_PANAS11 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
267 | A_PANAS12 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 05. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
268 | A_PANAS13 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 07. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
269 | A_PANAS14 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 08. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
270 | A_PANAS15 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 09. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
271 | A_PANAS16 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 12. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
272 | A_PANAS17 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 14. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
273 | A_PANAS18 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 16. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
274 | A_PANAS19 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 19. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
275 | A_PANAS20 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 20. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
276 | A_STUDZU01 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction item INH05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
277 | A_STUDBEL01 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
278 | A_STUDZU02 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
279 | A_STUDBEL02 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
280 | A_STUDZU03 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction item LVG10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
281 | A_STUDBEL03 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
282 | A_STUDZU04 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
283 | A_STUDMOTEXT01 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
284 | A_STUDMOTEXT02 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
285 | A_STUDMOTEXT03 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
286 | A_STUDMOTEXT04 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
287 | A_PERFORMANCE | Pre-trait questionnaires Query self-assessed academic performance. | 1 "below average" 2 "" 3 "average" 4 "" 5 "above average" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
288 | A_ABINOTE | Pre-trait questionnaires query self-assessed Abinote. | 1,3-3,4 "self-assessed Ab score" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
289 | A_SOZERW1 | Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
290 | A_SOZERW2 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
291 | A_SOZERW2_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
292 | A_SOZERW3 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
293 | A_SOZERW4 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
294 | A_SOZERW4_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
295 | A_SOZERW5 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
296 | A_SOZERW5_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
297 | A_SOZERW6 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 06. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
298 | A_SOZERW7 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
299 | A_SOZERW7_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
300 | A_SOZERW8 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 08. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
301 | A_SOZERW9 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 09. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
302 | A_SOZERW9_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
303 | A_SOZERW10 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
304 | A_SOZERW10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
305 | A_SOZERW11 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
306 | A_SOZERW11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
307 | A_SOZERW12 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 12. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
308 | A_SOZERW12_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
309 | A_SOZERW13 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
310 | A_SOZERW14 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 14. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
311 | A_SOZERW14_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 14 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
312 | A_SOZERW15 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 15. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
313 | A_SOZERW15_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
314 | A_SOZERW16 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 16. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
315 | A_SOZERW17 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 17. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
316 | A_SOZERW17_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 17 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
317 | A_SOZERW18 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 18. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
318 | A_SOZERW18_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 18 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
319 | A_SOZERW19 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 19. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
320 | A_SOZERW20 | Pre-Trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 20. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
321 | A_SOZERW20_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 20 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
322 | A_DATETIME | Pre-trait questionnaires implementation date. | Zeichenkette "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
323 | B_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires query current study project. | 1 "Exam preparation" 2 "Working on the bachelor's thesis" 3 "Editing of master thesis" 4 "Working on a term paper" 6 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
324 | B_SONSTIGES | Post-trait questionnaires Specification current other study project. | Zeichenkette "specification of other study project" | -99 "missing value: specification optional" |
325 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Post-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 1. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
326 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Post-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 2. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
327 | B_END_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires query period (expected end of main activity). | 1 "within the next week" 2 "within the next 2 weeks" 3 "within the next 4 weeks" 4 "within the next 8 weeks" 5 "in more than 8 weeks" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
328 | B_SATISFACTION_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires satisfaction main activity. | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "rather dissatisfied" 3 "rather satisfied" 4 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
329 | B_MAAS01 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
330 | B_MAAS02 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
331 | B_MAAS03 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
332 | B_MAAS04 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
333 | B_MAAS05 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
334 | B_MAAS06 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
335 | B_MAAS07 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
336 | B_MAAS08 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
337 | B_MAAS09 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
338 | B_MAAS10 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
339 | B_MAAS11 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
340 | B_MAAS12 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
341 | B_MAAS13 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
342 | B_MAAS14 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
343 | B_MAAS15 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
344 | B_MAAS01_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
345 | B_MAAS02_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
346 | B_MAAS03_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
347 | B_MAAS04_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
348 | B_MAAS05_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
349 | B_MAAS06_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
350 | B_MAAS07_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
351 | B_MAAS08_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
352 | B_MAAS09_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
353 | B_MAAS10_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
354 | B_MAAS11_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
355 | B_MAAS12_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
356 | B_MAAS13_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
357 | B_MAAS14_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
358 | B_MAAS15_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
359 | B_KIMS01 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
360 | B_KIMS02 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
361 | B_KIMS03 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
362 | B_KIMS04 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
363 | B_KIMS05 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
364 | B_KIMS06 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
365 | B_KIMS07 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
366 | B_KIMS08 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
367 | B_KIMS09 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
368 | B_KIMS01_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
369 | B_KIMS02_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
370 | B_KIMS03_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
371 | B_KIMS04_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
372 | B_KIMS05_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
373 | B_KIMS06_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
374 | B_KIMS07_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
375 | B_KIMS08_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
376 | B_KIMS09_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
377 | B_RELAT1 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
378 | B_RELAT2 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
379 | B_RELAT3 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
380 | B_RELAT4 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
381 | B_SC01 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
382 | B_SC02 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
383 | B_SC03 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
384 | B_SC04 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
385 | B_SC05 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
386 | B_SC06 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
387 | B_SC07 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
388 | B_SC08 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
389 | B_SC09 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
390 | B_SC10 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
391 | B_SC11 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
392 | B_SC12 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
393 | B_SC13 | Post-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
394 | B_SC14 | Post-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
395 | B_SC15 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
396 | B_SC16 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 16. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
397 | B_SC17 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 17. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
398 | B_SC18 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 18. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
399 | B_SC19 | Post-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 19. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
400 | B_SC20 | Post-Trait Questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 20. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
401 | B_SC21 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 21. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
402 | B_SC22 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 22. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
403 | B_SC23 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 23. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
404 | B_SC24 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 24. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
405 | B_SC25 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 25. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
406 | B_SC26 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 26. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
407 | B_SK_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 01. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
408 | B_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 02. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
409 | B_GENUSS_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 03. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
410 | B_GENUSS_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 04. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
411 | B_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 05. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
412 | B_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 06. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
413 | B_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
414 | B_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
415 | B_LZ_ACTUELL3 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
416 | B_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
417 | B_PANAS01 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
418 | B_PANAS02 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
419 | B_PANAS03 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
420 | B_PANAS04 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 06. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
421 | B_PANAS05 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 10. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
422 | B_PANAS06 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
423 | B_PANAS07 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 13. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
424 | B_PANAS08 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 15. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
425 | B_PANAS09 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 17. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
426 | B_PANAS10 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 18. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
427 | B_PANAS11 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
428 | B_PANAS12 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 05. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
429 | B_PANAS13 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 07. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
430 | B_PANAS14 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 08. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
431 | B_PANAS15 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 09. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
432 | B_PANAS16 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 12. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
433 | B_PANAS17 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 14. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
434 | B_PANAS18 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 16. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
435 | B_PANAS19 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 19. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
436 | B_PANAS20 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 20. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
437 | B_STUDZU01 | Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item INH05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
438 | B_STUDBEL01 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
439 | B_STUDZU02 | Post-Trait Questionnaires Study Satisfaction Item STG13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
440 | B_STUDBEL02 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
441 | B_STUDZU03 | Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item LVG10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
442 | B_STUDBEL03 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
443 | B_STUDZU04 | Post-Trait Questionnaires Study Satisfaction Item STG07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
444 | B_STUDMOTEXT01 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
445 | B_STUDMOTEXT02 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
446 | B_STUDMOTEXT03 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
447 | B_STUDMOTEXT04 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
448 | B_REPRAESENTATIV | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Representativeness. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "somewhat disagrees" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
449 | B_GEWISSHAFT | Post-trait questionnaires survey information conscientious processing. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "rather does not apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
450 | B_EINFL_GED | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on thoughts. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to apply" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
451 | B_EINFL_VERH | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on behavior. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
452 | B_NICHTBEANTW | Post-trait questionnaires survey information complete response. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "rather does not apply" 3 "tends to apply" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
453 | B_MED_ERFAHRUNG | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Meditation experience. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
454 | DATETIME | Post-trait questionnaires implementation date. | Zeichenkette "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | PARTICIPANT | VP number / ID | 32937-35623 "consecutive VP IDs" | 99999 "missing value: unspecified" |
2 | VP_ZAEHLER_KURZ | Sequence of answered short questionnaires | 1-40 "order of answered short questionnaires." | -77 "missing value: unspecified" |
3 | VP_ZAEHLER_ABEND | Order of answered evening questionnaires | 1-8 "order of evening questionnaires answered." | -77 "missing value: unspecified" |
4 | STUDIENBEGINN | Day of study start | Zeichenkette "Wednesday=Mi,09/13/2017; Monday=Mo,09/18/2017" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
5 | BEDINGUNG | Concerns the order within the short questionnaires. | Zeichenkette "mindfulness, PANAVA=mindfulness first, then PANAVA; PANAVA, mindfulness=PANAVA first, then mindfulness" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
6 | DATE | Date of the survey | Zeichenkette "day of data collection in month/day/year format" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
7 | DAY | Weekday of data collection | Zeichenkette "day of week of data collection" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
8 | TIME | Time of data collection | Zeichenkette "time of data collection" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
9 | SESSION_NAME | Name of the ESM questionnaire / notification | Zeichenkette "experience sampling questionnaire; notice evening query" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
10 | RESPONDED | Processing started | 1 "started" 0 "not started" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
11 | COMPLETED_SESSION | Questionnaire completed | 1 "completed" 0 "not completed" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
12 | SESSION_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_LAPSE | Delay until processing | Zeichenkette "delay until questionnaires are processed in hh:mm:ss format" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
13 | REMINDERS_DELIVERED | Number of reminders sent | 0-1 "number of reminders sent" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
14 | KF_AKTIVITAET_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Activity | 1 "free time" 2 "Study" 3 "Work/part-time job/internship" 4 "Everyday routines and obligations" 5 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
15 | KF_FREIZEIT_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Free time more precise | 1 "Social contacts (chatting, friends, family)" 2 "Media (watching TV, reading, listening to music, cell phone, computer)" 3 "Resting, 'doing nothing'" 4 "Sports, exercise" 5 "Hobbies and interests" 6 "Activities, celebrations" 7 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
16 | KF_STUDIUM_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Study more precisely | 1 "Writing something (e.g., degree, term paper)" 2 "Studying (for an exam)" 3 "Reading texts" 4 "Organizational stuff for university" 5 "Other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
17 | KF_ROUTINEN_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Routines more precise | 1 "housework, household" 2 "personal hygiene" 3 "Eating, drinking" 4 "sleeping" 5 "errands, authorities, doctor" 6 "Getting around (e.g., train travel)" 7 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
18 | KF_P01_VA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 01. | 1 "(very) satisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) dissatisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
19 | KF_P01_VA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) satisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) dissatisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
20 | KF_P02_PA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 02. | 1 "(very) energetic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) low energy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
21 | KF_P02_PA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) energetic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) low energy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing de to design" |
22 | KF_P03_NA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 03. | 1 "(very) stressed" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) relaxed" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
23 | KF_P03_NA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) stressed" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) relaxed" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
24 | KF_P04_PA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 04. | 1 "(very) tired" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) wide awake" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
25 | KF_P05_NA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 05. | 1 "(very) peaceful" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) upset" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
26 | KF_P06_VA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 06. | 1 "(very) unhappy" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) happy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
27 | KF_P07_PA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 07. | 1 "(very) listless" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) highly motivated" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
28 | KF_P08_NA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 08. | 1 "(very) calm" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) nervous" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
29 | KF_P09_PA | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA Short Scale Item 09. | 1 "(very) enthusiastic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) bored" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
30 | KF_P09_PA_R | Experience sampling questionnaire PANAVA short scale item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(very) enthusiastic" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "undecided" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "(very) bored" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
31 | KF_PRESENCE_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
32 | KF_PRESENCE_1_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 1 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
33 | KF_PRESENCE_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
34 | KF_PRESENCE_3 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
35 | KF_PRESENCE_3_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 3 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not e at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
36 | KF_PRESENCE_4 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
37 | KF_EQUI_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
38 | KF_EQUI_1_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
39 | KF_EQUI_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
40 | KF_EQUI_3 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
41 | KF_EQUI_3_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 3 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
42 | KF_EQUI_4 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
43 | KF_WOLLEN | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Experience Item Want. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
44 | KF_SOLLEN | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Experience Item Shall. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
45 | KF_KONFLIKT_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
46 | KF_KONFLIKT_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
47 | KF_KONFLIKT_3 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
48 | KF_KONFLIKT_4 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
49 | KF_KONFLIKT_5 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 5. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
50 | KF_KONFLIKT_5_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 5 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
51 | KF_KONFLIKT_6 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 6. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
52 | KF_KONFLIKT_7 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 7. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
53 | KF_KONFLIKT_7_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 7 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
54 | KF_KONFLIKT_8 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 8. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
55 | KF_KONFLIKT_9 | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 9. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
56 | KF_KONFLIKT_9_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Conflict Reactivity Item 9 reversed polarity. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
57 | KF_PRES_FI_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: response missing due to design" |
58 | KF_PRES_FI_1_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 1 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: response missing due to design" |
59 | KF_PRES_FI_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
60 | KF_PRES_FI_3 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
61 | KF_PRES_FI_3_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
62 | KF_PRES_FI_4 | Experience sampling questionnaire Presence Filler Item 3 reversed. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
63 | KF_EQUI_FI_1 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 1. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
64 | KF_EQUI_FI_1_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
65 | KF_EQUI_FI_2 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 2. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
66 | KF_EQUI_FI_3 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 3. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
67 | KF_EQUI_FI_4 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 4. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
68 | KF_EQUI_FI_4_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 4 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
69 | KF_EQUI_FI_5 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 5. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
70 | KF_EQUI_FI_5_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 5 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
71 | KF_EQUI_FI_6 | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 6. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer is missing due to design" |
72 | KF_EQUI_FI_6_R | Experience sampling questionnaire Equianimity Filler Item 6 reversed polarity. | 1 "not true at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
73 | AF_ZEIT_STUDI | Evening questionnaire learning time | 0-13 "Number of hours spent on studying." | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not taken at the time." -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
74 | AF_ZEIT_S_ANG | Evening questionnaire satisfaction with study time | 1 "far too little time" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "just the right amount of time" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "way too much time" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
75 | AF_ZIELERREICH | Evening Questionnaire Academic Goal Attainment. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
76 | AF_ZEIT_FREIZ | Evening questionnaire time off | 0-15 "Number of hours spent on leisure activities." | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
77 | AF_ZEIT_F_ANG | Evening questionnaire satisfaction with free time | 1 "far too little time" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "just the right amount of time" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "way too much time" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
78 | AF_ZEIT_ZUFRIE | Evening questionnaire satisfaction time allocation | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
79 | AF_EMO_ZUFRIE | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Satisfaction. | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
80 | AF_EMO_GLUECK | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Happiness. | 1 "very unhappy" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very happy" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
81 | AF_EMO_STOLZ | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Pride. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
82 | AF_EMO_BESCHAEM | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Shame. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
83 | AF_EMO_SCHULD | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Guilt. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
84 | AF_EMO_VERAERG | Evening questionnaire emotional experience anger | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
85 | AF_EMO_BESORG | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Worry. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
86 | AF_EMO_ZUVERS | Evening Questionnaire Emotional Experience Confidence. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing desin" |
87 | AF_STRESS_1 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
88 | AF_STRESS_2 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
89 | AF_STRESS_2_R | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
90 | AF_STRESS_3 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
91 | AF_STRESS_3_R | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
92 | AF_STRESS_4 | Evening Stress Questionnaire (PSS-4) Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
93 | AF_CONGR_1 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
94 | AF_CONGR_1_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 1 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
95 | AF_CONGR_2 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
96 | AF_CONGR_2_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 2 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
97 | AF_CONGR_3 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Congruence Item 3. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
98 | AF_STUDBEL1 | Evening Questionnaire Study Load Item SZ: RAN02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
99 | AF_STUDBEL2 | Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
100 | AF_STUDBEL3 | Evening Study Load Questionnaire Item SZ: STG01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
101 | AF_ZUVERSICHT | Evening Questionnaire Study Load Item Confidence. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
102 | AF_BESORGNIS | Evening Questionnaire Study Stress Item Concern. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "fully" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
103 | AF_SC_ABEND1 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 1. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
104 | AF_SC_ABEND2 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 2. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
105 | AF_SC_ABEND2_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 2 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
106 | AF_SC_ABEND3 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 3. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
107 | AF_SC_ABEND4 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 4. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
108 | AF_SC_ABEND4_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 4 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
109 | AF_SC_ABEND5 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 5. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
110 | AF_SC_ABEND6 | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 6. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
111 | AF_SC_ABEND6_R | Evening Questionnaire Self-Comapssion Item 6 reversed polarity. | 1 "not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
112 | AF_AKTUELL_ERSCHOEPFT | Evening questionnaire current condition exhausted | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer was missing due to design" |
113 | AF_AKTUELL_LEISTUNGSFAEHIG | Evening questionnaire current condition efficient | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
114 | AF_AKTUELL_OPTIMISTISCH | Evening questionnaire current state of optimism | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "strongly agree" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
115 | AF_VORHABEN | Evening questionnaire Inquiry intentions in the evening Item 1. | 1 "yes" 2 "no" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
116 | AF_VORHABEN_GENAUER | Evening questionnaire Inquiry project in the evening Item 2. | 1 "Leisure time" 2 "Study" 3 "Work/part-time job/internship" 4 "Everyday routines and obligations" 5 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" -88 "missing value: was not asked at the time" -99 "missing value: answer missing due to design" |
117 | A_GESCHLECHT | Pre-trait questionnaires gender | 1 "male" 2 "female" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
118 | A_ALTER | Pre-trait questionnaires age | 19-38 "age in years" | 999 "missing value: unspecified" |
119 | A_STUDIENFACH | Pre-trait questionnaires subject of study | Zeichenkette "field of study" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
120 | A_SEMESTERANZAHL | Pre-trait questionnaires total number of semesters | 2-12 "total semester count" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
121 | A_ABSCHLUSS | Pre-trait questionnaires degree sought. | 1 "Bachelor's" 2 "Master" 3 "State Examination" 4 "diploma" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
122 | A_PROJEKT | Pre-trait questionnaires Query current study project. | 1 "Exam preparation" 2 "Working on the bachelor thesis" 3 "Editing of master thesis" 4 "Working on a term paper" 6 "other" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
123 | A_SONSTIGES | Pre-trait questionnaires Specification current other study project. | Zeichenkette "specification of other study project" | -99 "missing value: specification optional" |
124 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Pre-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 1. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
125 | A_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Pre-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 2. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
126 | A_ENDE_PROJEKT | Pre-trait questionnaires query period (expected end of main activity). | 1 "within the next week" 2 "within the next 2 weeks" 3 "within the next 4 weeks" 4 "within the next 8 weeks" 5 "in more than 8 weeks" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
127 | A_LERNEMO1 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
128 | A_LERNEMO2 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related enjoyment Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
129 | A_LERNEMO3 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
130 | A_LERNEMO4 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
131 | A_LERNEMO5 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
132 | A_LERNEMO6 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
133 | A_LERNEMO7 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related anxiety Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
134 | A_LERNEMO8 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hope Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
135 | A_LERNEMO9 | Pre-trait questionnaires learning emotions AEQ learning related hopelessness Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
136 | A_MAAS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
137 | A_MAAS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
138 | A_MAAS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
139 | A_MAAS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
140 | A_MAAS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
141 | A_MAAS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
142 | A_MAAS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
143 | A_MAAS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
144 | A_MAAS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present Orientation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
145 | A_MAAS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
146 | A_MAAS11 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
147 | A_MAAS12 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
148 | A_MAAS13 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
149 | A_MAAS14 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
150 | A_MAAS15 | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
151 | A_MAAS01_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
152 | A_MAAS02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
153 | A_MAAS03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
154 | A_MAAS04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
155 | A_MAAS05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
156 | A_MAAS06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
157 | A_MAAS07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
158 | A_MAAS08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
159 | A_MAAS09_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
160 | A_MAAS10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
161 | A_MAAS11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
162 | A_MAAS12_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
163 | A_MAAS13_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
164 | A_MAAS14_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
165 | A_MAAS15_R | Pre-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
166 | A_KIMS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
167 | A_KIMS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
168 | A_KIMS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
169 | A_KIMS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
170 | A_KIMS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
171 | A_KIMS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
172 | A_KIMS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
173 | A_KIMS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
174 | A_KIMS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
175 | A_KIMS01_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
176 | A_KIMS02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
177 | A_KIMS03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
178 | A_KIMS04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
179 | A_KIMS05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
180 | A_KIMS06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
181 | A_KIMS07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
182 | A_KIMS08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
183 | A_KIMS09_R | Pre-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without rating Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
184 | A_RELAT1 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
185 | A_RELAT2 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
186 | A_RELAT3 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
187 | A_RELAT4 | Pre-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
188 | A_SC01 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
189 | A_SC02 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
190 | A_SC03 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
191 | A_SC04 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
192 | A_SC05 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
193 | A_SC06 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
194 | A_SC07 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
195 | A_SC08 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
196 | A_SC09 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
197 | A_SC10 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
198 | A_SC11 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
199 | A_SC12 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
200 | A_SC13 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
201 | A_SC14 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
202 | A_SC15 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
203 | A_SC16 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 16. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
204 | A_SC17 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 17. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
205 | A_SC18 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 18. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
206 | A_SC19 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 19. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
207 | A_SC20 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 20. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
208 | A_SC21 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 21. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
209 | A_SC22 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 22. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
210 | A_SC23 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 23. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
211 | A_SC24 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 24. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
212 | A_SC25 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 25. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
213 | A_SC26 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 26. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
214 | A_SK01 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
215 | A_SK02 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
216 | A_SK02_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
217 | A_SK03 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
218 | A_SK03_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
219 | A_SK04 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
220 | A_SK04_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
221 | A_SK05 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
222 | A_SK05_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
223 | A_SK06 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 06. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
224 | A_SK06_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
225 | A_SK07 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
226 | A_SK07_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
227 | A_SK08 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 08. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
228 | A_SK08_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
229 | A_SK09 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 09. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
230 | A_SK10 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
231 | A_SK10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
232 | A_SK11 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
233 | A_SK11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
234 | A_SK12 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability item 12. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
235 | A_SK13 | Pre-trait questionnaires SCS-K-D self-control ability Item 13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather not true" 4 "rather applies" 5 "largely applies" 6 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
236 | A_SK_IMPORTANCE | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 01. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
237 | A_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 02. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
238 | A_ENJOYMENT_WICHTIG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 03. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
239 | A_ENJOYMENT_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 04. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
240 | A_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 05. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
241 | A_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Pre-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 06. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
242 | A_AMS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 05. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
243 | A_AMS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 03. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
244 | A_AMS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 08. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
245 | A_AMS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 10. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
246 | A_AMS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item HE 14. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "rather disagree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
247 | A_AMS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 17. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
248 | A_AMS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 21. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
249 | A_AMS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 22. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
250 | A_AMS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 26. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
251 | A_AMS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires AMS achievement motivation Item FM 28. | 1 "strongly disagree" 2 "tend not to agree" 3 "rather agree" 4 "completely agree" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
252 | A_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
253 | A_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
254 | A_LZ_AKTUELL3 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
255 | A_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Pre-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
256 | A_PANAS01 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
257 | A_PANAS02 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
258 | A_PANAS03 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
259 | A_PANAS04 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 06. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
260 | A_PANAS05 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 10. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
261 | A_PANAS06 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
262 | A_PANAS07 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 13. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
263 | A_PANAS08 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 15. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
264 | A_PANAS09 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 17. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
265 | A_PANAS10 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 18. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
266 | A_PANAS11 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
267 | A_PANAS12 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 05. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
268 | A_PANAS13 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 07. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
269 | A_PANAS14 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 08. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
270 | A_PANAS15 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 09. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
271 | A_PANAS16 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 12. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
272 | A_PANAS17 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 14. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
273 | A_PANAS18 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 16. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
274 | A_PANAS19 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 19. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
275 | A_PANAS20 | Pre-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 20. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
276 | A_STUDZU01 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction item INH05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
277 | A_STUDBEL01 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
278 | A_STUDZU02 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
279 | A_STUDBEL02 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "applies completely" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
280 | A_STUDZU03 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction item LVG10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
281 | A_STUDBEL03 | Pre-trait questionnaires study load Item STG01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
282 | A_STUDZU04 | Pre-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item STG07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
283 | A_STUDMOTEXT01 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
284 | A_STUDMOTEXT02 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
285 | A_STUDMOTEXT03 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
286 | A_STUDMOTEXT04 | Pre-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
287 | A_PERFORMANCE | Pre-trait questionnaires Query self-assessed academic performance. | 1 "below average" 2 "" 3 "average" 4 "" 5 "above average" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
288 | A_ABINOTE | Pre-trait questionnaires query self-assessed Abinote. | 1,3-3,4 "self-assessed Ab score" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
289 | A_SOZERW1 | Pre-trait Questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
290 | A_SOZERW2 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
291 | A_SOZERW2_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
292 | A_SOZERW3 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
293 | A_SOZERW4 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
294 | A_SOZERW4_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
295 | A_SOZERW5 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
296 | A_SOZERW5_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item ST 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
297 | A_SOZERW6 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 06. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
298 | A_SOZERW7 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
299 | A_SOZERW7_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
300 | A_SOZERW8 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 08. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
301 | A_SOZERW9 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 09. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
302 | A_SOZERW9_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
303 | A_SOZERW10 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
304 | A_SOZERW10_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item ST 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
305 | A_SOZERW11 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
306 | A_SOZERW11_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
307 | A_SOZERW12 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 12. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
308 | A_SOZERW12_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
309 | A_SOZERW13 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
310 | A_SOZERW14 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 14. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
311 | A_SOZERW14_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 14 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
312 | A_SOZERW15 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 15. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
313 | A_SOZERW15_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
314 | A_SOZERW16 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 16. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
315 | A_SOZERW17 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 17. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
316 | A_SOZERW17_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 17 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
317 | A_SOZERW18 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 18. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
318 | A_SOZERW18_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 18 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
319 | A_SOZERW19 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 19. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
320 | A_SOZERW20 | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR Social Desirability Item FT 20. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
321 | A_SOZERW20_R | Pre-trait questionnaires BIDR social desirability item FT 20 reversed polarity. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
322 | A_DATETIME | Pre-trait questionnaires implementation date. | Zeichenkette "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "missing value: not specified" |
323 | B_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires query current study project. | 1 "Exam preparation" 2 "Working on the bachelor's thesis" 3 "Editing of master thesis" 4 "Working on a term paper" 6 "other" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
324 | B_SONSTIGES | Post-trait questionnaires Specification current other study project. | Zeichenkette "specification of other study project" | -99 "missing value: specification optional" |
325 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM1 | Post-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 1. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
326 | B_ZEITSTUDIUM2 | Post-trait questionnaires query time spent Item 2. | 1 "less than one hour per day" 2 "1-3 hours per day" 3 "3-5 hours per day" 4 "5-7 hours per day" 5 "more than 7 hours per day" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
327 | B_END_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires query period (expected end of main activity). | 1 "within the next week" 2 "within the next 2 weeks" 3 "within the next 4 weeks" 4 "within the next 8 weeks" 5 "in more than 8 weeks" | -77 "missing value: missed or canceled" |
328 | B_SATISFACTION_PROJEKT | Post-trait questionnaires satisfaction main activity. | 1 "very dissatisfied" 2 "rather dissatisfied" 3 "rather satisfied" 4 "very satisfied" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
329 | B_MAAS01 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
330 | B_MAAS02 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
331 | B_MAAS03 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
332 | B_MAAS04 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
333 | B_MAAS05 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
334 | B_MAAS06 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
335 | B_MAAS07 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
336 | B_MAAS08 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
337 | B_MAAS09 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
338 | B_MAAS10 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
339 | B_MAAS11 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
340 | B_MAAS12 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
341 | B_MAAS13 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
342 | B_MAAS14 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
343 | B_MAAS15 | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
344 | B_MAAS01_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
345 | B_MAAS02_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
346 | B_MAAS03_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
347 | B_MAAS04_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
348 | B_MAAS05_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
349 | B_MAAS06_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
350 | B_MAAS07_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
351 | B_MAAS08_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
352 | B_MAAS09_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
353 | B_MAAS10_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 10 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
354 | B_MAAS11_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 11 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
355 | B_MAAS12_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 12 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
356 | B_MAAS13_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 13 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
357 | B_MAAS14_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
358 | B_MAAS15_R | Post-trait questionnaires MAAS Present orientation item 15 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
359 | B_KIMS01 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
360 | B_KIMS02 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
361 | B_KIMS03 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
362 | B_KIMS04 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
363 | B_KIMS05 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
364 | B_KIMS06 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
365 | B_KIMS07 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
366 | B_KIMS08 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
367 | B_KIMS09 | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
368 | B_KIMS01_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 01 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
369 | B_KIMS02_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 02 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
370 | B_KIMS03_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 03 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
371 | B_KIMS04_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 04 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
372 | B_KIMS05_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 05 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
373 | B_KIMS06_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 06 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
374 | B_KIMS07_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 07 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
375 | B_KIMS08_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 08 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
376 | B_KIMS09_R | Post-trait questionnaires KIMS acceptance without evaluation Item 09 reversed polarity. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
377 | B_RELAT1 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
378 | B_RELAT2 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
379 | B_RELAT3 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
380 | B_RELAT4 | Post-trait questionnaires CHIME Relative item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
381 | B_SC01 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 01. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
382 | B_SC02 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 02. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
383 | B_SC03 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 03. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
384 | B_SC04 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 04. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
385 | B_SC05 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 05. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
386 | B_SC06 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 06. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
387 | B_SC07 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 07. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
388 | B_SC08 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 08. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
389 | B_SC09 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 09. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
390 | B_SC10 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 10. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
391 | B_SC11 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 11. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
392 | B_SC12 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 12. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
393 | B_SC13 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 13. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
394 | B_SC14 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 14. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
395 | B_SC15 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion item 15. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
396 | B_SC16 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 16. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
397 | B_SC17 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 17. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
398 | B_SC18 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 18. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
399 | B_SC19 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 19. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
400 | B_SC20 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 20. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
401 | B_SC21 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 21. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
402 | B_SC22 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 22. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
403 | B_SC23 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-compassion Item 23. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
404 | B_SC24 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS Self-Compassion Item 24. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
405 | B_SC25 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 25. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
406 | B_SC26 | Post-trait questionnaires SCS self-compassion Item 26. | 1 "(almost) never" 2 "rarely" 3 "rather seldom" 4 "rather often" 5 "frequently" 6 "(almost) always" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
407 | B_SK_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 01. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
408 | B_SK_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 02. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
409 | B_GENUSS_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 03. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
410 | B_GENUSS_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 04. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
411 | B_INTUITION_WICHTIG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 05. | 1 "very unimportant" 2 "rather unimportant" 3 "rather important" 4 "very important" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
412 | B_INTUITION_AUSPRAEGUNG | Post-trait questionnaires importance self-control Item 06. | 1 "very weak" 2 "rather weak" 3 "rather strong" 4 "very strong" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
413 | B_LZ_AKTUELL1 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
414 | B_LZ_AKTUELL2 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
415 | B_LZ_ACTUELL3 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
416 | B_LZ_AKTUELL4 | Post-trait questionnaires TFSF general life satisfaction Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither/nor" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
417 | B_PANAS01 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 01. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
418 | B_PANAS02 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 03. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
419 | B_PANAS03 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 04. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
420 | B_PANAS04 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 06. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
421 | B_PANAS05 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 10. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
422 | B_PANAS06 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 11. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
423 | B_PANAS07 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 13. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
424 | B_PANAS08 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 15. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
425 | B_PANAS09 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 17. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
426 | B_PANAS10 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 18. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
427 | B_PANAS11 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 02. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
428 | B_PANAS12 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 05. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
429 | B_PANAS13 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 07. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
430 | B_PANAS14 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 08. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
431 | B_PANAS15 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 09. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
432 | B_PANAS16 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 12. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
433 | B_PANAS17 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being Item 14. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
434 | B_PANAS18 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 16. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
435 | B_PANAS19 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 19. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
436 | B_PANAS20 | Post-trait questionnaires PANAS general affective well-being item 20. | 1 "not at all" 2 "a little bit" 3 "to some extent" 4 "considerably" 5 "extremely" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
437 | B_STUDZU01 | Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item INH05. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
438 | B_STUDBEL01 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item RAN02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
439 | B_STUDZU02 | Post-trait questionnaires Study Satisfaction Item STG13. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
440 | B_STUDBEL02 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG11. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
441 | B_STUDZU03 | Post-trait questionnaires student satisfaction Item LVG10. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
442 | B_STUDBEL03 | Post-trait questionnaires study load Item STG01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
443 | B_STUDZU04 | Post-trait questionnaires Study Satisfaction Item STG07. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
444 | B_STUDMOTEXT01 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 01. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
445 | B_STUDMOTEXT02 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 02. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
446 | B_STUDMOTEXT03 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 03. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely does not apply" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
447 | B_STUDMOTEXT04 | Post-trait questionnaires extrinsic motivation to study Item 04. | 1 "does not apply at all" 2 "largely not true" 3 "rather does not apply" 4 "neither" 5 "rather applies" 6 "largely applies" 7 "completely true" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
448 | B_REPRAESENTATIV | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Representativeness. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "somewhat disagrees" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
449 | B_GEWISSHAFT | Post-trait questionnaires survey information conscientious processing. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "rather does not apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
450 | B_EINFL_GED | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on thoughts. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to apply" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
451 | B_EINFL_VERH | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Influence on behavior. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
452 | B_NICHTBEANTW | Post-trait questionnaires survey information complete response. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "rather does not apply" 3 "tends to apply" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
453 | B_MED_ERFAHRUNG | Post-trait questionnaires Survey information Meditation experience. | 1 "does not apply" 2 "tends not to apply" 3 "tends to agree" 4 "applies" | -77 "missing value: missed or aborted" |
454 | DATETIME | Post-trait questionnaires implementation date. | Zeichenkette "time of survey in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
Utilized Test Methods |
Achtsamkeit (CHIME): Bergomi, C., Tschacher, W., & Kupper, Z. (2014). Konstruktion und erste Validierung eines Fragebogens zur umfassenden Erfassung von Achtsamkeit. Diagnostica, 60(3), 111–125. |
Selbstkontrolle (SCS-K-D): Bertrams, A., & Dickhäuser, O. (2009). Messung dispositioneller Selbstkontroll-Kapazität. Diagnostica, 55(1), 2–10. |
Motivationales Konflikterleben: Grund, A., Grunschel, C., Bruhn, D. & Fries, S. (2015). Torn between want and should: An experience-sampling study on motivational conflict, well-being, self-control, and mindfulness. Motivation and Emotion, 39, 506–520. doi: 10.1007/s11031-015-9476-z |
Selbstmitgefühl (SCS): Hupfeld, J., & Ruffieux, N. (2011). Validierung einer deutschen Version der Self-Compassion Scale (SCS-D). Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 40(2), 115–123. |
Affektives Wohlbefinden (PANAS:) Krohne, H. W., Egloff, B., Kohlmann, C.-W., & Tausch, A. (1996). Untersuchungen mit einer deutschen Version der „Positive and Negative Affect Schedule“ (PANAS). [Investigations with a German version of the PANAS]. Diagnostica, 42, 139–156. |
Leistungsmotive (AMS): Lang, J. & Fries, S. (2006). A Revised 10-Item Version of the Achievement Motives Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22(3), 216–224. DOI 10.1027/1015-5759.22.3.216. |
Achtsamkeit (MAAS): Michalak, J., Heidenreich, T., Ströhle, G., & Nachtigall, C. (2008). Die deutsche Version der Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) Psychometrische Befunde zu einem Achtsamkeitsfragebogen. Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 37(3), 200–208. |
Soziale Erwünschheit (BIDR): Musch, J., Brockhaus, R., & Bröder, A. (2002). Ein Inventar zur Erfassung von zwei Faktoren sozialer Erwünschtheit. Diagnostica, 48(3), 121–129. |
Lernemotionen (AEQ): Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Frenzel, A. C., Barchfeld, P., & Perry, R. P. (2011). Measuring emotions in students' learning and performance: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36(1), 36–48. |
Positive und negative Aktivierung (PANAVA): Schallberger, U. (2005). Kurzskalen zur Erfassung der Positiven Aktivierung, Negativen Aktivierung und Valenz in Experience Sampling Studien (PANAVA-KS). Research reports from the project "Quality of experience inwork and leisure", 6. Zürich: Psychologisches Institut der Universität Zürich. |
Achtsamkeit (KIMS): Ströhle, G., Nachtigall, C., Michalak, J., & Heidenreich, T. (2010). Die Erfassung von Achtsamkeit als mehrdimensionales Konstrukt. Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 39(1), 1–12. |
Allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit (TFSF): Trautwein, U. (2004). Die temporalen Facetten der Lebenszufriedenheit: Eine deutsche Adaptation der Skalavon Pavot, Dienerund Suh (1998). Diagnostica, 50, 182-192. |
Stress (PSS-4): Warttig, S. L., Forshaw, M. J., South, J., & White, A. K. (2013). New, normative, English-sample data for the Short Form Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4). Journal of Health Psychology, 18(12), 1617–1628. |
Studienzufriedenheit & Studienbelastung (StuZu & StuBel): Westermann, R., Heise, E., Spies, K. & Trautwein, U. (1996). Identifikation und Erfassung von Komponenten der Studienzufriedenheit. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 43, 1–22. |
Further Reading |
Grund, A., Grunschel, C., Bruhn, D., & Fries, S. (2015). Torn between want and should: An experience-sampling study on motivational conflict, well-being, self-control, and mindfulness. Motivation and Emotion, 39(4), 506-520. doi:10.1007/s11031-015-9476-z |
Grund, A., & Senker, K. (2018). Motivational foundations of self-control and mindfulness and their role in study-leisure conflicts. Learning and Individual Differences, 68, 72-84. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2018.10.007 |