Multimodal spatial attention - primary data from an EEG study of sighted and blind persons.

Cognitive Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


There is a substantial amount of evidence which indicates that the processing of spatial representations is shared by different sensory systems. The present study investigated whether spatial attention is controlled in an overlapping fashion by both the tactile and auditory modality and whether these processes are influenced by sensory experiences. To this end, both sighted and congenitally blind subjects were examined using a paradigm for selective spatial attention while event-related potentials were simultaneously recorded. In different experimental blocks, subjects paid attention to sounds coming from a certain point in the room and to a specific sensory modality. In sighted subjects, the event-related potentials showed spatial attention effects not only for the attention modality, but also for the neglected modality. These results suggest a linked process of spatial attention between different sensory systems. The blind subjects, however, showed no spatial attention effects in the neglected modality in early event-related potentials. At later stages of processing, a slowdown of processing of irrelevant stimuli was evident. The results show that the specific linkage between the different sensory systems is influenced by sensory experiences and that the visual system plays a crucial role in training the auditory-tactile links. (For more details see Hötting, Roesler, & Röder, 2003, 2004).

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Year of Publication


German Research Foundation; number Ro 1226/4-1, 4-2, 4-3.


Hötting, K., Rösler, F. & Röder, B. (2004). Multimodal spatial attention - primary data from an EEG study of sighted and blind persons. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
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Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Quasi-experimental design, mixed design, laboratory experiment; single measurements

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

Event-related potentials (ERPs) to auditory stimuli (white noise from the left or right speaker) and tactile stimuli (metal pin on the left or right index finger) were collected under different attention conditions. Subjects were asked to respond only to a particular sensory modality that deviated from a given side. There were 4 different attention conditions: left tactile stimuli, right tactile stimuli, left auditory stimuli, and right auditory stimuli. Behavioral measures (reaction times, error rates) as well as the recordings of 61 EEG electrodes were recorded.
ERPs were calculated from these recordings based on the no-reaction relevant stimuli under said attention conditions. The mean amplitudes of selected time windows (100-170ms, 200-240ms, and 200-350ms for auditory potentials; 70-100ms, 125-175ms, and 200-280ms for tactile potentials) were exported as data matrices. For more detailed information see also Hötting, Rösler, and Röder (2003, 2004).

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimenter


healthy college students and subjects blind from birth

Survey Time Period:

survey time period for sighted subjects: 5/2001-8/2001,
survey time period for blind subjects: 12/2001-6/2002


Convenience sample

Gender Distribution:

53,3% female subjects (n=16)
46,7% male subjects (n=14)

Age Distribution: 20-37 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/Hessen/Marburg

Subject Recruitment:

Fliers were posted in the Department of Psychology and the cafeteria of the University of Marburg. Recruitment of blind subjects for this study was done using the subject card index of the department of Cognitive Psychophysiology, University of Marburg. These blind subjects were originally recruited through the German Institute for the Blind (Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt, Marburg) and the German Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted (Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten, DVBS). Psychology undergraduates received test-subject credit hours while other participants were paid 7€/hour.

Sample Size:

30 individuals (15 sighted subjects and 15 blind subjects)

Return/Drop Out:

Only 1 sighted subject was not included in the sample due to technical difficulties during the experiment (a total of 16 sighted subjects participated).

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Description of the files

Text file - 55 KB
MD5: 8c2e04bebebb37a2fa8852cda649fba1
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (auditory; time window 100-170ms; all subjects)

Text file - 87 KB
MD5: 877ab1da7b083a5202d82a1064e8e4bf
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data and derived data of the study (auditory; time window 100-170ms; all Pbn)

Text file - 53 KB
MD5: 3cd99485d6ea95561b097552f216c9a8
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (auditory; time window 200-240ms; all subjects)

Text file - 84 KB
MD5: 9cebe3a704ef45a2197fd954f40b306b
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (auditory; time window 200-240ms; all subjects)

Text file - 27 KB
MD5: 790aae0800aa3b1dcb5b80256cea74b9
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (auditory; time window 200-350ms; only sighted subjects)

Text file - 43 KB
MD5: 01bc98c5e2ec3c239598449606e3bd08
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (auditory; time window 200-350ms; only sighted subjects)

Text file - 51 KB
MD5: 5f32930d360a9dac70272da6fdf064c5
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (tactile; time window 70-100ms; all subjects)

Text file - 82 KB
MD5: d9e57a3fdbdd6f62172a12360a1df398
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (tactile; time window 70-100ms; all subjects)

Text file - 53 KB
MD5: d7c18aacc29354dca33c45698dc88739
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (tactile; time window 125-175ms; all Pbn)

Text file - 84 KB
MD5: 2b44573fe2b3fd33e7008d0241be239d
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (tactile; time window 125-175ms; all subjects)

Text file - 52 KB
MD5: 44a83c58b43e8de0b9002c3ad37f0d72
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (tactile; time window 200-280ms; all subjects)

Text file - 83 KB
MD5: e23d2493f117a28e90ec9dd355f6cbcc
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (tactile; time window 200-280ms; all Pbn)

Text file - 2 KB
MD5: b00a0c7c9073ffb8bddaef4bd6158ebc
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (behavioural; all subjects)

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MD5: 6231203f61cb701630eacf04554ee34e
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary and derived data of the study (behavioural; all subjects)

Text file - 2 KB
MD5: d45f04c5f304e26391031d6c4490c46a
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of the study (subject characteristics; all subjects)

Text file - 44 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd1.txt (auditory; time window 100-170ms; all subjects)

Text file - 45 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd2.txt (auditory; time window 200-240ms; all Pbn)

Text file - 45 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd3.txt (auditory; time window 200-350ms; sighted subjects only)

Text file - 44 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd4.txt (tactile; time window 70-100ms; all subjects)

Text file - 44 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd5.txt (tactile; time window 125-175ms; all subjects)

Text file - 44 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd6.txt (tactile; time window 200-280ms; all subjects)

Text file - 2 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd7.txt (behavioural data; all subjects)

Text file - 1 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for the primary data set hgkn02ak22_pd8.txt (subject characteristics; all subjects)

Text file - 3 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Instructions for the creation of the derived variables in the files hgkn02ak22_pd1 to hgkn02ak22_pd6 (auditory or tactile; different time windows; different subject groups)

Text file - 3 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Instructions for creating the derived variables in file hgkn02ak22_pd7 (behavioural data; all subjects)

PDF file - 54 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Sketch of the location of the electrodes

PDF file - 22 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Trigger signals of the EEG experiment