High-performance sports in children and adolescents from long-term perspective (KHLS-D3). Primary data of the third wave 1986.

Developmental Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


The project "Child and Adolescent High-Performance Sports from a Long-Term Perspective" is the third and final data collection stage (D3) of a longitudinal study on athletes (mean age 12.6 years) participating in three selected sports (figure skating, swimming, gymnastics). It began in October 1974 (D1). Basic questions were:

(1) What are the essential characteristics of children/adolescents participating in high performance sports (HPS) compared to "normal" children and adolescents?
(2) Does the involvement in the HPS affect the lifestyle of the athlete in positive and negative ways?
(3) How does the situation change over a period of 4 years (D2, from September 1978, mean age 16.6 years)?

In contrast, at D3 the following issues were of interest:

(4) How does the HPS career end?
(5) How is the transition from an HPS to a normal, everyday life then accomplished?
(6) What is the cause of a premature termination of the HPS career?

At the time of survey D3 (1986), not all of the participants (mean age 24) had actually retired from competitive sports. Therefore, at D3 two subsamples are distinguished as:

  • Already dropped out of HPS (75 subjects) and
  • Still active in HPS (19 subjects).

Accordingly, 3 survey instruments were used:

  • A general questionnaire (for all subjects),
  • A "drop-out" questionnaire, and
  • A "still active" questionnaire.

A qualitative methodology had more weight at D3 because of the focus on descriptive goal setting. The 3 questionnaires, therefore, contained many open-ended questions to which the athlete could formulate their respective view in detail, using everyday language and wording. The resulting consequences of this methodology for the data processing and analysis are presented in the methods section.

The specific thematic focus of the D3 project corresponds to a specific theoretical foundation. This helps to clarify the issues and to support the detailed planning of the methodological tools. Priority is given to decision theory and transition theory conceptualizations, which in turn are embedded in an overall ecological-psychological perspective. More details concerning this as well as the entire D3 project are available under kigd86ki19_in.txt in the template file. This also includes proposals for possible uses of the data.

The primary data for the study are provided in 4 files. Of these, the 3 questionnaires which were used are matched to the files they were used in. The fourth (special) file contains some data from the D2 survey of participants who no longer participated in the investigation at D3.

Persistent Identifier


Year of Publication


German Institute of Sport Science


Kaminski, G. (2005). High-performance sports in children and adolescents from long-term perspective (KHLS-D3). Primary data of the third wave 1986. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID. https://doi.org/10.5160/psychdata.kigd86ki19

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Partially Standardized Survey Instrument (provides question formulation; open answer format); single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

At the time of measurement D3, 3 questionnaires were used (see study description):

1. General questionnaire for the total sample:
Questions covering the following topics:

2. “Dropouts” questionnaire (subsample of the subjects that ended their HPS career):
Questions concerning the following topics:

3. HPS-active subjects questionnaire (subsample of the still-active subjects at time D3):
Questions concerning the following topics:

Mostly freehand answers to relatively “open” questions, a few questions involving rating scales.

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the absence of an experimenter


teen high-performance athletes

Survey Time Period:

1986 (measurement time point D3, the first 2 surveys were begun in October 1974 and September 1978)


Convenience sample

Gender Distribution: 

52,1% female participants (n=49)
47,9% male participants (n=45)

Age Distribution: 20-27 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany

Subject Recruitment:

The recruitment of the sample was done at measurement time points D1 and D2 via the German national trainers and other sports officials involved in figure skating, swimming, and gymnastics. The subjects were paid with 40 DM for their participation. At measurement time point D3, all participants from D2 were asked to participate again.

Sample Size:

94 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

Of the 117 proposed athletes, 107 were selected for the investigation and a final 98 athletes took part at D1. Of these, 89 subjects could also be obtained for the D2 survey. Following the same procedure, 53 more athletes were selected to take part at D2, creating a sample size of 142 subjects. Of these 142 subjects, 94 participated in the survey at D3 (8 years later).

Text file - 88 KB
MD5: 09286ac8ac06b8d6110c170a3f670fe5
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data on the study, general questionnaire

Text file - 66 KB
MD5: 5b5ad9ec9f61a4a87a47ed7293840987
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data on the study, Dropout questionnaire

Text file - 26 KB
MD5: f8024200c2a7629caa328dbe17b35f4d
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data for the study, Active questionnaire

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MD5: a12c84295142cf46056094e983055f51
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data on the study, information on measurement time point D2 of the “D3 refuseniks"

Text file - 442 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook for the primary data set kigd86ki19_pd1.txt

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook for primary record kigd86ki19_pd2.txt

Text file - 66 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook for the primary data set kigd86ki19_pd3.txt

Text file - 8 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook for the primary data set kigd86ki19_pd4.txt

Text file - 103 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Explanations by the author on the analysis of the survey data

Text file - 614 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Coding instruction of the free responses in different processing stages

Text file - 4 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Description of the files