Hopelessness Scales. Primary data from the standardization sample.

Clinical Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


The hopelessness scale (H scale) is a German scale developed by Beck, Weissman, Lester, and Trexler (1974) which measures optimism vs. pessimism with regard to one’s life and one’s own person. The theoretical background of the H-scale is found in the cognitive theory of depression by Beck (1972) and Stotland’s (1969) instrumentally theoretical approach to hopelessness. Furthermore, the concept has references to the theory of learned helplessness and the formation of psychoanalytic theories (Krampen, 1979, 1982). Hopelessness can be understood as a complex expectancy-value-theoretical construct that, in addition to reduced competence and contingency expectations, includes changes in valuation of action and/or life goals (Krampen, 1994, p. 5). In this sense, Krampen organizes (1987) this construct at the level of relatively high generalized subjective valences and expectations within an action-theoretical partial model of personality (HPP, handlungstheoretisches Partialmodell der Persönlichkeit). Therefore, in addition to the questionnaire concerning perceived competence and locus of control (FKK, Fragebogen zu Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen, Staples, 1991; see the description in PSYNDEX tests Doc.-No. 2361), there is now another action-theoretical personality diagnostic tool with which Krampen (1994) tried to replace purely descriptive personality psychology in the factor analytic tradition with a more theory-based psychodiagnostic tool. The method was originally developed in the context of research studying depression and suicidality by measuring the subjective well-being of healthy as well as mentally ill and physically ill and psychosomatically ill subjects (Krampen, 1979). The items particularly measure the quality of each subject’s future expectations in the sense of reduced personal goals. They relate to negative expectations about themselves, about their personal living environment, and their future lives. The measure is available in two parallel formats of the original standard version as well as a revised version: (1) Standard version H-S-scale with 20 alternative items to be answered (true/false), which is available in two parallel half-formats, each with 10 items (H-SA-scale, H-SB-scale), (2) Revised version of H-R-scale with 20 items to be answered in six steps (very wrong to very right), which is also available in two parallel forms with 10 items each (H-RA-scale, H-RB-scale). This dataset includes data from a representative sample of 2,051 German adults from the year 1990 which were used for standardization of the H-scale (Krampen, 1994). Along with the 20 items of the scale, a variety of socioeconomic variables were recorded.

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Year of Publication


Rhineland-Palatinate Research Fund


Krampen, G. (2004). Hopelessness Scales. Primary data from the standardization sample. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID. https://doi.org/10.5160/psychdata.kngr90sk04

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Research Design:

Normalized Test Procedure; single measurement

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

The scale design is based on concepts of classical test theory. The construction was based on the original English version of the H-scale that was translated into German. After examination of the data to ensure the meaningfulness and intelligibility of the items, an initial sample item analysis was performed. The item scores of the original (standard) version using a sample of 134 hospitalized patients, 42 healthy subjects, and 45 male prisoners were reported by Krampen (1979, task difficulty: .15 < pi < .80; discrimination: .27 

Table 1: item scores of the various trials (Krampen, 1994; p. 30 onward)                                                                                                                                                                                   ————————————————–
Test version — min.-pi-max. — min.-rit-max.
Supplementary notes
N = 2,051

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimenter


German adult subjects

Survey Time Period:

1990-10-26 to 1990-12-13


A representative sample of German adults aged 18 and older (1990), German Market Research Institute (ADM)-sampling grid combined with 420 sample points, stratified random sampling method, random route, and random choice of target persons in the household. Weighting involved an approximation of the official population statistics (as of 31.12.1987) and an iterative weighting (by region, community size, gender, and age).

Gender Distribution: 

46,1% female subjects (n=975)    

53,9% male subjects (n=1106)                 


Age Distribution: 18-90 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany

Subject Recruitment:

The data stems from a representative survey that was conducted in the autumn of 1990 by a society for marketing, communications, and social research in Hamburg (Gesellschaft für Marketing-, Kommunikations-und Sozialforschung mbH, Hamburg GFM-GETAS) in collaboration with the Center for Survey Research and Methodology, Mannheim (Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen e.V., Mannheim, ZUMA). Data was written down during the verbal interviews. The main survey was preceded by a pretest. See also sampling procedure.

Sample Size:

2051 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

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