Research data of the evaluation of a blended-learning instruction program for information literacy

Educational Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a blended-learning instruction program for information literacy developed by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) and tailored to the needs of psychology students. The instruction program included three online modules conveying knowledge and skills related to finding scholarly information and two classroom seminars (90 minutes each) that were designed to reflect the content of the online modules and to practice the relevant skills. For the evaluation of the instruction program, an experimental pre/post design with three measurement waves over two weeks was implemented to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. The participants (N = 67) were randomly allocated to one of two groups. Group 1 (n = 37) completed the instruction program between waves 1 and 2. Group 2 (n = 30) was a waiting control group and completed the program between waves 2 and 3. Results indicate that the instruction program improved knowledge about information literacy topics, professionalism of literature searches, effectiveness of literature searches, as well as self-assessed competence in finding information, which is in line with the hypotheses. Additionally, it was examined whether epistemological beliefs and basic knowledge in psychology are associated with a knowledge increase achieved through the training. Results indicate that epistemological beliefs lead to an increase in knowledge, while basic knowledge in psychology does not.

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Year of Publication


Funding line (6) of Leibniz projects within the SAW-Competition (SAW 2012)


Krampen, G., Mayer, A., Peter, J. & Leichner, N. (2015). Research data of the evaluation of a blended-learning instruction program for information literacy (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Dependant on training participation, an increase in information competence knowledge will be demonstrated.
Hypothesis 2: Dependant on training participation, an increase in the professionalism of literature search behaviour will be demonstrated.
Hypothesis 3: Dependant on training participation, an increase in literature search success will be demonstrated.
Hypothesis 4: Dependant on training participation, an increase in self-assessed competence in finding information will be demonstrated.
Hypothesis 5: Epistemological beliefs influence learning gains during training.
Hypothesis 6: Psychology knowledge influences learning gains during training.

Research Design:

Experimental Design, Laboratory Experiment; repeated measurements

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

The data were collected during three measurement waves, each in two-week intervals. All data collection took place in controlled group surveys in the computer labs at the University of Trier using the online survey software Unipark. During each of the three measurement waves, the subjects performed standardized subject-specific, literature search tasks. Using a taxonomy of three types of search tasks, three tasks (one per type) were created for each of the measurement waves. After every search task, questions pertaining to the subject’s approach during the task were posed. These data were used to evaluate the professionalism of literature search behaviour (Leichner et al., 2014).
At every measurement wave, the subjects also completed an information competence knowledge test (adapted according to Leichner et al., 2013), a self-assessment scale of literature search competence, a questionnaire for the assessment of epistemological beliefs and the questionnaire “Connotative Aspects of Epistemological Beliefs” (Stahl & Bromme, 2007).
At t1, demographic data were also collected.
After training participation (t2 for experimental group 1, t3 for experimental group 2), the “Evaluation of Blended Learning Inventory” (Peter et al., 2014) was employed to assess subjective evaluation of the training.
Immediately after the first measurement wave, the subjects also completed two further questionnaires in an online format under non-controlled conditions: a test for the assessment of basic knowledge of psychology and the short version of the “Need for Cognition“ scale (Bless et al., 1994).

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimenter


Psychology students at the univerity of Trier (n=34 first-year college students and n=33 advanced college students)

Survey Time Period:

The duration of the study was four weeks, whereas the instruction programs each took place over the course of two weeks. During this time span, data was collected at three measurement waves, each in two-week intervals. For this purpose, each of the four subgroups were assessed separately on two consecutive days.

t1 (pre-test): All participants completed the questionnaires on information competence, epistemological beliefs and socio-demographic traits during a controlled group survey on the computer and subsequently, under non-controlled conditions, in a further online data collection section.

After t1: Two-week instruction program for the two subgroups in experimental group 1 (independent completion of online teaching modules and two 90-minute classroom seminars).

t2 (three days after completion of the instruction program for experimental group 1): All participants complete the questionnaires on information competence and epistemological beliefs again. Experimental group 1 also completes the questionnaire on subjective training evaluation.

After t2: Two-week instruction program for the two subgroups in experimental group 2.

t3 (post-test for experimental group 2 three days after completion of the instruction program and follow-up for experimental group 1): All participants complete the questionnaires on information competence and epistemological beliefs, experimental group 2 also receives the questionnaire on subjective training evaluation.


Convenience sample.

Gender Distribution:

78 % female subjects (n=52)
22 % male subjects (n=15)

Age Distribution: 18-31 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany /Rhineland-Palatinate/Trier

Subject Recruitment:

Recruiting via e-mail distributor and flyers in the university buildings. Subjects received compensation for study participation.

Sample Size:

71 individuals

Return/Drop Out:

3 cases were excluded because of early discontinuation and 1 case because of an extreme age difference when compared to the rest of the cases. The final sample encompassed N = 67 subjects.

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