Primary data on the study "The relationship between horror film preference and resilience"
Cognitive Psychology
Authors(s) / Creator(s)
Tristan Weigand,
Rosalie Jacobsen,
This study investigates whether there is a connection between resilience and the preference for horror films. For this purpose, the research question is posed that there is a connection between the sense of coherence and the preference for horror films. The research question is based on the assumption that people with a high sense of coherence are able to separate fiction from reality within the consumption of films. In contrast, people with a low sense of coherence should not be able to achieve this. To answer this research question, an online survey was conducted in German-speaking countries. The survey recorded the sense of coherence and the preference for certain film genres. The results suggest that there is no correlation between the sense of coherence and the preference for horror genres. However, a correlation between the sense of coherence and the action genre could be shown. A possible explanation for the lack of a connection between the sense of coherence and horror film preference is the unspecific survey of the horror genre, which is why further research should strive for a differentiated recording of the genre. Furthermore, the question arises as to the cause of the connection between the action genre and sense of coherence. Since this study is an exploratory approach to the topic, further research in this area will be necessary.
Krokotsch, T., Weigand, R. & Jacobsen, T.
Primary data on the study "The relationship between horror film preference and resilience"
(Version 1.0.0)
[Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.
Study Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
H1: It is hypothesized that there is a significant positive relationship between sense of coherence and horror film preference.
Research Design:
Fully standardised survey instrument (provides question formulation and answer options); single measurement
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
The participants were asked to complete two questionnaires. The first was the Sense of Coherence Scale Leipzig Short Form (Schumacher et al., 2000), which comprises 9 items. These items represent the three sub-components of the sense of coherence “comprehensibility”,”manageability” and “meaningfulness” and are answered on a seven-point scale. The names of the poles of the response scale vary depending on the formulation of the items as questions or incomplete sentences. The second questionnaire was used to survey film genre preference. This questionnaire was adapted from the questionnaire by Scrivner et al.(2021). It asked about the preference for 6 film genres and, as an additional question, about general media consumption. The answer was given on a seven-point Likert scale from 1 (very rarely or never) to 7 (very often).
Data Collection Method:
Survey in the absence of an investigator
online survey
Adults from German-speaking countries
Survey Time Period:
Survey in the 4th quarter of the year 2021
Convenience Sample
Gender Distribution:
37,6 % female participants 60,8 % male participants
The questionnaire was distributed to test persons via link or QR code. This was done via a circular email at Helmut Schmidt University /University of the Federal Armed Forces and a distribution in the first author’s own social environment with the request to forward the link. In addition, social media such as Instagram and Reddit were used. Reddit is a collective website for forums (subreddits). The link was shared via a post on the first author’s own Instagram page. Here, too, a request was made to forward the questionnaire to the wider community. On Reddit, the German subreddits r/Filme and r/de were contacted to ask for permission to post the link. The subreddit r/de could not agree to this due to internal policies, but r/Filme allowed the post. Here, too, a request for canvassing in the wider community had been written. In addition, three 25 euro Amazon vouchers were raffled off to all participants who wanted them.
Sample Size:
362 participants
Return/Drop Out:
Six additional participants had to be excluded from the data set. These were of an age for which no standardisation of the Sense of Coherence Scale was available.
Text file
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Description:Primary data file
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Description:Codebook for the primary data file khtn21pr05_pd.txt
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Description:English translation of the codebook for the primary data file khtn21pr05_pd.txt
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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description:Transformation instructions to the derived variables in the primary dataset khtn21pr05_pd.txt
1 "Dann ist es bestimmt so, dass Sie sich auch weiterhin gut fühlen."
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "Dann wird bestimmt etwas passieren, das dieses Gefühl wieder verdirbt."
-77 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert"
SOC-L9 Item 6
1 "Ohne jeden Sinn und Zweck sein wird."
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "Voller Sinn und Zweck sein wird."
1 "es Ihnen immer gelingen wird, die Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden"
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "Sie es nicht schaffen werden die Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden"
1 "Then it is certainly the case that you continue to feel good about yourself."
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "Then something will definitely happen to spoil that feeling again."
-77 "missing value: not specified"
SOC-L9 Item 6
1 "Will be without any sense or purpose."
2 ""
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 ""
7 "Full meaning and purpose will be."
Menninghaus, W., Wagner, V., Wassiliwizky, E., Schindler, I., Hanich, J., Jacobsen, T. & Koelsch, S. (2019). What are aesthetic emotions? Psychological Review, 126(2), 171–195.
Schindler, I., Hosoya, G., Menninghaus, W., Beermann, U., Wagner, V., Eid, M. & Scherer, K. R. (2017). Measuring aesthetic emotions: A review of the literature and a new assessment tool. PLOS ONE, 12(6), e0178899.
Clasen, M., Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J. & Johnson, J. A. (2020). Horror, personality, and threat simulation: A survey on the psychology of scary media. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 213–230.