Affective congruency effects in the Stroop task: Primary data and control programs.

Cognitive Psychology

Authors(s) / Creator(s)


Examined associative and affective priming effects using a modified Stroop task in 2 experiments. In the first experiment the category specific priming effects, which occupy an intermediate position between stimulus specific associations and category relationships, were analyzed. The analysis of affective priming effects with the color task is particularly suited to test the hypothesis of an automatic activation spread to valence congruent content because they (a) eliminate alternative explanations in terms of reaction pathways or interference and (b) are sensitive for both specific (increased accessibility of certain stimuli) and nonspecific (global interference by emotional behavioral tendencies) affective activation effects. In the first experiment (SOA = 300 ms), the primes were presented without further processing instructions. In the second experiment (SOA = 500ms) the primes had to be reproduced directly after the color identification. In both experiments, significant priming effects for the associative material could be detected. Thereby the sensitivity of the procedure used for the detection of the priming effect was confirmed. In terms of the valence material in both experiments, no affective congruency effect was shown. The hypothesis of an automatic affective activation propagation, which was proposed in conclusion to previous studies which used other types of tasks examining the affective congruency effect, cannot be supported based on the present evidence. In addition to the primary data from both experiments, this record includes the aggregated subject and item data as well as the experimental control programs and evaluation programs.

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Rothermund, K. & Wentura, D. (2004). Affective congruency effects in the Stroop task: Primary data and control programs. (Version 1.0.0) [Data and Documentation]. Trier: Research Data Center at ZPID.

Study Description

Research Questions/Hypotheses:

Null hypotheses:
1. Affective congruence and associations exhibited equally strong priming effects in the Stroop test.
2 Associated primes did not increase the color time in the Stroop test.
3. Affective congruent primes increased the color time in the Stroop test.

Alternative hypotheses:
1. Following associated primes, stronger priming effects were found in the Stroop than after nonassociated but affectively congruent primes.
2. Associated primes increased the color time in the Stroop test.
3. Affective congruent primes increased the color time in Stroop test.

Research Design:

Experimental Design, Mixed Design, Laboratory Experiment; single measurements

Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:

Experiment 1: Material type (associated, valent), the priming factor (associated/congruent, not associated/incongruent, neutral), and the blocks (Block 1 vs Block 2). The priming and block factors were measured again. 6 conditions of these 2 factors were linked with 6 material sets and 6 samples within each condition of the factor material type for a balanced design. The presentation of color stimuli in the Stroop task was balanced by an additional control factor above and beyond the sampling. The study was conducted in individual sessions.
At the beginning, 20 sample runs were processed with the Stroop task and a further 8 runs with priming. After this a total of 96 experimental runs were performed. The test was carried out in 2 blocks with a break lasting for as long as each subject chose. In each trial run, the white prime word was presented against a black screen for 200 msec. After 100 msec, the target was presented (SOA = 300 msec). When colored red, green, yellow or blue the target remained on the view screen until it was named, though never longer than 5,000 msec. Answers were spoken into a microphone. 3,000 msec after answering, the next prime appeared. The entire experiment took about 10 minutes.

Experiment 2: The design included the priming, repeat-measure factor materials, and blocks. The order in which the 2 types of material were processed, were balanced across the sample (factor sequence). 2 male and 2 female subjects participated in the 12 condition combinations. Individual sessions were conducted. After the trial runs, the 2 sets of material were presented in 2 separate blocks broken up with a break. This yielded a total of 192 runs. An SOA of 500 msec was realized. 500 msec after naming the color of the target stimulus, “Read the first word …” appeared on the screen in white letters. 1000 msec after the word was read the next prime appeared. The whole experiment took about 15 minutes.
Ausführliche Angaben zum Experimentalaufbau finden sich bei Rothermund & Wentura (1998).

The following experimental controls were performed:

Randomization: random allocation of subjects to the between-subjects factors material type (Exp. 1) or material order (Exp. 2).

Balancing: Mapping of the experimental stimuli to the different conditions of the priming factor was balanced by a Latin square. The stimuli color in the Stroop task was balanced out by an additional control factor within the sample. In Experiment 2, effects of sequence in the processing of both task parts was balanced out by an additional control factor. Possible gender effects were controlled for by balancing subject gender (parallelization).

Detailed information on the experimental design can be found in Rothermund & Wentura (1998).

Data Collection Method:

Data collection in the presence of an experimente


Survey Time Period:

Experiment 1: December 1996- June 1997
Experiment 2: January 1997


Convenience sample

Gender Distribution:

52,9% female subjects (n=54)
47,1% male subjects (n=48)

Age Distribution: 19-44 years

Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/Rhineland-Palatinate/Trier

Subject Recruitment:

Participants were students at the University of Trier, primarily from the Department of Psychology.

Sample Size:

102 individuals (Exp. 1: 54, Exp. 2: 48)

Return/Drop Out:

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Description: Description of the files

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MD5: 11a79bd7faa6f97af22eaf67089e13e1
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of experiment 1

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MD5: ba7f99a34b573ff3ca0d9731709d7040
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Personenbezogener Aggregatdatensatz zu Experiment 1

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MD5: 898655c0e4520ae8bfd2ae078ba3e5cc
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Item related aggregate data file for experiment 1

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MD5: 17f2bef1fc61363e4ef6e0ae636861f1
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Primary data of experiment 2

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MD5: fb4a313a85927747f59b093d3e2cac83
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Person-related aggregate data file for experiment 2

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MD5: 3d73b6de8116cb0b76433c741c34b827
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Item related aggregate data file for experiment 2

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Codebook of the primary data set rdks97af99_pd1.txt

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Instructions and descriptions for the aggregate data files rdks97af99_ad1 and rdks97af99_ad2

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Control programs for experiment 1

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Experimental materials (prime/target lists)

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Subject instructions for experiment 1

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: SPSS syntax instructions for the analysis of the aggregate data of experiment 1

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: German codebook for primary data set rdks97af99_pd2.txt

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Instructions and descriptions for the aggregate data files rdks97af99_ad3 and rdks97af99_ad4

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Control programs for experiment 2

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Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: Subject instructions for experiment 2

Text file - 3 KB
Sharing Level 1 (Scientific Use)
Description: SPSS syntax instructions for the analysis of the aggregate data of experiment 2