Scientific data of the Munich Longitudinal Study on the Genesis of Individual Competencies (LOGIC): The development of reading and spelling
Developmental PsychologyAuthors(s) / Creator(s)
Schneider, WolfgangAbstract
The Munich "Longitudinal Study of the Genesis of Individual Competencies" (LOGIC) is a comprehensive examination of the differential description of developmental trajectories of cognitive skills and personality characteristics. It also describes individual differences in development due to the influence of varying school and classroom conditions. The changing state of the development of intelligence, psychomotor behavior, thinking, memory, school knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, social skills and preferences, and moral reasoning and action were regularly reported. Beginning in 1984, 9 annual survey waves were carried out encompassing 3 points of measurement each. 205 children (aged 4 years and older) from 20 different kindergartens in Munich and from the Fürstenfeldbruck area were examined. In 1997-1998, a follow-up study (wave 10) was conducted with the now 18-year-old subjects. The most recent survey (wave 11) took place in 2003-2005. For this wave, 153 subjects (74.6%) of the initial sample could be obtained. The entire study thus extends over an age range from preschool age to young adulthood (Schneider & Bullock, 2009, Weinert & Schneider, 1999).
The impact of early phonological processing skills on reading and spelling in school was investigated. Results showed that phonological awareness, memory capacity, and early literacy are predictive factors for reading and spelling. All predictors were highly intercorrelated. Stability for individual differences in reading and spelling skills has been found until early adulthood. While spelling performance improved during the first school years, no performance improvements were shown during adolescence and early adulthood. Gender differences were present - girls were significantly better in reading and spelling tests.
Results indicated that spelling performance declined during the past four decades.
Persistent Identifier of Publication
Study Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
The hypotheses were developed in the course of the study.
Research Design:
Research Instrument, Standardized Test Procedure, Normalized Test Procedure; repeated measurements
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
Precursor skills for reading and spelling were assessed one single time at the age of 6 years (3rd wave of the LOGIC study). Thereby, the following instruments were employed:
Bielefeld Screening (BISC; Jansen, Mannhaupt, Marx & Skowronek, 1999)
Rhyme Task from Bradley & Bryant (1985)
Memory Span Test (cf. Schneider, 2008)
Tasks from Brügelmann (1986) (tasks on syllable division, letter knowledge, writing words, punctuation knowledge)
Florida Screening Test (Greenfield & Scott, 1985)
Subtest Text Memory from the Heidelberg Language Development Test (HSET) (Grimm & Schöler, 1978)
Spelling tests were conducted at ages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18 and 23 years for longitudinal analyses. The assessment of spelling competency was conducted via presentation of spelling samples that were developed by W. Schneider, H. Brügelmann and the Bielefeld project team (Schneider & Näslund, 1999). These were comprised of words from Bavarian basic vocabulary, basic vocabulary of previous East Germany as well as difficult, unfamiliar words from a collection by Brügelmann (1986).
In wave 5, at two test points, word dictations were presented, in waves 6, 7 and 8 sentence dictations were presented.
In waves 10 and 11, a standardized spelling test was conducted (“Moselfahrt”, Althoff, Greif, Henning, Hess & Röber, 1974).
At ages 7, 8 and 23 years, reading tests were conducted for longitudinal analyses. For the seven- and eight-year-olds (waves 4 and 5) tasks developed by Rott & Zielinski (1986) as well as Näslund (1990) were employed. In the 11th wave with the 23-year-olds, a reading speed test and reading comprehension test were employed (Schneider, Schlagmüller & Ennemoser, 2007), as well as subtests that were used as pre-tests in the PISA 2000 study.
The research data from the reading tests in wave 11 and in part wave 5 are still being processed and will be made available as soon as possible. Research data are already available for the following tests:
2 reading tasks presented in the 4th wave;
Stroop-Task from the 5th wave that was conducted at two points of measurement;
Phonetic task that was employed in the 5th wave.
Data Collection Method:
Data collection in the presence of an experimenter
- Individual Administration
- Group Administration
- Paper and Pencil
Children (followed up into young adulthood)
Survey Time Period:
1st wave: 1984 – 1985
2nd wave: 1985 – 1986
3rd wave: 1986 – 1987
4th wave: 1987 – 1988
5th wave: 1988 – 1989
6th wave: 1989 – 1990
7th wave: 1990 – 1991
8th wave: 1991 – 1992
9th wave: 1992 – 1993
10th wave: 1997 – 1998
11th wave: 2003 – 2005
Selection of 20 kindergartens in Greater Munich and in the Fürstenfeldbruck area (near Munich), that corresponded to socio-economic criteria of (West) Germany’s general population in the year 1984. After information sessions at each of the facilities, 205 children were recruited. After the first assessment year (wave 1) approx. another 20 children were recruited
Gender Distribution:
1st wave: 49% female subjects (n=100); 51% male subjects (n=105)
2nd wave: 48% female subjects (n=104); 52% male subjects (n=113)
3rd wave: 48% female subjects (n=102); 52% male subjects (n=111)
4th wave: 49% female subjects (n=98); 51% male subjects (n=105)
5th wave: 48% female subjects (n=96); 52% male subjects (n=104)
6th wave: 48% female subjects (n=93); 52% male subjects (n=100)
7th wave: 48% female subjects (n=93); 52% male subjects (n=101)
8th wave: 47% female subjects (n=89); 53% male subjects (n=100)
9th wave: 47% female subjects (n=87); 53% male subjects (n=99)
10th wave: 47% female subjects (n=81); 53% male subjects (n=93)
Age Distribution: 4-12 years (wave 1-9); 18 years ( wave 10); 23 years (wave 11)
Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/Bavaria/Munich
Subject Recruitment:
Personal contact to parents and subjects through psychological-technical assistants over the course of 20 years. Small gifts on special occasions. Yearly Christmas and birthday greetings with individually selected post cards. Individual aptitude tests for schooling and career paths as well as general counselling offered and performed by academic staff. Publication of a newsletter for the sample in the early assessment waves. Festive completion event in 1993 with gifts. Copy of the book “Development in Childhood” sent free of charge. During waves 10 and 11, subject compensation and offer of comparative performance evaluation.
Sample Size:
205 individuals
Return/Drop Out:
After a drop out of 13 children in wave 2, a further 25 children were recruited, resulting in the following sample sizes for the further waves: 217 in wave 2; 213 in wave 3; 204 in wave 4; 200 in wave 5; 195 in wave 6; 194 in wave 7; 189 in wave 8; 186 in wave 9; 176 in wave 10 and still 153 subjects in wave 11.
The response rate was 74.6% in wave 11. The data on sample sizes refer to the entire LOGIC study. The number of subjects may vary between each of the single assessments.
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Utilized Test Methods |
Althoff, K., Greif, S., Henning, G., Hess, R., & Röber, J. (1974). Rechtschreibungstests (R-T). Allgemeine Handanweisung für die Diktate C, D, E (2. Aufl.) Göttingen: Hogrefe. |
Bradley, L. & Bryant, P. E. (1985). Rhyme and reason in reading and spelling. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. |
Brügelmann, H. (1986). Lese- und Schreibaufgaben für Schulanfänger. Universität Bremen: Studiengang Primarstufe. |
Greenfield, D. B., & Scott, M. S. (1985). A Cognitive Approach to Preschool Screening. Learning Disabilities Research, 1, 42-49. |
Grimm, H., & Schöler, H. (1978). Heidelberger Sprachentwicklungstest, H-S-E-T. Göttingen: Hogrefe. PSYNDEX |
Jansen, H., Mannhaupt, G., Marx, H., & Skowronek, H.(1999). BISC - Bielefelder Screening zur Früherkennung von Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Göttingen: Hogrefe. PSYNDEX |
Rott, C., & Zielinski, W. (1986). Entwicklungsstufen der Lesefertigkeit in der Grundschule. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 18, 165-175. PSYNDEX |
Schneider, W. Schlagmüller, M., & Ennemoser, M. (2007). Lesegeschwindigkeits- und verständnistest für die Klassenstufen 6-12. Göttingen: Hogrefe. PSYNDEX |
Further Reading |
Schneider, W. (1994). Geschlechtsunterschiede beim Schriftspracherwerb: Befunde aus den Münchner Längsschnittstudien LOGIK und SCHOLASTIK. In S. Richter & H. Brügelmann (Hrsg.), Mädchen lernen anders als Jungen. Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede beim Schriftspracherwerb (S. 71-82). Konstanz: Libelle Verlag. PSYNDEX |
Schneider, W. (1997). Rechtschreiben und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. In F.E. Weinert (Hrsg.), Psychologie des Unterrichts und der Schule (Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Serie I: Pädagogische Psychologie, Band 3) (S. 327-363). Göttingen: Hogrefe. PSYNDEX |
Schneider, W. (2008). Entwicklung, Diagnose und Förderung der Lesekompetenz im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In C. Fischer, F. Mönks & U. Westphal (Hrsg.), Individuelle Förderung: Begabungen entfalten – Persönlichkeit entwickeln; Band II: Fachbezogene Forder- und Förderkonzepte (S. 131-168). Münster: LIT Verlag. |
Schneider, W., Brügelmann, H., & Kochan, B. (1990). Lesen- und Schreibenlernen in neuer Sicht: Vier Perspektiven auf den Stand der Forschung. In Brügelmann, H. & Balhorn, H. (Hrsg.), Das Gehirn, sein Alfabet und andere Geschichten. DGLS-Jahrbuch "Lesen und Schreiben" Nr. 4 (S. 220-235). Konstanz: Faude PSYNDEX |
Schneider, W., & Stefanek, J. (2004). Entwicklungsveränderungen allgemeiner kognitiver Fähigkeiten und schulbezogener Fertigkeiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Evidenz für einen Schereneffekt? Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 36, 147-159. PSYNDEX |
Schneider, W., Stefanek, J., & Dotzler, H. (1997). Erwerb des Lesens und des Rechtschreibens: Ergebnisse aus dem SCHOLASTIK-Projekt. In Weinert, F. E. & Helmke, A. (Hrsg.), Entwicklung im Grundschulalter (S. 113-130). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union PSYNDEX |