Effects of different visual environmental conditions on long term motor memory consolidation. Research data of an experiment following the saccadic adaptation paradigm.
Cognitive PsychologyAuthors(s) / Creator(s)
Voges, CarolineHelmchen, Christoph
Heide, Wolfgang
Sprenger, Andreas
Adaptation of saccade amplitude in response to intra-saccadic target displacement is a type of implicit motor learning which is required to compensate for physiological changes in saccade performance. Once established trials without intra-saccadic target displacement lead to de-adaptation or extinction, which has been attributed either to extra-retinal mechanisms of spatial constancy or to the influence of the stable visual surrounding. Therefore we investigated whether visual deprivation (“Ganzfeld”-stimulation or sleep) can partially maintain this motor learning compared to free viewing of the natural surroundings. Thirty-five healthy volunteers performed two adaptation blocks of 100 inward adaptation trials – interspersed by an extinction block – which were followed by a two hours break with or without visual deprivation (VD). Using additional adaptation and extinction blocks short- and long- (4 weeks) term memory of this implicit motor learning were tested. In the short term, motor memory tested immediately after free viewing was superior to adaptation performance after VD. In the long run, however, effects were opposite: motor memory and relearning of adaptation were superior in the VD conditions. This could imply independent mechanisms that underlie the short-term ability of retrieving learned saccadic gain and its long-term consolidation. We suggest that subjects mainly rely on visual cues (i.e. retinal error) in the free viewing condition which makes them prone to changes of the visual stimulus in the extinction block. This indicates the role of a stable visual array for resetting adapted saccade amplitudes. In contrast, visual deprivation (GS and sleep), might train subjects to rely on extra-retinal cues, e.g. efference copy or prediction to remap their internal representations of saccade targets, thus leading to better consolidation of saccadic adaptation.
Persistent Identifier
https://doi.org/10.5160/psychdata.vsce10aus26Year of Publication
Study Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of visual information on the consolidation of adapted saccades. It was to be demonstrated whether (1) free vision in a natural, spatially stable environment – meaning in a constant egocentric visual field – recalibrates the saccadic system and (2) whether visual deprivation or sleep after adaption facilitates its consolidation. For this purpose, the learning curves of the sequence adaption – extinction – adaption were investigated before and after varying visual conditions. Measures for retention, such as an improvement of re-adaption, were of interest. Free vision served as a control condition for two different types of visual deprivation (“Ganzfeld”-stimulation and sleep). Furthermore, longitudinal effects after 4 weeks were determined.
Research Design:
Experimental Design, Mixed Design, Laboratory Experiment; repeated measurements
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
The subjects sat in a dark room on a chair at a distance of 1.4 m from a projection screen. During measurement, a chin rest stabilized the subject’s head. A red laser dot with a diameter of 0.1° served as the stimulus that the subjects were supposed to follow with their eyes. Eye movements were recorded via video-oculography (Eyelink-II, SR Research Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). During trial runs with adaption, the beginning of a gaze jump was recognized online and the gaze target was relocated accordingly.
Data Collection Method:
Data collection in the presence of an experimenter
- Individual administration
- Computer-supported
- Specialized apparatuses or measurement instruments, namely electroencephalography (EEG); electrooculography (EOG), electromyography (EMG), recording of eye movements
Healthy adults aged 18-30 years
Survey Time Period:
The trial with two-hour „Ganzfeld“-stimulation or normal vision took place between 10 am and 4 pm. After 4 weeks, the subjects were tested in the opposite condition. The sleep condition took place at night.
Simple random sample
Gender Distribution:
Study 1:
55 % female subjects (n=11)
45 % male subjects (n=9)
Study 2:
66,67 % female subjects (n=10)
33,33 % male subjects (n=5)
Age Distribution: 18-30 years
Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany/Schleswig-Holstein/Lübeck
Subject Recruitment:
recruitment via fliers; payment of up to 120,-Euro (depending on time spent on the experiment)
Sample Size:
Study 1: 23 individuals; study 2: 16 individuals
Return/Drop Out:
Study 1: 3 persons were excluded; study 2: 1 person was excluded.
MD5: 7285e4ba00a3c42e9c11963724abab84
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | GROUP | group | 1 "daytime conditions (Ganzfeld stimulation or normal viewing)" 2 "sleep condition" | 9 "missing value" |
2 | SUBJECT_NUMBER | subject number | 1-26 "subject number" | 99 "missing value" |
3 | AGE | age of the subject | 19-30 "years" | 999 "missing value" |
4 | SEX | sex of the subject | 1 "male" 2 "female" | 9 "missing value" |
5 | FIRST_CONDITION | first condition during 2h rest/sleep | 1 "Ganzfeld stimulation" 2 "normal viewing" 3 "sleep" | 9 "missing value" |
6 | SECOND_CONDITION | condition in the second session after 4 weeks | 1 "Ganzfeld stimulation" 2 "viewing" 3 "sleep" | 9 "missing value" |
7 | FIRST_DIRECTION | first direction of adaptation | 1 "left" 2 "right" | 9 "missing value" |
8 | SECOND_DIRECTION | direction of adaptation in the second session after 4 weeks | 1 "left" 2 "right" | 9 "missing value" |
9 | DOMINANT_EYE | dominant eye of the subject | 1 "left" 2 "right" | 9 "missing value" |
10 | GAIN_BASE_REC1 | median baseline gain in the first recording | 0,86-1,08 "median baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
11 | GAIN_EXT_REC1 | median extinction gain in the first recording | 0,71-1,10 "median extinction gain" | 9 "missing value" |
12 | GAIN_POSTEXT_REC1 | median postextinction gain in the first recording | 0,71-1,00 "median postextinction gain" | 9 "missing value" |
13 | GAIN_ADAPT1_START_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,70-1,10 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
14 | GAIN_ADAPT2_START_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,73-1,08 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
15 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_START_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,04 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
16 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_START_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,67-0,99 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
17 | GAIN_ADAPT1_3_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,66-1,10 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
18 | GAIN_ADAPT2_3_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,67-1,02 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
19 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_3_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,67-1,01 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
20 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_3_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,67-0,99 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
21 | GAIN_ADAPT1_5_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,63-1,02 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
22 | GAIN_ADAPT2_5_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,64-0,99 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
23 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_5_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,64-1,01 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
24 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_5_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,64-0,98 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
25 | GAIN_ADAPT1_10_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,62-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
26 | GAIN_ADAPT2_10_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,63-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
27 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_10_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
28 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_10_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,60-0,95 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
29 | GAIN_ADAPT1_15_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
30 | GAIN_ADAPT2_15_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
31 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_15_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,60-0,98 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
32 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_15_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,58-0,92 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
33 | GAIN_ADAPT1_20_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
34 | GAIN_ADAPT2_20_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
35 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_20_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,57-0,97 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
36 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_20_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,57-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
37 | GAIN_ADAPT1_25_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
38 | GAIN_ADAPT2_25_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
39 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_25_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,56-0,96 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
40 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_25_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,56-0,90 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
41 | GAIN_ADAPT1_END_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
42 | GAIN_ADAPT2_END_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,58-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
43 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_END_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,55-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
44 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_END_REC1 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording | 0,56-0,87 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
45 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_START_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -20,02-15,83 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
46 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_START_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -21,87-8,82 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
47 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_START_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -29,90-14,07 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
48 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_START_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -28,59-6,15 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
49 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_3_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -22,72-16,37 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
50 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_3_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -27,63-2,86 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
51 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_3_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -31,05-6,52 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
52 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_3_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -28,64-1,25 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
53 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_5_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -25,97-4,72 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
54 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_5_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -29,39-2,05 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
55 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_5_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -34,11-2,21 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
56 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_5_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -34,90--0,90 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
57 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_10_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -27,95--1,19 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
58 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_10_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -31,82-0,07 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
59 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_10_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -35,65--1,00 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
60 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_10_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -39,11--2,16 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
61 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_15_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -28,16--1,55 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
62 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_15_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -34,26--1,82 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
63 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_15_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -39,94--1,69 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
64 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_15_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -40,16--3,30 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
65 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_20_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -28,18--1,63 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
66 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_20_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -36,05--3,64 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
67 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_20_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -42,52--2,38 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
68 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_20_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -40,60--4,34 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
69 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_25_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -28,18--1,64 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
70 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_25_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -36,73--5,39 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
71 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_25_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -43,58--3,07 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
72 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_25_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -40,72--5,29 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
73 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_END_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -34,29--1,65 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
74 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_END_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -38,55--7,29 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
75 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_END_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -44,31--7,26 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
76 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_END_REC1 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording | -40,77--12,48 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
77 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_START_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | -51,02-180,77 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
78 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_3_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | -26,64-144,95 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
79 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_5_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | -7,58-181,60 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
80 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_10_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | 6,04-188,45 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
81 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_15_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | 12,35-188,49 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
82 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_20_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | 17,37-188,49 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
83 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_25_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | 22,39-188,49 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
84 | RETENTION_SHORTTERM_END_REC1 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit | 38,90-199,85 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
85 | PVEL_EXT_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during extinction in the first recording | 221,75-395,13 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
86 | PVEL_POSTEXT_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-extinction in the first recording | 280,32-396,38 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
87 | PVEL_ADAPT1_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 1 in the first recording | 249,20-407,07 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
88 | PVEL_ADAPT2_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 2 in the first recording | 229,19-408,93 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
89 | PVEL_POSTADAPT1_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the first recording | 276,26-400,69 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
90 | PVEL_POSTADAPT2_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the first recording | 262,25-401,30 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
91 | PVEL_BASE_REC1 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during baseline in the first recording | 248,83-404,17 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
92 | GAIN_BASE_REC2 | mean baseline gain in the second recording | 0,84-1,01 "mean baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
93 | ABSGAIN_BASE_ADAPT_REC1 | mean baseline gain to the previously adapted side in the first recording | 0,87-1,08 "mean baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
94 | ABSGAIN_BASE_NONADAPT_REC1 | mean baseline gain to the previously non-adapted side in the first recording | 0,82-1,04 "mean baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
95 | GAIN_BASE_ADAPT_REC2 | median baseline gain of the adapted side in the second recording | 0,83-1,02 "mean baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
96 | GAIN_BASE_NONADAPT_REC2 | median baseline gain of the non-adapted side in the second recording | 0,77-1,01 "mean baseline gain" | 9 "missing value" |
97 | GAIN_EXT_ADAPT_REC2 | median extinction gain to the adapted side in the second recording | 0,77-1,05 "median extinction gain" | 9 "missing value" |
98 | GAIN_POSTEXT_ADAPT_REC2 | median post-extinction gain to the adapted side in the second recording | 0,76-1,00 "median post-extinction gain" | 9 "missing value" |
99 | GAIN_ADAPT1_START_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,81-1,08 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
100 | GAIN_ADAPT2_START_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,76-1,02 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
101 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,67-1,04 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
102 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,76-0,95 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
103 | GAIN_ADAPT1_3_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,79-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
104 | GAIN_ADAPT2_3_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,98 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
105 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,67-1,01 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
106 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,65-0,99 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
107 | GAIN_ADAPT1_5_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,78-1,00 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
108 | GAIN_ADAPT2_5_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
109 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,60-0,93 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
110 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,58-0,97 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
111 | GAIN_ADAPT1_10_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,73-0,99 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
112 | GAIN_ADAPT2_10_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,93 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
113 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
114 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,54-0,93 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
115 | GAIN_ADAPT1_15_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,69-0,98 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
116 | GAIN_ADAPT2_15_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,92 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
117 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
118 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,53-0,89 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
119 | GAIN_ADAPT1_20_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,66-0,97 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
120 | GAIN_ADAPT2_20_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,92 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
121 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
122 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,53-0,87 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
123 | GAIN_ADAPT1_25_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,65-0,97 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
124 | GAIN_ADAPT2_25_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
125 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
126 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,53-0,85 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
127 | GAIN_ADAPT1_END_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,63-0,97 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
128 | GAIN_ADAPT2_END_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,61-0,88 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
129 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
130 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2 | saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,53-0,85 "saccadic gain" | 9 "missing value" |
131 | GAIN_ADAPT1_NONADAPT_REC2 | mean gain during adaptation 1 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,76-0,98 "mean gain" | 9 "missing value" |
132 | GAIN_ADAPT2_NONADAPT_REC2 | mean gain during adaptation 2 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,74-1,03 "mean gain" | 9 "missing value" |
133 | GAIN_POSTADAPT1_NONADAPT_REC2 | mean gain during post-adaptation 1 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,81-0,99 "mean gain" | 9 "missing value" |
134 | GAIN_POSTADAPT2_NONADAPT_REC2 | mean gain during post-adaptation 2 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording | 0,81-1,04 "mean gain" | 9 "missing value" |
135 | PVEL_ADAPT_ADAPT1_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording | 270,66-445,73 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
136 | PVEL_NONADAPT_ADAPT1_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during non-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording | 270,83-375,55 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
137 | PVEL_ADAPT_POSTADAPT1_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording | 270,66-445,73 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
138 | PVEL_NONADAPT_POSTADAPT1_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the non-adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording | 270,83-375,55 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
139 | PVEL_ADAPT_ADAPT2_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording | 270,66-445,73 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
140 | PVEL_NONADAPT_ADAPT2_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during non-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording | 270,83-375,55 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
141 | PVEL_ADAPT_POSTADAPT2_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording | 270,66-445,73 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
142 | PVEL_NONADAPT_POSTADAPT2_REC2 | mean peak velocity of the non-adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording | 270,83-375,55 "degree/second" | 999 "missing value" |
143 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTEXT_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the mean gain to the adapted side during post-extinction and the mean baseline gain in the second recording | -17,67-10,36 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
144 | PERCGAINCHANGE_EXT_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the mean gain to the adapted side during extinction and the mean baseline gain in the second recording | -12,99-14,09 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
145 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_START_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -10,33-21,59 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
146 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_START_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -16,14-8,03 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
147 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -29,52-12,74 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
148 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -20,59-7,07 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
149 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_3_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -13,52-13,35 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
150 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_3_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-6,58 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
151 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,83-9,87 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
152 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -25,62-11,54 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
153 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_5_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -13,72-12,93 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
154 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_5_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-6,18 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
155 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,10-5,33 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
156 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -33,90-9,28 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
157 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_10_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -17,33-11,94 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
158 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_10_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-5,24 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
159 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,95-1,92 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
160 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -38,55-4,62 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
161 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_15_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -21,72-11,02 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
162 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_15_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-4,34 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
163 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,95--0,62 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
164 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -38,97-1,08 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
165 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_20_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -24,31-10,17 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
166 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_20_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-3,48 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
167 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,95--2,51 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
168 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -39,00--1,61 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
169 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_25_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -25,80-9,38 "percentual gain change" | 99 "missing value" |
170 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_25_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,10-2,66 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
171 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,95--3,92 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
172 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -39,01--3,65 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
173 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_END_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -27,86-2,62 "percentual gain change" | 9 "missing value" |
174 | PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_END_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -30,65--5,89 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
175 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -32,95--7,98 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
176 | PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2 | percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording | -39,01--9,98 "percentual gain change" | 0 "missing value" |
177 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -119,80-107,47 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
178 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -195,58-110,77 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
179 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -157,33-161,26 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
180 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -78,26-188,37 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
181 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -18,24-189,96 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
182 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 27,34-190,05 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
183 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 61,94-190,06 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
184 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 68,83-190,06 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
185 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -97,66-102,46 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
186 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -118,74-107,00 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
187 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -90,37-153,28 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
188 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | -32,50-220,88 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
189 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 10,59-231,29 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
190 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 42,68-232,90 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
191 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 47,31-233,14 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
192 | RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2 | amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording | 49,74-233,19 "percent" | 999 "missing value" |
193 | SLEEP_LATENCY | minutes till sleep starts | 6,50-36,40 "minutes" | 99 "missing value" |
194 | SLEEP_DURATION | minutes of sleep in total | 427,00-547,50 "minutes" | 999 "missing value" |
195 | AWAKE_TOTAL | minutes awake in total | 0,00-44,50 "minutes" | 99 "missing value" |
196 | WAKE_PERCENT | % awake | 0,00-8,50 "percent" | 9 "missing value" |
197 | REM_TOTAL | minutes REM in total | 67,50-158,00 "minutes" | 999 "missing value" |
198 | REM_PERCENT | % REM | 13,90-31,00 "percent" | 99 "missing value" |
199 | S1_TOTAL | minutes S1 (sleep stage 1 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) min total | 8,50-76,00 "minutes" | 99 "missing value" |
200 | S1_PERCENT | % S1 | 1,70-15,70 "percent" | 99 "missing value" |
201 | S2_TOTAL | minutes S2 (sleep stage 2 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total | 137,00-237,50 "minutes" | 999 "missing value" |
202 | S2_PERCENT | % S2 | 26,10-52,80 "percent" | 99 "missing value" |
203 | S3_TOTAL | minutes S3 (sleep stage 3 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total | 36,00-95,50 "minutes" | 99 "missing value" |
204 | S3_PERCENT | % S3 | 7,50-19,20 "percent" | 99 "missing value" |
205 | S4_TOTAL | minutes S4 (sleep stage 4 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total | 56,50-131,50 "minutes" | 999 "missing value" |
206 | S4_PERCENT | % S4 | 12,6-31,2 "percent" | 99 "missing value" |
Utilized Test Methods |
McLaughlin, S.C. (1967). Parametric adjustment in saccadic eye movements. Perception & Psychophysics, 2 (8), 359-362. |
Further Reading |
Leigh, R. J., & Zee, D. S. (2006). The Neurology of Eye Movements. New York: Oxford University Press. |
Pelisson, D., Alahyane, N., Panouilleres, M., & Tilikete, C. (2010). Sensorimotor adaptation of saccadic eye movements. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34, 1103-1120. |
Rechtschaffen, A., & Kales, A. (1968). A Manual of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. Washington: Public Health Service, United States Government Printing Office. |