Voges et al. (2015). Auswirkungen visueller Umgebungs-bedingungen auf motorisches Anpassungslernen. Forschungsdaten eines Experiments zur Sakkadenadaptation.

Bibliografische Informationen

Ersteller: Sprenger, Andreas

Mitwirkende: Voges, Caroline; Helmchen, Christoph; Heide, Wolfgang; Sprenger, Andreas

Förderung: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 654)

Titel: Auswirkungen visueller Umgebungsbedingungen auf motorisches Anpassungslernen. Forschungsdaten eines Experiments zur Sakkadenadaptation.

Jahr der Publikation: 2015

Zitation: Voges, C., Helmchen, C., Heide, W., & Sprenger, A. (2015). Auswirkungen visueller Umgebungsbedingungen auf motorisches Anpassungslernen. Forschungsdaten eines Experiments zur Sakkadenadaptation. (Version 1.0.0) [Daten und Dokumentation]. Trier: Forschungsdatenzentrum des Leibniz Institut für Psychologie ZPID. https://doi.org/10.5160/psychdata.vsce10aus26


Die Genauigkeit zielgerichteter motorischer Bewegungen kann durch physiologische Prozesse, wie z.B. Wachstum und Alter, aber auch durch krankhafte Veränderungen beeinträchtigt werden. Das menschliche ZNS ist in der Lage, diese Fehlfunktionen zu kompensieren, indem die Größe und Richtung der Bewegung angepasst wird. Diese Adaptationsvorgänge treffen auch für Augenbewegungen zu.
Das Phänomen der Adaptation kann auch experimentell am gesunden Menschen erzeugt werden, indem Blickziele während der Augenbewegung – damit nicht wahrnehmbar – versetzt werden (sog. Sakkaden-Adaptationsparadigma nach McLaughlin, 1967). Nach sehr kurzer Zeit passt das visuelle System die Amplitude des Blicksprungs (Sakkade) auf den versetzten Stimulus an. Zahlreiche Studien geben Hinweise darauf, dass die Adaptationsleistung (Gain) nach Beendigung eines Experiments nicht sofort wieder verschwindet, sondern zumindest teilweise gespeichert wird. Die visuellen Umgebungsbedingungen sowie die okulomotorische Aktivität nach dem Adaptationsexperiment scheinen dabei die Konsolidierung des Gelernten zu beeinflussen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde in dieser Untersuchung der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern eine Sichtdeprivation verglichen mit einem natürlichen Seheindruck die Konsolidierung der Sakkadenadaptation beeinflusst. Die Probanden wurden hierzu entweder tagsüber mittels Ganzfeldstimulation als künstliche Form oder mittels Schlaf als natürliche Form der Sichtdeprivation von visuellen Reizen abgeschirmt. Im Experiment, das tagsüber stattfand, wurde nach einer Baseline in zwei Einheiten eine Sakkadenamplitude adaptiert mit einer Extinktionseinheit zwischen den Adaptationsblöcken. Dieselbe Versuchsanordnung ohne vorherige Baseline wurde nach zweistündiger Ganzfeldstimulation bzw. derselben Zeit normal sehend wiederholt. Nach vier Wochen wurden die Probanden in der jeweils anderen Kondition mit Adaptation in die jeweils andere Richtung getestet (cross-over-Design). Im Schlafexperiment schliefen die Probanden eine Nacht zwischen den Versuchsteilen bei ansonsten analoger Versuchsanordnung.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine kurzfristige bessere Reproduzierbarkeit der Adaptationsleistung nach normalem Sehen im Vergleich zu den Bedingungen mit Sichtdeprivation. Doch dieser Vorteil scheint nur von kurzer Dauer: Nach einem weiteren Extinktionsblock konnten die sichtdeprivierten Gruppen ihren Gain verbessern, während sich in der Sehend-Gruppe die Adaptation verschlechterte. Nach vier Wochen konnte noch eine teilweise Speicherung des adaptierten Gains bei den Probanden mit Sichtdeprivation nachgewiesen werden. Der weiterhin reduzierte Gain beschränkte sich jedoch zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr nur auf die adaptierte Seite, sondern war auch auf der Gegenseite erkennbar.
Das Ergebnis einer langfristig verbesserten Speicherung von Sakkadenadaptation bei jedoch kurzzeitiger Störung des adaptierten Gains scheint zunächst paradox und wirft die Frage nach den genauen Mechanismen dieses Phänomens auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der visuelle Referenzrahmen in der Zeit nach Adaptation eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Während des normalen Sehens in einer natürlichen Umgebung ist die visuelle Referenz stabil und interferiert nicht mit der adaptationsinduzierten räumlichen Neukodierung reflexiver Sakkaden bei erneuter Adaptation. Im Schlaf oder bei Ganzfeldstimulation fehlt jedoch dieser visuelle Referenzrahmen, es muss also verstärkt auf Mechanismen der internen Rückkopplung zurückgegriffen werden. Diese könnten mit erneuter Adaptation nach Sichtdeprivation interferieren und somit die Verbesserung eines langfristigen Lerneffektes durch Ganzfeldstimulation oder Schlaf vorübergehend maskieren.


10GAIN_BASE_REC1median baseline gain in the first recording0,86-1,08 "median baseline gain"9 "missing value"
11GAIN_EXT_REC1median extinction gain in the first recording0,71-1,10 "median extinction gain"9 "missing value"
12GAIN_POSTEXT_REC1median postextinction gain in the first recording0,71-1,00 "median postextinction gain"9 "missing value"
13GAIN_ADAPT1_START_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,70-1,10 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
14GAIN_ADAPT2_START_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,73-1,08 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
15GAIN_POSTADAPT1_START_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,04 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
16GAIN_POSTADAPT2_START_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,67-0,99 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
17GAIN_ADAPT1_3_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,66-1,10 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
18GAIN_ADAPT2_3_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,67-1,02 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
19GAIN_POSTADAPT1_3_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,67-1,01 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
20GAIN_POSTADAPT2_3_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,67-0,99 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
21GAIN_ADAPT1_5_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,63-1,02 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
22GAIN_ADAPT2_5_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,64-0,99 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
23GAIN_POSTADAPT1_5_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,64-1,01 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
24GAIN_POSTADAPT2_5_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,64-0,98 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
25GAIN_ADAPT1_10_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,62-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
26GAIN_ADAPT2_10_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,63-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
27GAIN_POSTADAPT1_10_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
28GAIN_POSTADAPT2_10_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,60-0,95 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
29GAIN_ADAPT1_15_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
30GAIN_ADAPT2_15_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
31GAIN_POSTADAPT1_15_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,60-0,98 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
32GAIN_POSTADAPT2_15_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,58-0,92 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
33GAIN_ADAPT1_20_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
34GAIN_ADAPT2_20_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
35GAIN_POSTADAPT1_20_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,57-0,97 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
36GAIN_POSTADAPT2_20_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,57-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
37GAIN_ADAPT1_25_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
38GAIN_ADAPT2_25_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
39GAIN_POSTADAPT1_25_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,56-0,96 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
40GAIN_POSTADAPT2_25_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,56-0,90 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
41GAIN_ADAPT1_END_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,61-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
42GAIN_ADAPT2_END_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,58-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
43GAIN_POSTADAPT1_END_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the first recording0,55-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
44GAIN_POSTADAPT2_END_REC1saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the first recording0,56-0,87 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
45PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_START_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-20,02-15,83 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
46PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_START_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-21,87-8,82 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
47PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_START_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-29,90-14,07 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
48PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_START_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-28,59-6,15 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
49PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_3_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-22,72-16,37 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
50PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_3_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-27,63-2,86 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
51PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_3_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-31,05-6,52 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
52PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_3_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-28,64-1,25 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
53PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_5_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-25,97-4,72 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
54PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_5_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-29,39-2,05 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
55PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_5_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-34,11-2,21 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
56PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_5_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-34,90--0,90 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
57PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_10_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-27,95--1,19 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
58PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_10_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-31,82-0,07 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
59PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_10_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-35,65--1,00 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
60PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_10_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-39,11--2,16 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
61PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_15_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-28,16--1,55 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
62PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_15_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-34,26--1,82 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
63PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_15_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-39,94--1,69 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
64PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_15_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-40,16--3,30 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
65PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_20_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-28,18--1,63 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
66PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_20_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-36,05--3,64 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
67PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_20_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-42,52--2,38 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
68PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_20_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-40,60--4,34 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
69PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_25_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-28,18--1,64 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
70PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_25_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-36,73--5,39 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
71PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_25_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-43,58--3,07 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
72PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_25_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-40,72--5,29 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
73PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_END_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-34,29--1,65 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
74PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_END_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-38,55--7,29 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
75PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_END_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-44,31--7,26 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
76PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_END_REC1percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the first recording-40,77--12,48 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
77RETENTION_SHORTTERM_START_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit-51,02-180,77 "percent"999 "missing value"
78RETENTION_SHORTTERM_3_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit-26,64-144,95 "percent"999 "missing value"
79RETENTION_SHORTTERM_5_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit-7,58-181,60 "percent"999 "missing value"
80RETENTION_SHORTTERM_10_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit6,04-188,45 "percent"999 "missing value"
81RETENTION_SHORTTERM_15_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit12,35-188,49 "percent"999 "missing value"
82RETENTION_SHORTTERM_20_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit17,37-188,49 "percent"999 "missing value"
83RETENTION_SHORTTERM_25_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit22,39-188,49 "percent"999 "missing value"
84RETENTION_SHORTTERM_END_REC1amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit38,90-199,85 "percent"999 "missing value"
85PVEL_EXT_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during extinction in the first recording221,75-395,13 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
86PVEL_POSTEXT_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-extinction in the first recording280,32-396,38 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
87PVEL_ADAPT1_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 1 in the first recording249,20-407,07 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
88PVEL_ADAPT2_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 2 in the first recording229,19-408,93 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
89PVEL_POSTADAPT1_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the first recording276,26-400,69 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
90PVEL_POSTADAPT2_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the first recording262,25-401,30 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
91PVEL_BASE_REC1mean peak velocity of the adapted side during baseline in the first recording248,83-404,17 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
92GAIN_BASE_REC2mean baseline gain in the second recording0,84-1,01 "mean baseline gain"9 "missing value"
93ABSGAIN_BASE_ADAPT_REC1mean baseline gain to the previously adapted side in the first recording0,87-1,08 "mean baseline gain"9 "missing value"
94ABSGAIN_BASE_NONADAPT_REC1mean baseline gain to the previously non-adapted side in the first recording0,82-1,04 "mean baseline gain"9 "missing value"
95GAIN_BASE_ADAPT_REC2median baseline gain of the adapted side in the second recording0,83-1,02 "mean baseline gain"9 "missing value"
96GAIN_BASE_NONADAPT_REC2median baseline gain of the non-adapted side in the second recording0,77-1,01 "mean baseline gain"9 "missing value"
97GAIN_EXT_ADAPT_REC2median extinction gain to the adapted side in the second recording0,77-1,05 "median extinction gain"9 "missing value"
98GAIN_POSTEXT_ADAPT_REC2median post-extinction gain to the adapted side in the second recording0,76-1,00 "median post-extinction gain"9 "missing value"
99GAIN_ADAPT1_START_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,81-1,08 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
100GAIN_ADAPT2_START_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,76-1,02 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
101GAIN_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,67-1,04 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
102GAIN_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,76-0,95 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
103GAIN_ADAPT1_3_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,79-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
104GAIN_ADAPT2_3_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,98 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
105GAIN_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,67-1,01 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
106GAIN_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,65-0,99 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
107GAIN_ADAPT1_5_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,78-1,00 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
108GAIN_ADAPT2_5_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,94 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
109GAIN_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,60-0,93 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
110GAIN_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,58-0,97 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
111GAIN_ADAPT1_10_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,73-0,99 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
112GAIN_ADAPT2_10_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,93 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
113GAIN_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
114GAIN_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,54-0,93 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
115GAIN_ADAPT1_15_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,69-0,98 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
116GAIN_ADAPT2_15_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,92 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
117GAIN_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
118GAIN_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,53-0,89 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
119GAIN_ADAPT1_20_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,66-0,97 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
120GAIN_ADAPT2_20_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,92 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
121GAIN_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
122GAIN_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,53-0,87 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
123GAIN_ADAPT1_25_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,65-0,97 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
124GAIN_ADAPT2_25_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
125GAIN_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
126GAIN_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,53-0,85 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
127GAIN_ADAPT1_END_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,63-0,97 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
128GAIN_ADAPT2_END_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,61-0,88 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
129GAIN_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,59-0,91 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
130GAIN_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2saccadic gain derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side in the 2nd recording0,53-0,85 "saccadic gain"9 "missing value"
131GAIN_ADAPT1_NONADAPT_REC2mean gain during adaptation 1 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording0,76-0,98 "mean gain"9 "missing value"
132GAIN_ADAPT2_NONADAPT_REC2mean gain during adaptation 2 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording0,74-1,03 "mean gain"9 "missing value"
133GAIN_POSTADAPT1_NONADAPT_REC2mean gain during post-adaptation 1 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording0,81-0,99 "mean gain"9 "missing value"
134GAIN_POSTADAPT2_NONADAPT_REC2mean gain during post-adaptation 2 to the non-adapted side in the 2nd recording0,81-1,04 "mean gain"9 "missing value"
135PVEL_ADAPT_ADAPT1_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording270,66-445,73 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
136PVEL_NONADAPT_ADAPT1_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during non-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording270,83-375,55 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
137PVEL_ADAPT_POSTADAPT1_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording270,66-445,73 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
138PVEL_NONADAPT_POSTADAPT1_REC2mean peak velocity of the non-adapted side during post-adaptation 1 in the 2nd recording270,83-375,55 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
139PVEL_ADAPT_ADAPT2_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording270,66-445,73 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
140PVEL_NONADAPT_ADAPT2_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during non-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording270,83-375,55 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
141PVEL_ADAPT_POSTADAPT2_REC2mean peak velocity of the adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording270,66-445,73 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
142PVEL_NONADAPT_POSTADAPT2_REC2mean peak velocity of the non-adapted side during post-adaptation 2 in the 2nd recording270,83-375,55 "degree/second"999 "missing value"
143PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTEXT_REC2percentual gain change derived from the mean gain to the adapted side during post-extinction and the mean baseline gain in the second recording-17,67-10,36 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
144PERCGAINCHANGE_EXT_REC2percentual gain change derived from the mean gain to the adapted side during extinction and the mean baseline gain in the second recording-12,99-14,09 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
145PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_START_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-10,33-21,59 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
146PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_START_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-16,14-8,03 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
147PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-29,52-12,74 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
148PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-20,59-7,07 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
149PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_3_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-13,52-13,35 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
150PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_3_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-6,58 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
151PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,83-9,87 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
152PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-25,62-11,54 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
153PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_5_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-13,72-12,93 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
154PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_5_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-6,18 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
155PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,10-5,33 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
156PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-33,90-9,28 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
157PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_10_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-17,33-11,94 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
158PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_10_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-5,24 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
159PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,95-1,92 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
160PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-38,55-4,62 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
161PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_15_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-21,72-11,02 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
162PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_15_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-4,34 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
163PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,95--0,62 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
164PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-38,97-1,08 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
165PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_20_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-24,31-10,17 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
166PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_20_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-3,48 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
167PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,95--2,51 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
168PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-39,00--1,61 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
169PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_25_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-25,80-9,38 "percentual gain change"99 "missing value"
170PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_25_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,10-2,66 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
171PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,95--3,92 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
172PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-39,01--3,65 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
173PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT1_END_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-27,86-2,62 "percentual gain change"9 "missing value"
174PERCGAINCHANGE_ADAPT2_END_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-30,65--5,89 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
175PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 1 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-32,95--7,98 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
176PERCGAINCHANGE_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2percentual gain change derived from the exponential fit at the end saccade of post-adaptation 2 to the adapted side and the mean baseline gain in the 2nd recording-39,01--9,98 "percentual gain change"0 "missing value"
177RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_START_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-119,80-107,47 "percent"999 "missing value"
178RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_3_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-195,58-110,77 "percent"999 "missing value"
179RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_5_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-157,33-161,26 "percent"999 "missing value"
180RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_10_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-78,26-188,37 "percent"999 "missing value"
181RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_15_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-18,24-189,96 "percent"999 "missing value"
182RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_20_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording27,34-190,05 "percent"999 "missing value"
183RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_25_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording61,94-190,06 "percent"999 "missing value"
184RETENTION_POSTADAPT2_END_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade of post-adaptation 2 derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording68,83-190,06 "percent"999 "missing value"
185RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_START_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the first saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-97,66-102,46 "percent"999 "missing value"
186RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_3_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 3rd saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-118,74-107,00 "percent"999 "missing value"
187RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_5_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 5th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-90,37-153,28 "percent"999 "missing value"
188RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_10_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 10th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording-32,50-220,88 "percent"999 "missing value"
189RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_15_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 15th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording10,59-231,29 "percent"999 "missing value"
190RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_20_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 20th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording42,68-232,90 "percent"999 "missing value"
1GROUPgroup1 "daytime conditions (Ganzfeld stimulation or normal viewing)"
2 "sleep condition"
9 "missing value"
2SUBJECT_NUMBERsubject number1-26 "subject number"99 "missing value"
3AGEage of the subject19-30 "years"999 "missing value"
4SEXsex of the subject1 "male"
2 "female"
9 "missing value"
5FIRST_CONDITIONfirst condition during 2h rest/sleep1 "Ganzfeld stimulation"
2 "normal viewing"
3 "sleep"
9 "missing value"
6SECOND_CONDITIONcondition in the second session after 4 weeks1 "Ganzfeld stimulation"
2 "viewing"
3 "sleep"
9 "missing value"
7FIRST_DIRECTIONfirst direction of adaptation1 "left"
2 "right"
9 "missing value"
8SECOND_DIRECTIONdirection of adaptation in the second session after 4 weeks1 "left"
2 "right"
9 "missing value"
9DOMINANT_EYEdominant eye of the subject1 "left"
2 "right"
9 "missing value"
191RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_25_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the 25th saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording47,31-233,14 "percent"999 "missing value"
192RETENTION_POSTADAPT1_END_REC2amount of retention after the break/after sleep related to the last saccade after the break/after sleep derived from the exponential fit in the 2nd recording49,74-233,19 "percent"999 "missing value"
193SLEEP_LATENCYminutes till sleep starts6,50-36,40 "minutes"99 "missing value"
194SLEEP_DURATIONminutes of sleep in total427,00-547,50 "minutes"999 "missing value"
195AWAKE_TOTALminutes awake in total0,00-44,50 "minutes"99 "missing value"
196WAKE_PERCENT% awake0,00-8,50 "percent"9 "missing value"
197REM_TOTALminutes REM in total67,50-158,00 "minutes"999 "missing value"
198REM_PERCENT% REM13,90-31,00 "percent"99 "missing value"
199S1_TOTALminutes S1 (sleep stage 1 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) min total8,50-76,00 "minutes"99 "missing value"
200S1_PERCENT% S11,70-15,70 "percent"99 "missing value"
201S2_TOTALminutes S2 (sleep stage 2 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total137,00-237,50 "minutes"999 "missing value"
202S2_PERCENT% S226,10-52,80 "percent"99 "missing value"
203S3_TOTALminutes S3 (sleep stage 3 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total36,00-95,50 "minutes"99 "missing value"
204S3_PERCENT% S37,50-19,20 "percent"99 "missing value"
205S4_TOTALminutes S4 (sleep stage 4 according to Rechtschaffen & Kales (1968)) in total56,50-131,50 "minutes"999 "missing value"
206S4_PERCENT% S412,6-31,2 "percent"99 "missing value"


Forschungsfragen/Hypothesen: Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Einfluss visueller Informationen auf die Konsolidierung adaptierter Sakkaden zu untersuchen. Es sollte gezeigt werden, ob (1) freies Sehen in einem natürlichen, räumlich stabilen Umfeld – d.h. einem konstanten egozentrischen visuellen Raum – das sakkadische System rekalibriert und (2) ob visuelle Deprivation oder Schlaf nach Adaptation ihre Konsolidierung fördern. Dazu wurden die Lernkurven der Sequenz Adaptation – Extinktion -Adaptation vor und nach verschiedenen visuellen Konditionen untersucht. Messgrößen für eine Speicherung wie eine Verbesserung der Re-Adaptation waren dabei von Interesse. Freies Sehen diente als Kontrollbedingung für zwei unterschiedliche Arten der Sichtdeprivation (Ganzfeldstimulation und Schlaf). Es wurden zusätzlich Langzeiteffekte nach 4 Wochen bestimmt.

Forschungsdesign: Experimentelles Design, Gemischtes Design, Laborexperiment; mehrmalige Erhebung


Die Probanden saßen in einem abgedunkelten Raum auf einem Stuhl in 1,4 m Entfernung zu einer Projektionsscheibe. Während der Messung wurde der Kopf durch eine Kinnstütze stabilisiert. Als Stimulus diente ein roter Laserpunkt mit einem Durchmesser von 0,1°, der von den Probanden mit den Augen verfolgt werden sollte. Die Augenbewegungen wurden via Videookulographie (Eyelink-II, SR Research Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada) aufgezeichnet. Bei Versuchsdurchgängen mit Adaptation wurde der Beginn eines Blicksprungs online erkannt und das Blickziel entsprechend versetzt.


Erhebung in Anwesenheit eines Versuchsleiters
– Einzelvorgabe
– computergestützt
– spezielle Apparaturen oder Messinstrumente, und zwar: Elektro-Enzephalographie (EEG), Elektro-Okulographie (EOG), Elektro-Myographie (EMG), Aufzeichnung von Augenbewegungen

Population: Gesunde Menschen im Alter von 18-30 Jahren


Der Versuch mit zweistündiger Ganzfeld-Stimulation bzw. normalem Sehen fand zwischen 10 und 16 Uhr statt. Nach 4 Wochen wurden die Probanden in der jeweils anderen Bedingung getestet. Die Schlaf-Bedingung erfolgte nachts.

Stichprobe: Convenience sample


Studie 1:
55 % weibliche Probanden (n=11)
45 % männliche Probanden (n=9)

Studie 2:
66,67 % weibliche Probanden (n=10)
33,33 % männliche Probanden (n=5)

Altersverteilung: 18-30 Jahre

Räumlicher Erfassungsbereich (Land/Region/Stadt): Deutschland/Schleswig-Holstein/Lübeck

Probandenrekrutierung: Aushang; Entlohnung von bis zu 120 Euro (je nach Zeitdauer)

Stichprobengröße: Studie 1: 23 Individuen; Studie 2: 16 Individuen

Rücklauf/Ausfall: Studie 1: Ausschluss von 3 Personen; Studie 2: Ausschluss von 1 Person.


Unmittelbar auf den Datensatz bezogene Veröffentlichungen
Unmittelbar auf den Datensatz bezogene Veröffentlichungen
Voges, C., Helmchen, C., Heide, W., & Sprenger, A. (2015). Ganzfeld stimulation or sleep enhance long term motor memory consolidation compared to normal viewing in saccadic adaptation paradigm. PLoS ONE, 10 (4), e0123831. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123831
Eingesetzte Testverfahren
Eingesetzte Testverfahren
McLaughlin, S.C. (1967). Parametric adjustment in saccadic eye movements. Perception & Psychophysics, 2 (8), 359-362.
Weiterführende Literatur
Weiterführende Literatur
Leigh, R. J., & Zee, D. S. (2006). The Neurology of Eye Movements. New York: Oxford University Press.
Pelisson, D., Alahyane, N., Panouilleres, M., & Tilikete, C. (2010). Sensorimotor adaptation of saccadic eye movements. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34, 1103-1120.
Rechtschaffen, A., & Kales, A. (1968). A Manual of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. Washington: Public Health Service, United States Government Printing Office.
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