Primary data on the study "Chronic pain is associated with reduced savoring of aesthetic experiences"
Cognitive PsychologyAuthors(s) / Creator(s)
Weigand, RosalieMoosmayer, Annika
Jacobsen, Thomas
Aesthetic experiences have previously been associated with positive emotions and positive effects on health. In this context, the concept of aesthetic savoring refers to a cognitive form of emotion regulation that serves to sustain and extend positive emotional experiences and is considered conducive to health and well-being. Chronic pain has been linked at the behavioral level to decreased reward seeking. This is the first study to examine the relationship between chronic pain and aesthetic pleasure seeking behavior. An anonymous cross-sectional survey in a large nonclinical sample of opera, theater, and cabaret attendees is reported (n = 322). Two items were used to assess aesthetic savoring as well as chronic pain. We found a strong negative association (r = -.547) between chronic pain and aesthetic savoring. Overall, this finding contributes to a better understanding of the impact of chronic pain in humans and state-dependent differences in aesthetic experience.
Persistent Identifier of Publication
Study Description
Research Questions/Hypotheses:
Chronic pain is negatively related to the savoring of aesthetic experiences.
Research Design:
Fully standardised survey instrument; repeated measurements
Measurement Instruments/Apparatus:
Field experiment; Data collection took place over 11 time points in an opera house, a theater, and a cabaret. The subjects were made aware of the study by a banner and after the performance were asked to answer two items whose order and scale polarity were randomized.
Chronic pain was assessed with one item of the Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire. The item “In the past 6 months, on average, how intense was your pain?” was answered on an 11-point rating scale ranging from 0 = no pain to 10 = pain as bad as it could be. Savoring was measured by the item ” I savored today’s show,” which was answered on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 = not at all to 7 = very much
Data Collection Method:
Survey in the presence of an investigator
- Single target
- Paper and pencil
322 Opera, theater and cabaret visitors
Survey Time Period:
Convenience sample
Gender Distribution:
Age Distribution:
Spatial Coverage (Country/Region/City): Germany
Subject Recruitment:
The participants were made aware of the study with the help of a banner or approached directly by our team, consisting of two men and two women. We approached men and women as well as younger and older people alternately.
Sample Size:
322 individuals
Return/Drop Out:
MD5: 733D8284C3D2DF70F79D539E4BA28CE8
MD5: 42796DFA972C500AE8140485C23AAB85
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | VP | Versuchspersonencode | Zeichenkette "individueller Versuchspersonencode" | 9999 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
2 | GENUSS | Wahrgenommener Genuss | 1 "Gar nicht" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "Sehr" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
3 | SCHMERZ | Item 3 aus dem Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire (CPG; Von Korff, M., Ormel, J., Keefe, F. J., & Dworkin, S. F. (1992). Grading the severity of chronic pain. Pain, 50(2), 133-149.) | 0 "Keine Schmerzen" 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "" 8 "" 9 "" 10 "Schlimmste vorstellbare Schmerzen" | 99 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
4 | SKALENPOLUNG | Polungsrichtung der Skalen. | 0 "Pos-Neg" 1 "Neg-Pos" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
5 | AUFFUERHUNG | Titel der Opern- oder Theateraufführung am Erhebungstermin | 1 "Le Nozze di Figaro/Don Giovanni" 2 "Moby Dick" 3 "Immer Ärger mit den Nachbarn" 4 "Ausnahmezustand" 5 "Liliom" 6 "Neverland" 7 "Hänsel und Gretel" 8 "Die Katze und der General" 9 "Hexenjagd" | 99 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
6 | AUFFUEHRUNGSART | Art der Aufführung, nach der die Befragung durchgeführt wurde | 1 "Oper" 2 "Theaterstück" 3 "Kabarett" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
7 | ITEMREIHENFOLGE | Reihenfolge der Fragen | 0 "Schmerz; Genuss" 1 "Genuss; Schmerz" | 9 "fehlender Wert: nicht spezifiziert" |
Position | Name | Label | Valid Values | Missing Values |
1 | VP | Subject Code | String "individual subject code" | 9999 "missing value: unspecified" |
2 | SAVORING | Perceived savoring | 1 "Not at all" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "very much" | 9 "missing value: not specified" |
3 | PAIN | Item 3 from the Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire (CPG; Von Korff, M., Ormel, J., Keefe, F. J., & Dworkin, S. F. (1992). Grading the severity of chronic pain. Pain, 50(2), 133-149.) | 0 "No pain." 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "" 8 "" 9 "" 10 "Pain as bad as it could be" | 99 "missing value: unspecified" |
4 | SCALE_POLING | Polarity direction of the scales. | 0 "Pos-Neg" 1 "Neg-Pos" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
5 | PERFORMANCE | Title of the opera or theater performance on the survey date. | 1 "Le Nozze di Figaro/Don Giovanni" 2 "Moby Dick" 3 "Always Trouble with the Neighbors" 4 "State of Emergency" 5 "Liliom" 6 "Neverland" 7 "Hansel and Gretel" 8 "The Cat and the General" 9 "Witch Hunt" | 99 "missing value: unspecified" |
6 | PERFORMANCE_TYPE | Type of performance after which the survey was conducted. | 1 "opera" 2 "theater" 3 "cabaret" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |
7 | ITEM_ORDER | Order of questions | 0 "pain; savoring" 1 "savoring; pain" | 9 "missing value: unspecified" |