Bibliographic Information Creator: Eschenbeck, Heike; Lohaus, Arnold; Braig, Johanna; El-Awad, Usama; Kerkhoff, Denise; Nilles, Hannah; Rüth, Jana-Elisa; Schmees, Pia Contributor:…
Category: Clinical Psychology
Drewes & Gusy (2022). 50plushiv: Psychosoziale Aspekte des Älterwerdens mit HIV und AIDS in Deutschland. Quantitative Primärdaten.
Bibliografische Informationen Ersteller: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Mitwirkende: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Förderung: H.W. & J. Hector Stiftung Titel: 50plushiv:…
Drewes & Gusy (2022). 50plushiv: Psychosocial aspects of growing older with HIV and AIDS in Germany. Quantitative primary data.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Contributor: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Funding: H.W. & J. Hector Foundation Title: 50plushiv:…
Fahrenberg, Jochen (2010). Freiburg Complaint Checklist. Primary data from the standardization sample 1993.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD) Contributor: Fahrenberg, Jochen Funding: Title: Freiburg Complaint Checklist. Primary data from the…
Markwart et al. (2020). Health care competence of adolescents with chronic conditions in transition: Research data from the evaluation of a patient education program.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Thyen, Ute Contributor: Markwart, Henriette; Bomba, Franziska; Ernst, Gundula; Menrath, Ingo; Thyen, Ute; Schmidt, Silke Funding: Federal…
Brähler, Elmar (2014). Normative data from a standardization sample from 1994 for Giessen-Test, Giessen Subjective Complaints List (Short Form), Questionnaire for the Assessment of Recalled Parental Rearing Behaviour, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire and Coping Assessment.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Brähler, Elmar Contributor: Brähler, Elmar Funding: Title: Normative data from a standardization sample from 1994 for Giessen-Test,…
Steyer et al (2004). Development of the Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire (MDBF). Primary data.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Eid, Michael; Steyer, Rolf Contributor: Steyer, Rolf; Schwenkmezger, Peter; Notz, Peter; Eid, Michael Funding: German Research Foundation…
Krampen, Günter (2004). Hopelessness Scales. Primary data from the standardization sample.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Krampen, Günter Contributor: Krampen, Günter Funding: Rhineland-Palatinate Research Fund Title: Hopelessness Scales. Primary data from the standardization…
Fahrenberg et al. (2010). Life Satisfaction Questionnaire. Primary data from the standardization sample 1994.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Unabhängiger Service für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen Berlin (USUMA) Contributor: Fahrenberg, Jochen; Myrtek, Michael; Brähler, Elmar; Schuhmacher,…