Bibliographic Information Creator: Kößler, Franziska J.; Wesche, Jenny S.; Hoppe, Annekatrin Contributor: Kößler, Franziska J.; Wesche, Jenny S.; Hoppe, Annekatrin…
Author: FDZ_wordpress21
Eschenbeck, Lohaus, Braig, El-Awad, Kerkhoff, Nilles, Rüth, & Schmees (2024). Primary data from the YOURGROWTH study: mental health of young refugees: A longitudinal study over two years
Bibliographic Information Creator: Eschenbeck, Heike; Lohaus, Arnold; Braig, Johanna; El-Awad, Usama; Kerkhoff, Denise; Nilles, Hannah; Rüth, Jana-Elisa; Schmees, Pia Contributor:…
Fischer, Göritz, & Gollwitzer (2023). Personality effects on observing and responding to wrongdoing at work: Research data from an autobiographical recall study.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Fischer, Moritz; Göritz, Anja S.; Gollwitzer, Mario Contributor: Fischer, Moritz; Göritz, Anja S.; Gollwitzer, Mario Funding: Title:…
Holtmann, Koch, Luhmann & Eid (2023). Attachment, loneliness, and well-being in emerging adulthood: primary data from a multi-method longitudinal study. (Version 1.0.0)
You’ve requested version 1.0.0 of Holtmann, J., Bohn, J., Koch, T., Luhmann, M., & Eid, M. (2023). Bindung, Einsamkeit und…
Holtmann, Bohn, Koch, Luhmann, & Eid (2023). Attachment, loneliness, and well-being in emerging adulthood: primary data from a multi-method longitudinal study. Version 1.1.0
Bibliographic Information Creator: Holtmann, Jana; Bohn, Johannes; Koch, Tobias; Luhmann, Maike; Eid, Michael Contributor: Holtmann, Jana; Bohn, Johannes; Koch, Tobias;…
Marschallek, Wagner & Jacobsen (2022). Primary data on the study “Smooth as glass and hard as stone? On the conceptual structure of the aesthetics of materials”.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Marschallek, Barbara E.; Wagner, Valentin; Jacobsen, Thomas Contributor: Marschallek, Barbara E.; Wagner, Valentin; Jacobsen, Thomas Funding: Title:…
Marschallek & Jacobsen (2022). Primary data on the study “Materials aesthetics: A replication and extension study of the conceptual structure”.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Marschallek, Barbara E.; Jacobsen, Thomas Contributor: Marschallek, Barbara E.; Jacobsen, Thomas Funding: Title: Primary data on the…
Drewes & Gusy (2022). 50plushiv: Psychosoziale Aspekte des Älterwerdens mit HIV und AIDS in Deutschland. Quantitative Primärdaten.
Bibliografische Informationen Ersteller: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Mitwirkende: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Förderung: H.W. & J. Hector Stiftung Titel: 50plushiv:…
Drewes & Gusy (2022). 50plushiv: Psychosocial aspects of growing older with HIV and AIDS in Germany. Quantitative primary data.
Bibliographic Information Creator: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Contributor: Drewes, Jochen; Gusy, Burkhard Funding: H.W. & J. Hector Foundation Title: 50plushiv:…
Staudt & Baumann (2022). Primary data on “Sensitivity analyses for data missing at random versus missing not at random using Latent Growth Modelling: A practical guide for randomised controlled trials”
Bibliographic Information Creator: Staudt, Andreas; Baumann, Sophie Contributor: Staudt, Andreas; Baumann, Sophie Funding: German Research Foundation (BA 5858/2-1, BA 5858/2-3)…